Battery has weird values from different sides


New Member
Hi I have built my first battery pack.

In my first video here you can see where I measure from the first negative cell group, which is of course the first lonely negative cell-group of seven cells. There are no parallells going from this negative cell-group, because they start at the other positive end of this cell-group which bridges over to the second negative cell-group. At the other end I measure the positive cell-group at the end, which is standing alone with no parallell connections(like the first negative did not have either). Here everything reads fine and it shows what it should which is 48 volts:

Now, here is the other video. For where I measure the first negative cell group(that also has series connections to the sides so maybe it is in reality a positive cell-group?) to the last positive. This shows minus 40,7. Any idea why this is? Maybe it is just normal I don't know but I find it strange:

I am new to this so it could be that this is completely normal. I just don't know and my experience in the past has been that when I switch an electric circuits I get the same reading but from the other side. Only negative. But now I get 48 and 40 which are quite different.
In the second video, where you switched the red/black probes around, it's clear that you didn't put your probes on the same spots in both videos. You moved them to the opposite side of the battery and who knows where you were measuring.

If you're going to prove that flipping the probes around reverses the value, put the probes on the same spots,