I am very new to EMTB, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I never rode full suspension or even hardtail before March or so.
However, I am now a big fan of Motobecane here, I have the bottom-of-the-line ULTRA eAdventure full suspension and I'm having a blast with it! I've owned it only 400 miles, but I've had zero problems so far. The HAL frames are great-- again, I have little basis for comparison, but the welding, fit and finish are outstanding, and the balance and handling of the ULTRA eAdventure are stunning. It's faster and more stable going downhill than any other bike I've ridden of any kind. That ULTRA is underpowered for sure-- I'm doing 3,600 feet of climbing in 27 miles, and at 64 years old, the 40 Nm power plant provides only basic assistance, so that's a serious workout for me. But I never in my wildest dreams imagined I'd be taking rides this long or doing this much vertical when I bought the bike, and part of the idea was to get into great physical condition, so I'm a very happy camper.
The eboost M600 will have a lot more power, but I don't know a lot about some of the components. With Bafang, and the M600 in particular, I would do some research on that particular motor. You can start with this thread:
I have first hand experience with Ultra, M600 with metal gear, M600 with quiet gear. With metal gear the M600 is obnoxiously loud. Many of those claiming it wasn't that bad ended up switching when Luna came out with the quiet gear. 😅 With the quiet gear the M600 is acceptable, I'd say...
Mostly, the complaints seem to be tunability and noise, though the general impression seems to be positive. But you should absolutely do a deep dive into reviews for this particular motor to make sure it's what you are looking for, and research the cycle computer as well.
Beyond that, my other concern would be that the eboost M600 is class III, which means that generally, it is generally not allowed on trails in California. However, this is a rapidly evolving area of law. The other issue is, are rangers or LEOs actually checking? My hunch is that they are not now, but they very well may in the future, which is why I went with a Class I bike.
The thread above also has some notes about Luna's implementation of the M600 having some issues, though I don't know if the Enduro X1 uses that motor, or if Luna's issues have been resolved. Don't know anything about the company.
I wouldn't worry too much about about fitting in with other bikes, but I'm an old punk, so that's just how I roll. My bike looks like an e-bike, it has a huge battery sitting on the down-tube, and my experience is, other riders either accept you or they don't; you can't predict what preconceived attitude they will or won't bring to the trail or the road. I ran into some riders on high-end e-bikes just earlier this week on the trail, and while I wouldn't say they were snobby, they weren't particularly friendly-- an acoustic MTB rider on the same trail was actually much more welcoming, and I've had roadies give me a big thumbs up as well.
The other issue is, make sure you have a local bike shop (LBS) that will service the M600 specifically. I'm lucky-- my LBS doesn't sell Shimano motors, but they are Shimano dealers. (They would probably send the motor out for work, but they'd handle it.) Curiously, they didn't tell me this until I'd spent about $1,000 there on two different bikes. I've only done upgrades so far, have not had to have any service done, but see if you can get a straight answer. An LBS may try to hard-sell you on their own bikes, and you can't blame them for that, but that may not mean that they won't service other eBikes. My approach was to be honest, and I just said, "Look, I'm probably not going to buy a bike from you, but if we can work together, I probably will be spending some money here, and I want to develop a good relationship with a store for parts, upgrades and service. What can you do for me?"
Best of luck, and please let us know how it goes! There's not a Motobecane forum here, though there should be!