Bike riding etiquette

I love it here. Three cyclists met only so far, and any of them returned the greeting.


Near Jedwabno, Masuria, Poland
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Here is the deal... Always record your Strava ride in the EBike category, unless you are an A$$hat and want puppies to die on the interwebs.

Be kind and always defer to non-powered forms of transportation... get a bell and stay off of multi-use paths unless you are a masochist. 😉
Updated my Strava and finally ebike is a persistent option. Some pretty crappy programming initially, but I take your point about puppies 😉.

Multi-use paths are fine if you pick your times and locations. Here in Calgary, you won't get me on the path along the Bow River on weekends without some sort of major incentive like 🍻 and even then, it would have to be a Citra hopped, craft Pale Ale.
Particularly in these times I’ve been riding the interlocking country roads surrounding my farm. Generally solitary riders say hello as do walkers/joggers. Many locals too Who smile at the old man on his bike. Further out (which is happening more frequently on my new Allant) not so much. But I do what I can to get along even pulling over if (infrequent) traffic piles up behind me. I’ve ridden some trails such as the Governor's trail (Richmond to Williamsburg) and a shorter one in Ashland. Crowded at times and less interesting than the roads. I am going to the HighBridge trail next week after the storm mainly for the history of the bridge.
I’m new to Strava and am just using the free version on top of the COBI connection. I didn’t know there was an ebike category...where do I find it...I like puppies
Just be yourself and nod or say hello and if there is no response, don’t get concerned over it. Sometimes the response is delayed and you don’t hear or see it. DON’T EVER stoop below the level of who you are. Don’t ever make it your problem. Also, show some respect when approaching other riders and walkers. Slow down.
Obeying traffic laws, many years ago on an acoustic bike, I my was hit by a bus and soon after by a car. I quit riding for years. Now on my ebike I wear bright colors and use a radar warning unit whenever on the road. Fortunately, no issues yet but I burned rubber using my brakes a few days ago when I almost T-boned a kid biking through a stop sign! 😕
Today I stopped for some horse riders as to avoid spooking their horses...not a nod or thank you from any of them. I stopped for three doe and got the same response.😉🚴‍♀️
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... I didn’t know there was an ebike category...where do I find it...I like puppies
On my Samsung Android phone, when I choose "Record" there's an icon for "sport" or "activity" (not sure what the label is, but it's right above the START button).

One of the options is E-Bike Ride. It seems to be my default now, which is good.

I prefer kittens, but certainly wish puppies no harm...
Particularly in these times, I’ve been riding the interlocking country roads surrounding my farm. Generally, solitary riders say hello as do walkers/joggers. Many locals too Who smile at the old man on his bike. Further out (which is happening more frequently on my new Allant) not so much. But I do what I can to get along even pulling over if (infrequent) traffic piles up behind me. I’ve ridden some trails such as the Governor's trail (Richmond to Williamsburg) and a shorter one in Ashland. Crowded at times and less interesting than the roads. I am going to the HighBridge trail next week after the storm mainly for the history of the bridge.

I’m new to Strava and am just using the free version on top of the COBI connection. I didn’t know there was an ebike category...where do I find it...I like puppies

Here are the detailed instructions from Strava to record an EBike ride... so many puppies have been saved! 😉


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Obeying traffic laws, many years ago on an acoustic bike, I my was hit by a bus and soon after by a car. I quit riding for years. Now on my ebike I wear bright colors and use a radar warning unit whenever on the road. Fortunately, no issues yet but I burned rubber using my brakes a few days ago when I almost T-boned a kid biking through a stop sign! 😕
Today I stopped for some horse riders as to avoid spooking their horses...not a nod or thank you from any of them. I stopped for three doe and got the same response.😉🚴‍♀️
On Friday I came around a tight corner going fast on a trail and startled a small doe who dashed across my path within 10 feet of me and quickly disappeared into the woods. It happened so quickly and quietly that I barely had time to react at all. Fortunately for both of us the timing was so perfect that neither of us was hurt. It was a bit like a dream.😎
It’s not my first encounter with a deer on that path and I’ve been lucky I didn’t get run over either time.
I notice in my morning Ebike travels I see other bikers. 99% of them are young(er) acoustic bikers with the tight shorts, tight shirt, shoes clamped into some fancy pedals and riding the skinny, what we used to refer to as 10 speeds. I wave to every one that I come across. So far in about 20 rides, I don't think one has waved back. Do the 10 speed riders not like us Ebike warriors? Is there a secret wave?
Taylor, thanks for asking that question. I was wondering the same thing as it happens alot here too, north of you, in the Portland area. I did some reading and it seems that there is a special breed of biker where this smug, snob attitude seems to prevail with. They are roadies, and they could care less about anyone waving at them or saying hello. They hang strictly with other serious roadies and they are not easy going and friendly on the road, like most other bikers. Mountain bike people don't mind dirt or sloppy clothes when riding, and they are friendly. True roadies have to stay clean and light and dress tight. For them even the weight of a small light to save themselves from becoming roadkill is just too much extra weight. Go figure. So, yes, they don't wave back or smile. Their on a mission of some sort, but it ain't about having fun or being friendly.
Do you stop at stop signs or stop lights on empty roadways or streets?
Here in Wa. state, the bike laws are real good and favor the bikers. The law say's bikers have the same rights as cars. We can use the roadway for turns and we are allowed to not stop for stop signs, just look and keep rolling. For lights we are allowed to go through them after stopping. I prefer to wait them out myself but I can go through on a red if it's clear.