Best methods to secure components

The boss has offered, but I feel like wheeling a bike through the building twice a day might be frowned on by customers. If we can find an area that makes sense to do it I will take advantage.
If I were to see someone wheeling a bike through the store twice a day, I would like that. It would let me know that the management supports biking to work.
Also, I replaced my quick releases with special skewers that need a 5 sided screw to function. Still not perfect, but I doubt your average thief would have it.
My e-bike doesn't look very expensive and there are other more expensive bikes around, and a lot of people around my area use thin cable locks, and I use a thick u-lock, so I don't think I will get mine stolen.
I ended up getting a New York Standard Kryptonite Ulock.

I've got Hexlox on order for wheel, computer, seat, seat post, and stem.