Awaiting the arrival of my 2015 Turbo X


Hi all! First time poster here. Glad to find an electric specialized forum! So thanks in advance for all of the data mining I'll be able to do here and learn from.

Full disclosure, my wife's family owns a massive bike/sporting goods store. Part of the joy of your wife being a part of the family business is that I can pick out a new demo bike every year. Order what I want, bring it back in spring or keep it if I love it for another season.

I'm a super Clyde 6' 4" and built like a brick "outhouse" I'm 330' but when I carry less muscle and a few less pounds, I look like a string bean at 265.

I figured some of you might appreciate this info if you are a big guy and wondering if a turbo X is right for you.

For starters the XL is actually useful for tall types and not just wishful thinking. A common complaint from tall riders is the ever creeping bottom bracket height that's been going on the last 8 years or so. You know what I'm talking about, seat so high to get leg extension that every stop at a light is an elegant and well timed fall. Where getting "hooked up" really is referring to the seat/nether connection when trying to mount or dismount. And even the most relaxed geometry bikes turn into aggressive head down contraptions.

I spoke with Oliver at Specialized who is a spectacular guy and weighs more than I do, and he rides a turbo with impunity to no ill effect. In my testing, the bike nicely rewards the prodigious torque I can lay down and certainly gives grin inducing acceleration.

After awkwardly demoing the demo Medium we have in stock, which is a poor fit at best, I was still struck by its comfort, a "just this side" of normal bottom bracket height and to me very reasonable weight.

I was concerned I would as per usual crush the tires, no such luck, they shrugged me off and rolled great.

I was concerned the 20% smaller motor and battery size might struggle under my heft. Again, no such luck. I felt like a kid again. Just like flying! It's brought back the joy of riding again. I'll undoubtedly grab a sweet dual squishy after I get back down to 265, even then that's not an easy proposition at that weight, most bikes just don't ride as well run at max pressures etc. until then, I'm going to just enjoy the process of falling in love with biking again, and I'm not embarrassed to say, the turbo X will get me there.

How have your experiences been so far? What moments have put a smile on your face with this machine?

As an aside, they are locked to 20mph here, needless to say I have access to what I need to unlock that. ;)
Hi Clyde. Glad to have you here. Actually, if I'm not mistaken, I think you're the first EBR community member to pull the trigger on a Turbo X. @Brambor and @Court will correct me if I'm wrong. :)

I'm actually trying to choose between the Turbo X, the Turbo S, and the Haibike Trekking RS. All are good bikes, so it's not an easy choice. I'd be particularly interested to know what you think of the bike for some light off-road riding (nothing too extreme, just unpaved trails).

As for being heavy, don't worry. There are not only featherweights here. I'm 200 pounds, and one of the reasons I was leaning towards the Turbo S was because of my weight. So any feedback you can give about the "X" will be really interesting.

I consider it my duty :) - I haven't yet come across any meaningful information about the bike itself in use, or it being used by someone pushing its pretty impressive "published" weight limit.

I'll be sure to post pics, give you guys an idea of off pavement performance, and in time speak to its durability. My first concern already will be airing up the fork sufficiently. Also, the practical aspects of those tires in use on the shoulders of well sanded roads from this winter.

I'll do my best to provide some good info re that.

Thanks for the warm welcome, and I look forward to contributing!
I'm in the market for a pseudo hybrid e-bike. In the last few months I've been considering the Stromer st1 P, Haibike Fs RX, and a DIY Bafang BB0s 2. Respectively all about 4k, so when I came across this post I immediately went to see if Court had a review of it and WOW this bike is sweet looking and I love the hybrid road tires. I'm curious to read your future posts and insights.

I'm 5'11 and weigh 275 lbs. I'd like a bike that will help me over hills and s*it, but not do everything for me because I look forward to the exercise cycling brings.

Please also post how the bike handles on light trails and dirt paths. I'd like to do some exploring but nothing crazy like down hill MTB. ;)

Thank you
Yeah, Court just posted a review a couple of hours ago. I wish Specialized were more open about the drive specs though. I don't think it's a 200 watt drive, just like I don't think the Turbo S is a 250. My little theory here is the following:

Turbo S = 500 watt GoSwiss drive 5.6 kg 45 nm
Turbo X = 250 watt GoSwiss drive 5.3 kg 40 nm

I've tried both the "official" GoSwiss 500 watt drive (on a different bike) and the Turbo S, and to me they seem pretty much equivalent. Didn't try the Turbo X, but I'm pretty much convinced it's just a repackaged 250 watt GoSwiss. The max speed that can be reached by the standard 250 watt GoSwiss drive is 42 kilometers per hour. That's the 5.3 kg, 40nm version of the drive described on the GoSwiss website.

When you buy an Eflow Nitro** in Switzerland you can "build your bike" and choose between the GoSwiss 250 and 500 drives. It's a shame that Specialized didn't allow us to do the same here. I might be wrong about my 500 vs 250 theory, but frankly I doubt it.

