Bike Horrible Vibration and Speed issue


New Member

On my ride into work today the bike starting vibrating horribly after 6 miles into my commute. A message popped up that said my speed was too high. However, I was barely going 17 MPH and certainly never reached 28 MPH. After the vibration started, anytime I put any pressure on the pedals the problem continued. When I turned off the assist, the problem went away. I was able to limit the rest of the way to work, but clearly there is an issue. This is only my third time riding the bike.

Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.

Thanks Rincon,

It appears that I need a new motor cable. I am driving the bike down to Lenny's on Wednesday. I am crossing my fingers that this will solve the issue.

Thanks for your advice on this.
Agree with Rincon...torque on the rear wheel is really specific because of the torque sensor(20 Nm, as I remember). Hope the new cable solves the problem...
Thanks Smitty,

I took the bike down to Madison to replace the motor cable. That did solve the issue. I am hopeful that I am good to go.

Thanks Smitty,

I took the bike down to Madison to replace the motor cable. That did solve the issue. I am hopeful that I am good to go.

The replacement cable for my ST2 showed up today. I had the bike largely disassembled in preparation for the repair. Aside from the complete PITA of removing the screws that keep the plastic battery sleeve and motherboard in place, it was really simple. If the battery door could be removed it would make it a million times easier, but even removing the four screws at the hinge of the door didn't seem to detach it. I didn't want to force it, so the door stayed on. Essentially, I had the option of either seeing what I was doing, or doing what needed to be done with my left hand. And I'm right handed. I got it though. I was probably an hour of dealing with the battery sleeve screws and 10 minutes of removing and replacing the cable. Everything *seems* kosher. I'l put 10 miles or so on it without leaving the neighborhood, but this weekend it's supposed to be beautiful, and in Northern Vermont you have to take advantage of what little beautiful weather we get. Sunday I'm going to try a long ride, but I'll make sure I have my ohone and that my wife is availa ble to rescue me should it fail again. Fingers crossed!
Nice going Chuck...hope it continues to go well! Quick question...where are you in Northern Vermont...I spent 42 years at JSC and did a lot of biking in the vicinity...
Nice going Chuck...hope it continues to go well! Quick question...where are you in Northern Vermont...I spent 42 years at JSC and did a lot of biking in the vicinity...

I live in Essex Jct. but work in Colchester. It’s a very hilly 4.5 mile ride each way. The Stromer smooths out those hills really well.

I assume you know that Johnson State College and Lyndon State College merged. Why they didn’t name the new university Lyndon Johnson is beyond me. I’d bet anything we know some people in common. Small world... even smaller Internet.