Bikes with Bosch Active Plus?


New Member
I'm looking into getting an e-bike for commuting, 15 miles each way. The ride is fairly flat, except I live on a big hill, so the last thing at the end of the day would be a fairly steep climb with 350ft elevation gain.

I've been doing lots of research, and I've gotten the idea that the Bosch Active line would be good for me. I'd like to stick with a class 1 e-bike, for one thing. I'd like help getting up the hill and maintaining a good pace on days when I am tired, but I'm fit enough to pedal some.

After tons of internet research, I got to do some test rides today. I rode the Trek Verve+ that has the Bosch Active (non plus model). I loved how quiet the motor is and that it is low drag above 20MPH, but it wasn't helping with hills quite as much as I wanted.

I rode the Trek Super Commuter+ 7, with a Bosch Performance motor. It was super peppy and gave me plenty of help for hills. It felt like more bike than I wanted, and the motor noise was noticeable. It also had more drag above 20mph than the Active. I haven't totally ruled out the Bosch Performance (the hill climbing was pretty nice), but I would want it on a less chunky (and cheaper) bike than the Commuter+7.

Finally, I rode a 2017 Trek Conduit+, with the Shimano Steps motor. From internet research, I had gotten the sense that the Bosch motors where preferable, but I actually had a pretty good experience on this bike. The Steps is louder than the Active, but quieter than the Performance. It does have more drag than the performance above 20MPH. It also doesn't have shift sensing, which the Bosch has. But it was noticeably better than the Bosch Active at hill climbing.

Motor aside, the Conduit+ fit me well, and I am seriously considering just going with it. But I'd love to give the Active Plus motor a try. If it can equal the Steps in hill climbing while being quiet and low drag, it would be ideal for me.

The problem is that I've only found one 2018 bike model available in the US that uses the Bosch Active Plus motor: . This bike looks pretty good to me, but I'd prefer if it didn't have suspension, and if it did come with fenders and lights. I also haven't found any local shops that stock that model so I can see it in person, and it makes me nervous to buy it sight unseen.

Does anybody know of any other 2018 bikes available in the US with the Bosch Active Plus?


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Cube CROSS HYBRID ONE Allroad 400 Ebike
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
Thanks! That is super helpful. The Cube Cross Hybrid One looks really promising. Now to see if I can find a local dealer that stocks it.