** It's sold under the name Stockli ET and uses the GoSwiss system.

I agree with you, I was parroting the posted specs. My understanding is that the motor in the X more so than the S is the custom one. The magnets are narrower by 20% but this won't correlate to 500w vs 250w

In practice, sweet spot cruising speed only differs by about 4-5kph, which isn't much.

That said, the new Turbo S motor is said to have an upgrade, though the part number stays the same with a peak of 1000w vs a previous 800w, and the X with a peak of 700-750w which leads me to believe it's a custom goswiss 350w motor. I don't know if they market a 350w, but I'd put money on them making them OEM. So all things being equal, the X is pretty much the 2013 version of the Turbo (now known as turbo S)

They have been playing a bit of a shell game, but from what I've been told, it's allowed them to maintain mostly premium performance - differences in acceleration I understand are minimal, it's really that steady state cruise speed that seems to be a titch lower on the Turbo/X.

All in all I am very happy with what they have accomplished. I think they have hit a sweet spot. Not like the old days where your choice was the 5.0 mustang or the V6 ;) hehehe
I'm in the market for a pseudo hybrid e-bike. In the last few months I've been considering the Stromer st1 P, Haibike Fs RX, and a DIY Bafang BB0s 2. Respectively all about 4k, so when I came across this post I immediately went to see if Court had a review of it and WOW this bike is sweet looking and I love the hybrid road tires. I'm curious to read your future posts and insights.

I'm 5'11 and weigh 275 lbs. I'd like a bike that will help me over hills and s*it, but not do everything for me because I look forward to the exercise cycling brings.

Please also post how the bike handles on light trails and dirt paths. I'd like to do some exploring but nothing crazy like down hill MTB. ;)

Thank you

I hear ya, I walked by this bike a 100 times thinking there is no point as it won't haul my carcass...and it was medium. But when I finally took a close look and started seeing the detail, the quality of the components, you realize how beautiful it is. It's very robust and is built for its designed speed, but also for any abuse that might occur at speed...not to mention braking performance.

The thing about the turbo is that while it doesn't have the range of the stromer (which is very a sweet BTW) the specialized combines a still descent battery with a very fast recharge time. The proportions of the bike are far less likely to tip someone off as to what you have. I like pedelecs that fly under the radar...if it's a full on e-bike, I'm probably less concerned and shooting more for pure performance/range, looks be dammed.

The weight is really nice on these and the build quality is least anecdotally. I'll have more for you later.

We have an absolutely spectacular trail system locally. One of the best around. Lots of trails, paved, dirt, pea gravel and off track options. I'll put it through its paces. Most of those would be terrifying with the turbo slicks. So I am as eager as you to find out if these tires are all they are cracked up to be.

Re the front fork. I've looked into it, I know some OEM versions exist, I'll post my findings on
which version this fork is closest too. The top end consumer model is extremely capable, the lowest end OEM one....well it isn't. I'm hoping at the least this one is somewhere in the middle.

I'll post pics and if I can find someone to help, see if I can get some video of it on gravel.

One thing I should say....the turbo armadillo slicks are very sticky and tough as nails. Mounted to (what I think are) 36 spoke hoops makes this even more ideal.

Well, it Arrived today, it will be built by tomorrow.

I am curious if the fork will hold up to my weight, it can be aired up to 165psi max. If this doesn't work I'll have one of the guys slap another fork on. Closest I can find is something with 30mm more travel when all the spacers are in. I know 20mm from spec is about as far as you want to go, however, I'm hoping if I need to go there, another 10mm beyond spec will be ok. I've seen the results of someone running too much of a head angle due to an improper fork. Amazing how the tapered head tube can just peel open.

Wish me luck...
Courts review did make an interesting argument for the Specialized over the Bosch mid drive...chiefly that it's faster and as you mention, silent. The details in the specialized are beautiful too. Also the linear power delivery of the hub motor is a delicious thing! Anyhow, some food for thought. I should be picking it up today, hopefully get a chance to try I today if work doesn't interfere too much!!

Actually, both bikes have exactly the same top speed where I live. The Bosch performance line reaches 28mph (or more realistically 26mph). I need a license plate and limited insurance for either bike, as they belong to the S-Pedelec class. I think Court's reference was from a US perspective. :)

It's funny, I was just driving the kids to school deep in thought and suddenly it came to me that they are likely the same speed. Rats, I was hoping to make it back here before you ;)

Well now, that makes it a bit of a closer race. Do you have a place to try each? As they are both solid systems, it should really come down to fit. The stealth thing does seem extra important in your area too.
Well, since I'm not exactly a paying customer, some other special orders came in. I'd never stand in the way of a customers bike being built, so it's estimated for know, unless something else comes up. It's a huge store, so they get busy. But Friday by the latest. My gut tells me they already started it before going home. So should have it tomorrow. Blast, I hate being patient ;) hehehe!

