Bosch Announces Green Light for DualBattery with the Smart System


Well-Known Member
Walyalup, Western Australia
Starting in autumn 2023, Bosch enabled the first combinations of two batteries for the familiar DualBattery function on the Smart System. With update 1.20 of the eBike Flow app, the last barriers are now falling. In future, you will be able to combine any battery that is compatible with the current drive system at the same time and thus increase the range of your ebike.

More details in eBike24's blog post here.
Is there anyone running a dualbattery setup ? Ive a gen 4 cx that was on my wifes cargo bike As the bike was ran into by a van and left a writeoff but it was under warranty and as retailer couldnt repair it she was covered for a new bike and i got to have the motor and batterys that were not could i run 2 batterys off that one motor? I know it says paired batterys but is that just the 250watt range extender or is there folks out there running say a powerpack 500 and a tube 500 together?
Yes. Works just fine. Worst case you just need an update.
Ditto here with 2 x 500Wh Bosch Gen 4. I suspect there may be a possibility that either firmware or settings will need to be changed by a Bosch dealer. Perhaps check with the dealer first.
Ditto here with 2 x 500Wh Bosch Gen 4. I suspect there may be a possibility that either firmware or settings will need to be changed by a Bosch dealer. Perhaps check with the dealer first.
Thats gotta happen eitherways as im sure id need a harness to connect all,and off topic but ive a few bikes motors etc would a intuitiva display work with a smart system my partners not big into the tech side of things and really likes her display as the older purion was to small for her,even as a single battery setup shes already got a gen 3 performance line and wants a gen4 which we have one available its a smart but so was her gen3 a smart system and ran that display? Ill know when my dealer gets me booked in but there having a bita trouble at there shop its been closed for couple weeks now there hoping to be open for next mth and ive a few motors to be checked over but if i know the display will work then ill gen her gen4 switched over 👍
Intuvia no. The new Intuvia 100 is the Smart System equivalent of the old Intuvia.

Nothing is cross-compatible between System2 and Smart System- they use different drive units, batteries, and displays. So you can't mix and match unfortunately.

Also I don't think that a gen3 PL motor is bolt compatible with a gen4 PL Speed or PL CX if that is what you are considering doing.

Intuvia no. The new Intuvia 100 is the Smart System equivalent of the old Intuvia.

Nothing is cross-compatible between System2 and Smart System- they use different drive units, batteries, and displays. So you can't mix and match unfortunately.

Also I don't think that a gen3 PL motor is bolt compatible with a gen4 PL Speed or PL CX if that is what you are considering doing.

Thanks dude, heres the funny part ive also the gen 3 performance line 2021version bdu365 and its exactly the same as the 2019AL+,i once had trouble with the performance line board were it was just clicking and not turning on So i changed the board from active line+ and put it in the performance line and it worked perfectly i also swapped the torguesensor as again it was the same item but had what looked a higher rating so im cycling around with a performance line motor active plus board and sensor and everythings perfect,so i ended up thinking what if i put the performance board in the active just to see but i misplaced the other torguesensor so i carefully gripped the performance board in faom and gripped it into a vice just enuf to hold it plugged it in with a display and it worked speed gauge came up i could go between modes etc so im waiting to get back home to my garage to put the activelineplus together with performance sensor and board to see if itll work im 90%itll work.has anyone had this before.also the 2021 performance line i think was the first smart systems as it was meant for 22 as the date shows on the inards of the motor 09/21 and the old purion display works on the performance motor.
What is system 2??, intuvia 100 is for smart systems and the original intuvia is for system2,so what is system 1?? This is were i think i got caught out with my fatherinlaws old haibike classic emtb,anyone any input ? (I think the xduro29sl was one of the first emtb's as that same year 2014 bosch brought out the big gen 2 small sproket full suspension bike) I may be wrong but maybe thats why alot of german folks were very interested in his bike.personally id love it but id have to butcher it to fit a cx 4 or 5 in or maybe a custom bracket setup might be possible 😎options options ✌️