Brose, an inside view

I’m completely unequipped to review Brose drives. I found this and thought it was amazing. But have zero experience and even less ability to add to any discussion beyond sharing a video I found interesting. I’m sorry. Others will know far more than this kit builder.
It's mesmerizing.
I have one in a Specialized Como 4 but pretty sure it's not the Mag. Quite, smooth, and seems to have enough oomph for me.
the second most enticing motor out of the dozen I’ve had experience with.
Holy socks! 15,000 kilometers? Are you a writer for The Onion? Sorry perhaps that’s overly sarcastic, but jeez, how many motors with that level of performance and reported silent run can even come close to competing? And honest sarcasm free query. Nearly 10,000 miles? What is the market share of users that would rack up ten thousanc miles every 18 months? The bike I use for transportation, not recreation or shopping would run for 3-4 years without needing that level of service. I never rock a cage but live in a small city. That mileage, coming from the kit world seems more hopeful than a solid reality.

BTW, I’m impressed to read a valued member here knocks off 15,000 kilometers in 18 months. Old Iron Butt!

Man, Townie Brose and I’d order it tomorrow!

You’ve really poked my curiosity. Have you ridden and compared Brose to Bosch and Yamaha?
Totally crazy, off the wall idea here.
What is the economic feasibility of purchasing a back up motor? If you need the bike daily could your lbs swap motors and you send one in for rebuild? Just a thought.
You’re in a unique situation at that mileage.
I am high mileage rider also while heading into retirement. I have done 8k recreational miles in a year while I was working . My retirement plans are ...ride my bike all the time. I want another Stromer with a hub motor. I don’t want to go through their lack of service... so I have learned no Stromer or Brose for me so far.
It bothers nobody having to change the belt after 15,000 kilometers?

It would drive me bonkers have to send the drive back every 18 months. I can safely say that I will never be purchasing a Brose powered bike with that maintenance interval.

I will be thrilled to death if I get 15000k without having to overhaul my motor. Coming from a mountain biking background where serious maintenance occurs on a 50-100 hour schedule, this sounds like bliss to me.