Brose compared to Bosch, Yamaha and STEPS

And if you have such a strong e motor that you don't even have to work, I question what the good is in riding it?
Some of us love to bicycle and we only want and need a slight extra shove to be very happy.
Why do so many have to have the "strongest" or 'it's not good'.
Different strokes......................................
I"ve had expensive and I've had cheap and the good ones are WAY, way better.
If the cheapies that help you not have to work are satisfying for you, then good for you.

PS - I paid less than 2k for the best system (IMO) out there. Haibike. ;)
It is very similar to buying a car, you have the bragging rights and the sense of security that power is there when you need it. But you rarely use it since you consume more fuel, get speeding ticket, get an accident, etc.. On my electric bike (BBSHD), I normally use the low PAS setting for better battery consumption (more miles per charge).