BBS02 power and speed limit setting?


New Member

with the BBS02 controller, will I be able to set a max watt power and speed limit?

For public road use I’d like to set it to 500W and 20mph/32kph to remain legal, and be able to show those settings to a police officer if I get pulled over.
For offroad use I’d like to open it up and run it without limits


with the BBS02 controller, will I be able to set a max watt power and speed limit?

For public road use I’d like to set it to 500W and 20mph/32kph to remain legal, and be able to show those settings to a police officer if I get pulled over.
For offroad use I’d like to open it up and run it without limits

Sure but is it that important? Who's checking? Offroad without limits makes the BBSHD a better choice.

with the BBS02 controller, will I be able to set a max watt power and speed limit?

For public road use I’d like to set it to 500W and 20mph/32kph to remain legal, and be able to show those settings to a police officer if I get pulled over.
For offroad use I’d like to open it up and run it without limits


1. I seriously doubt you'll be pulled over.

2. If you are pulled over, I'd even more surprised if they gave a darn about your settings.
1. I seriously doubt you'll be pulled over.

2. If you are pulled over, I'd even more surprised if they gave a darn about your settings.

Hi Ahicks
You’re right, until you get involved in an accident and lose your insurance coverage if they find out that you drove an illegal vehicle (Class 2 here is limited to 500W and 32 km/h on the public road network).
Hi Ahicks
You’re right, until you get involved in an accident and lose your insurance coverage if they find out that you drove an illegal vehicle (Class 2 here is limited to 500W and 32 km/h on the public road network).
Ah, so you’re in one of those nanny states. Highly unlikely in the USA.
Hi Ahicks
You’re right, until you get involved in an accident and lose your insurance coverage if they find out that you drove an illegal vehicle (Class 2 here is limited to 500W and 32 km/h on the public road network).

1. This will depend on your level of paranoia.

2. To lower that level maybe, look into what might be involved in PROVING your bike is illegal, as long as you have the upper speed limit set correctly. There are SO many ways of rating motor wattage I doubt seriously they will ever go there. I can assure you that proof will involve a very large budget for sure. Maybe if your accident caused the death of a bus load of nuns for instance.......

3 class system itself is stupid. A new law in Florida completely erases the distinction between them.
With the BBS02, you can set a max speed from the display panel, I did it once.

My speed changes made with the display had no affect until I made some changes in the controller programming with a computer/USB serial cable.
Power can only be changed with programming
But if you only care about what it displays, you should be ok just using the display.
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My speed changes made with the display had no affect until I made some changes in the controller programming with a computer/USB serial cable.
Power can only be changed with programming
But if you only care about what it displays, you should be ok just using the display.
Thanks Gionnirocket, much appreciated. I’ll make sure I get the USB cable
Guys, how can i technically set the wattage to for example 250W in this motor?
Current limit to 5.2A? Or something different?

(not my settings below, just screen form the net)

@Gionnirocket @Stefx73
Voltage x Amperage = Watts
So generally, 5.2A @ 48v is 250 Watts
Voltage is variable from full charge to depletion as well as load so there is no absolute way to set it to 250W... You must use Amperage.
Okay, how about the nominal power (EU) regulation and peak power?
For example bosh motors are labeled as 250 'nominal' power but they are cut to 15A so they are rated to max peak on around 600W.

Motors can draw a lot of power, especially at startup under load.
So you can think of it this way... Peak power is what it may use for a short period under certain circumstances but Nominal is what it is designed to use under normal continuous use. Keep in mind that these are nameplate numbers and typically a generalization of ability and not absolute.
What are you trying to achieve?
If you are looking to limit the power to wheels on the Bafang, you can do so but limiting the Current at both the overall setting at the top of the settings page and subsequently the current for each PAS. Again take these with a grain of salt as actual will be close but not exact.
The purpose is to comply the EU 250W regulation.

But what i found in above topic:
Every e bike has a nominal input of 0w as when it is turned off or not in use due to the fact that the speed you are traveling overrides the amount of assist the controller is set to provide.

Peak output is based on the battery voltage times the Amps the controller is set to. As an example most of the manufactured eBikes of EU origin use a 36v battery. Their controllers are known to run at 15A on average which equals 540w peak.

The whole "250w" thing is a total crap shoot because just about any eBike will provide 250w of continuous power but the EU legislation this is based on is not at all clear about whether that is peak or what they refer to as nominal....

These EU 250 engines are going in peak to 540W
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I'm left wondering if your local authorities are going to be carrying a laptop around with them so that they can check your setting? Without that laptop, how would they be so convinced you are running illegal power levels?
The will do in case of accident.
In my country everything over 250W is a motor-bike (250W-4kW) (not motorcycle) and need to be registered (that is not an issue), but cannot use cycle lines, so comes to be useless.
The will do in case of accident.
In my country everything over 250W is a motor-bike (250W-4kW) (not motorcycle) and need to be registered (that is not an issue), but cannot use cycle lines, so comes to be useless.
I understand that piece, loud and clear. My question is, do your local authorities have any method for testing your bike - after an accident let's say? My bet would be no.

This does bring into doubt the value of crippling a large Bafang mid drive with a low max amp setting. How much weight do you beleive they would place on that setting when clearly the performance potential is 6 times the max legal?
Yes, they always have - they can call a 'specialist' in court who will determine it. Probably after that he would messure that or most probably read its 750W engine and then i could ask for measurement because its capped and then it could be a bicycle not motored-bike. No matter on car, motorcycle or bicycle i have the insurane, but insurance will not work if i will have insurance for bicycle but not ride the bicycle in terms of legislation.

The case is got nice bike, but have not readed carefoully this legislation and now i am trying to fix it. same as this one
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