battery charger plug size?


New Member
I got a Rad City and really like it. Where I park the bike it is not next to a wall and I would like to extend the wire between the charger and the bike so the power brick isn't hanging in the air or lying on the ground next to the bike. I am very familiar with wiring. What I am wondering is if I get a second charger to splice longer, what is the size of the plug on the battery? It looks like a 5.5 by 2.1 but was wondering if anyone knows for sure.

On that note is the battery BMS built in to the battery or is it on the charger? As I don't want to alter the original charger (might keep it at work) can I get a "dumb" 54.6 volt supply and use it without issues?
Here is a link to a 16-foot charge cord extension cable :

You could verify the plug size with Rad Support, but it looks like it will fit.

I believe the BMS is in the battery pack.

Rad has their 48-volt charger for $39. MRI- has one for $36.

Regards - RangerDave
Here is another choice for 48 volt charger. This one has a switch to select from 80%, 90%, and 100% charge cycle for extending life of battery. You will have to get the proper 2.1mm barrel connector.
5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel plug, also called DC power plug. Very commonly used on inexpensive chargers.
Given the warranty and lack of a 50% setting I don’t find those $70 (shipped) chargers a good value. YMMV.

I buy packs of ten and make my own adapters. We’re seeing battery pack builders moving away from the DC power plugs. They are fine for 2A but a cursory review of their specifications seems to indicate they might not be the right choice for higher charge rates.

* (This is a connector better suited. Note, it’s actually rated for much higher voltages and amperes.)

I use a Satiator and it’s now finishing the 4th season. There’s nothing wrong with cheap fanless chargers from Aliexpress. Great backup for 100% charges. Same as sold by many for $25-$35, $10 shipped. Just a slow delivery. Another Chinese holiday until Oct 7th.

BMS is in the battery pack.

I would not use a long extension of the output cable. There is no indication as to wire gauge or amp rating. I’d rather use a decent quality extension cord to AC.

BTW those cables are very cheap.

As always, YMMV!
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I did get an amazon charger with the 5.5 x 2.1 size and it works. I noticed in the reviews someone with a Rad City had been using one for a while.

I wish I had seen those 5.5 x 2.1 extensions :) I did end up opening the charger and adding 12 feet of #16 to it. The existing wire is #22, seems too small to me, but 2 amps and 2 feet it might be OK.

I have the extra charger is mounted on the wall and the cord runs up to the ceiling, over and hangs down about a foot off the ground where the bike usually is. It makes it easy to plug and unplug. If I want the cord out of the way I put a hook on the wall in front of the bike to hook the hanging wire in to hold it out of the way.