I also picked up a Lyzem (sp?) 1400 lumen light. Still gets dark early it will be of great use!
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With 1400 lumens you will blow away anything oncoming. Even with my Supernova which they quote about 200 lumens people are protesting (mostly by making overtheatrical gestures) that my light is blinding them. And the light is supposed to be "streetlegal" in Germany. I have directed it so that it is in small angle projecting towards the road.

I have to add that I have started to keep the light on even when there is daylight because it is so bright that even catches people's attention then. Here the cars are required to keep the lights on all the time and I think it help one to see them better even in daylight.
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My light does not stay on always, it can be turned off from the computer or the frontlight itself.

I have the minimalistic Supernova 3-led backlight in my normal bicycle. That is powered by 3W/6V hub dynamo with 2.4W going to the front the rest to the back leds it is very bright even at low speed. The Turbo backlight takes its power from the main battery so it should be even brighter. At least my Turbo frontlight looks brighter than the same light when dynamo powered. One problem that might occur is wearing some kind of jacket that covers the light being at the edge of the seat.

I can't say anything regarding the chain issue in the new models. I'll have to make sure that my jumping is not due to stretched chain or something.
If I really bike in the dark , for example during the winter months, i add two flashers in the rear and two front lights. The road narrows when snow is shoveled and the commute is more dangerous. I realm need to be seen.
funny thing is that normally I wouldn't need additional light in the front but because I wear tinted ski goggles in the winter I need those two extra lights to actually see the road properly ;-)
Well, the bike was finished last night, I installed the 1400 lumen light....hopped on and went for a night ride. Only 3kms but with high winds and numb fingers, I went as far as I could. What a blast. Peddling up a steep hill with my carcass and I looking like a hero, sitting and hammering away at 25kmh.

I decided quickly that the 1400 lumen was WAY overkill....hard to really see how 200 lumen will do the trick when 1400 is available....well I get it now, the supernova is just right with a stellar light pattern. The 1400 also has a great light pattern, but I can see hundreds of feet in front of me in great detail....needless to say I rode out the rest of the ride with just the super nova.

The front fork is indeed a Paragon Gold. That's impressive, it's a great fork. There is just enough air in it to work for me at its max PSI, as Court said, it sure smooths things out.

In the dark turns came suddenly and quickly...I'm just not used to covering that ground at 32kph - once I have it unlocked, it's going to be a rocket ship. Where I noticed the help the most was certainly up steep hills so nice not changing gears to handle the hill, just step on the pedals harder. It is me only better ;)

I'll post some pics and more experiences as I go. For a first little hoot...lots of fun.'s raining :( sigh....

I'll get some pics posted up as soon as it's sunny enough to get nice ones! Thanks for your patience!
Ok, evening update. Between gymnastics for the kids and bedtime, I made a few changes to the bike.

In my area, the mirror isn't a help, so it's gone.

Removed the 1400 lumen light - as per forum members suggestions :)

Removed the body geometry seat - sure wasn't meant for my geometry...sweet mother...not even close. The new seat? I'll update this post when I grab the packaging.

Removed the garbage pedals that came with the bike, replaced them with Shimano Saints I had around. Love these pedals, not the all, but so smooth and more importantly, they can handle my considerable self.

Between the seat and the pedals, it went from a 5 to an 8 in comfort. Once I put a (taller) riser stem on it that's a bit shorter to make my position a little more upright, it will likely be a good 9.5 to 10. But I'll reserve judgement on that.
Pics of the riser stem, saddle, and peddles please. I'm curious... :)

I'll see to getting pictures tomorrow. Riser stem won't be upgraded till next week.

I did another quick night ride after getting the kids to bed, rode 4kms, had a chat with the neighbour lady and parked my wife's car in the garage all within 10 minutes. Hahaha, it was great. So much fun! Took the battery down 12% in all. One way is slight downhill the other way is a slight uphill both with a steep hill in the middle. I was pushing it pretty hard...but considering I weigh between 33% - 75% more than the average rider, it's absolutely phenomenal. it must feel like a rocket ship to lighter riders.

Gotta get it unlocked asap. :)

I cannot convey how impressed I am with the build so far. The bike is absolutely rock solid under me. 180mm disks? Let's just say they saved my skin tonight once... Corners come up on you faster at night on unlit paths.

I've heard some Shimano pads improve these brakes even more. If so, I'll look into it and report back.

My hope is to answer all the questions, and provide lots of the feedback I scoured the net for but never found. I'm hoping those of you with any of these bikes will post your tips. I'll likely turn the first post into an informational with our accumulated knowledge so it's a quick reference. Perhaps we can then turn this into an owners thread and help each other out, post mods etc.

Just a thought, let me know what you think.

...and yes...I'll get a proper avatar up ;)
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