Ariel Rider Support Problems | Never Answers Their Phone

I was leaning toward the Ariel Rider, but I noticed this comment on Youtube too. Hoping that you both get the service you need, I'll be watching for updates...
Gary - Sorry to hear about your misfortune with Ariel and hope it gets resolved soon. I almost bought the M but decided against it because I thought the narrow 20" wheels might not give a good ride. I had a 'bad battery' experience with one bike I bought online and it was addressed immediately by Juiced Riders. My guess would be that a capacitor blew somewhere on your bike. Maybe it was installed backwards or a solder splash shorted it out. Juiced sent me a new battery when mine went bad, no questions asked and before I returned the old one. IMO, Ariel should send you a replacement bike. The hardware issue you've experienced could happen with any bike - especially one built to a low price point. What matters is how the issue is resolved.
Gary - Sorry to hear about your misfortune with Ariel and hope it gets resolved soon. I almost bought the M but decided against it because I thought the narrow 20" wheels might not give a good ride. I had a 'bad battery' experience with one bike I bought online and it was addressed immediately by Juiced Riders. My guess would be that a capacitor blew somewhere on your bike. Maybe it was installed backwards or a solder splash shorted it out. Juiced sent me a new battery when mine went bad, no questions asked and before I returned the old one. IMO, Ariel should send you a replacement bike. The hardware issue you've experienced could happen with any bike - especially one built to a low price point. What matters is how the issue is resolved.

That was a reasoned and well thought out post by rannyv. I have never been up close to any of the ArielRider ebikes. But I have a very favorable view of each of their products, as they have been presented in the reviews presented on this fine website. Especially am I favorably inclined toward the Class M. Seems very well designed and packed with a lot of value for the price. There can be the occasional failure with a battery or most any other component of a recently purchased new ebike from ANY company. What matters here, imho, is if ArielRider does indeed not step up when that occasional issue flares on a bike they sold, and when they thus have an opportunity to prove that they quickly step up and honor the warranty. If this stonewalling of a paying customer, or even the reports of often not being accessible by phone, are pretty much standard operating procedure, then ArielRider needs to make a quick improvement in these areas. Other ebike companies have chosen the shortsighted route and it does not end well.
Gary has responded with an update on Youtube.

I backed away from this bike after some reading of reviews and went with another brand that has proven to be a smart decision.
Anyone have a link to the Youtube comment by Gary? Arielrider has a 1 year warranty on the battery so replacement should be a non issue. I am still considering the W class but am waiting to hear more on others customer service experiences. Like I said before, all my emails to Nora with questions have been answered in a timely fashion.
Anyone have a link to the Youtube comment by Gary? Arielrider has a 1 year warranty on the battery so replacement should be a non issue. I am still considering the W class but am waiting to hear more on others customer service experiences. Like I said before, all my emails to Nora with questions have been answered in a timely fashion.

You can find the comment here: Youtube

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I think that I kinda just fell in love with "the beauty and the beast" of their W-class based on the looks, specs, and reviews and am considering ordering, but these comments concerned me, so I called them just now.

The owner, Arda, answered immediately. It doesn't get any better than that. :) He said that they can also be reached by Facebook Messenger and email.

I don't know what might have been going on last fall and it is concerning to read of, and I don't have any experience as a Customer (yet), but fyi, I can tell you that the owner answered the phone right away today and was very nice. And depending on what you are looking for, their W-class has great looks, specs, and price.

I am not in any way affiliated with Ariel and was NOT asked to post this, just wanted to let you know.
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I'm glad to hear that they finally got their phone back up. If you do order it update us on how it goes!