Bafang BBS01

I can't seem to find it... But there is a modular plastic chain guard out there. I think it was a Dutch company, but not certain. Try a deep Google search.
Depending on your frame you may be able to run the cables in the frame. Mine has large diameter aluminum tubes and I did it without soldering or issue.


Edit: I think I found it...
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@Gionnirocket, Brilliant! That is perfect for him. It is easier to swap the cog than to change the ring. It keeps the chain line. You can also bring the line in or out at the rear by flipping the cog.


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I can't seem to find it... But there is a modular plastic chain guard out there. I think it was a Dutch company, but not certain. Try a deep Google search.
Depending on your frame you may be able to run the cables in the frame. Mine has large diameter aluminum tubes and I did it without soldering or issue.

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Edit: I think I found it...
I already knew the Chainglider. I'm just afraid it will make noise when I'm cycling. I also read that the bicycle chain corrodes the plastic of the Chainglider. You have nice big holes in your bike. Mine are not that big (see photo).

Even if the Bafang's main cable could pass through, the problem is the thickening of the cable's end; the piece that has to be connected in the other part of the cable. Those pieces go exactly in the middle of the frame's down tube.

P.S. The Chainglider's system is almost like the diy trick with the flexible plastic irrigation or electrical flex wire harness tubing posted by PedalUma:)


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You will laugh at this HD. You would never see this in the Netherlands. See the leather tassels? If you like it I will show you another motor system with a throttle where I chopped the fat connector to go thru frame. I like your bike. Gazelle - Classic.
I already knew the Chainglider. I'm just afraid it will make noise when I'm cycling. I also read that the bicycle chain corrodes the plastic of the Chainglider. You have nice big holes in your bike. Mine are not that big (see photo).

Even if the Bafang's main cable could pass through, the problem is the thickening of the cable's end; the piece that has to be connected in the other part of the cable. Those pieces go exactly in the middle of the frame's down tube.

P.S. The Chainglider's system is almost like the diy trick with the flexible plastic irrigation or electrical flex wire harness tubing posted by PedalUma:)
Well these kits require some compromise.
As for the Chainglider I would think that a wax based lube would be safe... Especially if you wipe off all the solvent after application.
As for the holes... You have two choices.
Enlarge them to pass the connection head or cut and solder. If your close to getting the connection head to pass, I'd opt to enlarge... How are your soldering skills?
Put the chain in a plastic jar with laundry soap and water. Shake for five minutes. Rinse. Dry. Then place the chain in a plastic jar with alcohol or acetone. Shake for five minutes. Rinse and dry. Then use this dry lube. It is safe with plastics because it is not petroleum.
You will laugh at this HD. You would never see this in the Netherlands. See the leather tassels? If you like it I will show you another motor system with a throttle where I chopped the fat connector to go thru frame. I like your bike. Gazelle - Classic.
View attachment 149026
Actually I like it. Is it for children or adults? What is it called in the US?

Yeah show me the other picture please.
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Well these kits require some compromise.
As for the Chainglider I would think that a wax based lube would be safe... Especially if you wipe off all the solvent after application.
As for the holes... You have two choices.
Enlarge them to pass the connection head or cut and solder. If your close to getting the connection head to pass, I'd opt to enlarge... How are your soldering skills?
Yeah, you might be right about the compromise.

I think cutting and soldering is the best solution. I will think about it. Soldering is no problem at all.
Put the chain in a plastic jar with laundry soap and water. Shake for five minutes. Rinse. Dry. Then place the chain in a plastic jar with alcohol or acetone. Shake for five minutes. Rinse and dry. Then use this dry lube. It is safe with plastics because it is not petroleum.
View attachment 149032
Thanks I'll keep that in mind. What is dry lube? Even Google translation has problems with it.
That chopper bike would stand out in Amsterdam. It is called a SIKK. It is a large bike. The owner is 120kg. It has a 750 watt 120 nm motor with a thumb throttle on the left. Okay here it another bike that is thru frame with a torque sensor and throttle on the left. I had to drill. You would also never see it in the Netherlands. It is also 750 watts. This one is called a FatBoy from Specialized. Oh, that lube is MucOff C3 ceramic dry lube.


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In the tropics and by the sea and with an exposed chain with a derailleur, you need oil. Mobile 1 is ideal. I use that when I soak the guts of an Alfine or Nexus. Do you want me to stray off topic to show, 'Bad Dog'? I regularly use modified PVC tool extenders, but this one is special and uses a IGH cog.


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Here is what Bad Dog looks like. It is off topic, forgive me. I just made it from a tool extender. I hate being bitten by loose dogs when ridding. How about you? It takes 1 second to activate and deploy.


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I use PedalUma's method of putting the chain in a jar I use ragu jar shake it up with dawn soap rinse dry and transfer chain in another jar filled with Mobil Oil this time. Shake it up again until color of oil will change from amber to greyish.
This is called wet lube, dry lube never tried.
I like my gold chains naked.
I think y'all chain crazy.
Wash cycle, rinse cycle, lube cycle.🤣🤣🤣
It's a Shimano 7 speed hub gear. No loose gears, no derailleur.
Regardless the chainline will move out 15-20mm. Sorry this old brain can’t remember the exact measurement. That said, why 38T? Lots of inclines? In my limited experience 42T is a BBSxx sweet spot.

BTW, nice looking bike from what I can see. Something ready to roll eBike buyers miss. Kitting an upscale bike can be a superior build. And a build best suited to individual tastes and geometries that are harder to find as finished bikes.

good on you, builds IMO are far more sustainable.

being a plant science guy, Johnny come lately to anything electronic the best investment i made was in a superior soldering iron. And good Kester soldering products. My TS100 (link) made soldering a pleasure rather than an adventure. YouTube school for the terminally inane did it for me.
@tomjasz, It is a single speed chain to a 7-speed Nexus IGH. I do stuff to bikes that is somewhat like what a magician does. I am not going to just give away all my hard earned tricks. Here are a couple more Bafang builds. The first is an HD, the second an SO2, through frame. Bafang builds are rare for me.
I get that. When I was doing support there were, how can I describe it.. secrets? Hard earned l3ssons that I didn’t answer directly rather pointed to the information for the fella to sort and learn their own lessons. Maybe that sounds harsh or ego centric to some but when it’s your bread a butter…

I will say this, neodymium and string with aluminum frames.