Best Rock Ever? Nominations, No Air Supply!

If Devo were Japanese and all female, this may be what you would have.

Please, stick around for the second song at about the 3:00 mark. I’ve never heard of this band before I saw them live last weekend. My friend was told about them and he is my concert buddy. Our wives aren’t big fans of our musical tastes, so him and I go. They are fantastic live! So much energy. There was a drunk (maybe) dude about 300lbs swinging his 40 pound arms wildly in the mosh pit. I didn’t dare enter. Instead, I stayed by the side to help others off the floor when they fell. I was kind of mad at the guy. It’s an over 16 show. There were some small girls in the pit too. Danger!

Note: no one got hurt.
If Devo were Japanese and all female, this may be what you would have.

Please, stick around for the second song at about the 3:00 mark. I’ve never heard of this band before I saw them live last weekend. My friend was told about them and he is my concert buddy. Our wives aren’t big fans of our musical tastes, so him and I go. They are fantastic live! So much energy. There was a drunk (maybe) dude about 300lbs swinging his 40 pound arms wildly in the mosh pit. I didn’t dare enter. Instead, I stayed by the side to help others off the floor when they fell. I was kind of mad at the guy. It’s an over 16 show. There were some small girls in the pit too. Danger!

Note: no one got hurt.
I'm not good at posting links but Melt Banana is THE BEST Japanese band! My wife utterly hates the greatness of Melt Banana, and most other Japanese bands for some reason. She does tolerate the Japanese band Sigh though.