Are Womens' Cycling Competitions Wrecked?

When I was a kid everyone left the money for the week's milk delivery outside under the doormat or in the milkbox the night before, for early morning pickup. Imagine al that money on every street just sitting there and never got stolen. It was Toronto the Good. Now you can't leave a plastic lawnchair out without expectation that it will gone sometime.
Different population now.
A record number of shootings in one weekend and the Chief says it was only street gangs, so...
But open your restaurant and you get a hundred police and 6 mounted police units.
Look at the original post that started the Thread. LOL This isn't even a topic that should be up for debate . What's next ? Saying Pedophiles were genetically born that way . So it's unfair to not let them park outside elementary Schools handing out candy . That it's unfair to not let them dress up like women and read a bunch of 1st graders a story > Just before they take a nap? Can you imagine someone who died 20 years ago coming back from teh dead ? Do you think they'd say we are crazy ??? ;)

I suppose you can't expect much from the same people that think it's all normal. Actually believe all things should go solar and battery > While at the same time stopping COAL and OIL Production ?? OOH and money really does grow on Trees .
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Look at the original post that started the Thread. LOL This isn't even a topic that should be up for debate . What's next ? Saying Pedophiles were genetically born that way . So it's unfair to not let them park outside elementary Schools handing out candy . That it's unfair to not let them dress up like women and read a bunch of 1st graders a story > Just before they take a nap? Can you imagine someone who died 20 years ago coming back from teh dead ? Do you think they'd say we are crazy ??? ;)

I suppose you can't expect much from the same people that think it's all normal. Actually believe all things should go solar and battery > While at the same time stopping COAL and OIL Production ?? OOH and money really does grow on Trees .

"OOH and money really does grow on Trees."

LOL. No it does not. The bill will eventually have to be paid. IMHO, the trouble with that is everybody thinks somebody else is going to be on the hook to pay it back.
"OOH and money really does grow on Trees."

LOL. No it does not. The bill will eventually have to be paid. IMHO, the trouble with that is everybody thinks somebody else is going to be on the hook to pay it back.
If they were really being honest about Green energy . We'd be developing nuclear power . It's safe clean and cheap . As well as renewable,
Answer: Big Pharma business, bro !



  • Bogus_Winners.jpg
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it’s an interesting predicament society has found itself in, if not directly created.
in terms of the Olympics, I believe male trans althetes seeking to compete in female divisions must test below a certain marker for testosterone for a significant period of time in order to compete.

it is also interesting that most of the news stories have been about male athletes participating & dominating in women’s sports which may be shaping our view of the matter. we don’t hear about any examples of males losing or failing to be competitive in a woman’s sport. nor do we hear about female trans athletes participating and achieving in male dominated sports all that often, maybe the occasional female playing football is an exception.

the question becomes, when both genders are represented in the sport, where should the trans athlete compete and why? biology vs. identity. perhaps even makes us take a second look at why we have a division between male and female athletic accomplishments at all…
and it’s not limited to gender equality either, elite road racing is one of the whitest sports out there. predominantly white and rich. nearly zero diversity. elitist.
in terms of the Olympics, I believe male trans althetes seeking to compete in female divisions must test below a certain marker for testosterone for a significant period of time in order to compete.

Reducing testosterone AFTER the fact of male growth doesn't make the sexes equal for fair competition.

it is also interesting that most of the news stories have been about male athletes participating & dominating in women’s sports which may be shaping our view of the matter. we don’t hear about any examples of males losing or failing to be competitive in a woman’s sport. nor do we hear about female trans athletes participating and achieving in male dominated sports all that often, maybe the occasional female playing football is an exception.

That is a telling example of why it's unfair.

the question becomes, when both genders are represented in the sport, where should the trans athlete compete and why? biology vs. identity. perhaps even makes us take a second look at why we have a division between male and female athletic accomplishments at all…
We have the division in the interest of fairness to females, for the most part. It's not difficult to understand.
Reducing testosterone AFTER the fact of male growth doesn't make the sexes equal for fair competition.

That is a telling example of why it's unfair.

We have the division in the interest of fairness to females, for the most part. It's not difficult to understand.
i don’t have a horse in this race…. but unfairness is a feeling. lots of people feel things are unfair.

i didn’t come up with the testosterone testing thing, but thought it was perhaps a more science-driven approach than merely letting male athletes who identify as female compete against female athletes.

living in 2021, my thinking is that merely banning trans athletes from ever competing, against same or different sexes, in or out of their own identities, would immediately be cancelled and anyone endorsing that would end up in a PR nightmare that would probably ruin them forever. so, if it were me that was responsible for setting the conditions of competiton and how athletes are qualified and how competition is managed and observed and how individual athletes who have each worked hard to get to where they are are respected, i’d have to think carefully about how to proceed unless i truly had nothing to lose and didn’t care about the blamestorming and being put on social media blast and the resulting fallout. 🤣
also maybe ironic that in an (e)biking forum, a sport also infamous for the misuse and abuse of performance enhancing substances, that we’ve come full circle now debating the relative testosterone levels of trans athletes competing against women. 🤣
John McEnroe is being hounded by the likes of these CBS deceivers for commenting that he thinks Serena Williams would be ranked about 700th in the men's tennis.
John takes them down with a simple argument: If you think there is no inherent difference between the sexes, then why not get rid of the system that protects women's sports and put everyone together and see what happens.