Bikee Bike DYI Mid Drive kit status

ray fritz

New Member
Anyone have any experience with this technology? I know they launched a successful Kickstarter
campaign and expected the first product to be available 2 months ago ( November). It does not appear that
they have delivered. This looks to be the most interesting DYI mid-drive kit to me- but if they are not going to deliver I may have to change plans. Anyone have any knowledge / thoughts on Bikke Bike or any mid drive DYI
kits you prefer?
Anyone have any experience with this technology? I know they launched a successful Kickstarter
campaign and expected the first product to be available 2 months ago ( November). It does not appear that
they have delivered. This looks to be the most interesting DYI mid-drive kit to me- but if they are not going to deliver I may have to change plans. Anyone have any knowledge / thoughts on Bikke Bike or any mid drive DYI
kits you prefer?
Look into Bafang mid-drives. A bit pricey but not too bad. Powerful and quiet, they have several sizes and pricing to match most build needs.
I'm with Rick. The Bafang have gone through changes and improvements. The first models had several troublesome glitches. Kickstarter stuff is interesting but not really been rung out by thousands of users. No one seems to want the 350-500w in the USA but I've got two that have been running for 2 1/2 years. 20mph no problem. A bit faster for the 750w and 10mph more with the 1000w. I've dumbed down the 1000 w and limited wattage and speed.
The video was very well done. The kit is very nice looking too. I just don't trust those wireless consoles. Gimme a wired set of buttons on the bars.