Are Womens' Cycling Competitions Wrecked?

Gender is now defined by identity and not biology.
In Connecticut two males who identified as female destroyed most of the girls state records and won too many state championships to count.
i am friends with Alanna Smith’s mother. Here is a video on her.
Thank you for posting the video... this information needs to be shared and identity sports needs to end.
Perhaps it's time to let go of gender division in sports?

My daughter really struggled because boys ( and their fathers) couldn't cope with being beaten by a girl. She stopped competing in mixed team sports at 16 because small minded insecure whimps had to resort to sexualised insults instead of improving their performance. It was disgusting listening to men abuse their sons because " that frkn girl" was better at football ( aussie rules) , or hearing her own team members complaining that the c you nt was ruck again .

At 14 she competed in the national interschool mountain bike championships, her schools team were mostly 15-16 yo boys and over half the team posted slower times than her. But because she had to race in the female class , those slower boys claimed to be better than her! Same track, same day, same clock....

Oh, and for the record, her genetics are xx . Thankfully she hasn't needed the extra personal strength to deal with her gender identity
She stopped competing in mixed team sports at 16 because small minded insecure whimps had to resort to sexualised insults instead of improving their performance. It was disgusting listening to men abuse their sons because " that frkn girl" was better at football ( aussie rules) , or hearing her own team members complaining that the c you nt was ruck again .
What did you do when you heard these things?
What did you do when you heard these things?

Gave the coach 3 chances to improve the culture, supported our daughter privately, and then explained to ALL the parents why their best player might be leaving the team. All but one of the families changed the behaviour.

What I didn't do is argue - sometimes there is no point arguing.

Womens' tennis has definitively shown to be finished under new regs, when the 203 rated dude whipped both Williams sisters.

Uh, there were wimpy latte losers with horrific Aussie role models, so we best get rid of the sexes worldwide?
Why would it be about % of students vs percentage of female events where biological male enters?
Cheating to Win ??? Nooooo really . I saw an article yesterday . A local BLM chapter was was protesting raciest bias . Because there was more interest shown by WHITE'S to start a Business related to POT . Then there were in other racial groups . So now it's apparently racial to even show interest in something if you are white . I mention it because it fits the same pattern as this Gender stuff
Gave the coach 3 chances to improve the culture, supported our daughter privately, and then explained to ALL the parents why their best player might be leaving the team. All but one of the families changed the behaviour.

What I didn't do is argue - sometimes there is no point arguing.
Good decision to let them know how foolish their position was. understand your own weakness in positions...
There is absolutely no sense in arguing that if it all goes ahead, that males aren't going to make it impossible for any XX to win, ever again, in tennis or most other sports at the top levels or even in high school a lot of the time.

I said "So under genderless sports rules she stopped competing."

Stuff taken away, stuff added:
What happened to Australia, that men behave like that? Something is wrong there, isn't it? No physical discipline?
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What happened to Australia, that men behave like that? Something is wrong there, isn't it? No physical discipline?

As cathartic as a physical response would be, it was fairly clear that the people misbahaving still used physical discipline and it wasn't working.

Realistically, this behaviour existed when I was a child - perhaps the real issue is these morons haven't kept up with modern social expectations?
Australia is a horrid place to live. No physical disipline for people calling young girls that, but you all love it when the government uses force to physically discipline the public for not obeying insane covid rules as their livelihood and all their freedoms and future is stripped from them.
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Gave the coach 3 chances to improve the culture, supported our daughter privately, and then explained to ALL the parents why their best player might be leaving the team. All but one of the families changed the behaviour.

What I didn't do is argue - sometimes there is no point arguing.
what on earth is gender identity ?? I don't follow what there is to identify ?
If I were in a school class and this nonsense was going on I'd be changing gender every day at least twice, and make sure the teacher kept careful records of all the changes involved, "Ornate Building with 5G Tower Atop", "Yosemite Sam" "My Little Yeti Who Loves His Teacher In Very Special Ways", "The Gender That Is Better than Any Other Gender", "A Schoolteacher Whose Union Forces Students to Miss Lots of School So Teachers Can Get A Better Retirement Deal Than Any Other Workers and Never Get Fired No Matter What and Continues to Feed Socialism and No Arithmetic Skills Practice Allowed", and so on every day, and that my pronouns would be respected and mentioned as one of the rainbow colors every time the pronouns stuff came up. No discrimination please!
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what on earth is gender identity ?? I don't follow what there is to identify ?

We know a person who started insulin for diabetes at 3 , the emotional struggle developed by 6 and it hasn't been easy in a backward small town. Xx genetics.

There is a population of middle aged dutch people with mothers who were given a medication during pregnancy and their government has approved gender surgery because a huge % developed gender identity issues. That was the first time I met an xx person who had lived as xy since a very young age, and the emotional struggle had been very real. I'm ashamed to admit that I had perceived trans gender as a sexual orientation before getting to know this person . Sex was never going to be a consideration - this oerson just wanted to contribute to society as a male.

We know the plastics used for bottle feeding our children contained hormone disruptors like bpa, that generation are now teenagers.

How do you tell a person who has had their brain changed by our modern world that they are expected to comply with genetic traits from prehistoric times?
If I were in a school class and this nonsense was going on I'd be changing gender every day at least twice, and make sure the teacher kept careful records of all the changes involved, "
right and I am sure you would be fine getting beat up harassed treated like crap the depression and other crap that goes along with it. so much fun. really it is just so much ignorance on your part.
We know a person who started insulin for diabetes at 3 , the emotional struggle developed by 6 and it hasn't been easy in a backward small town. Xx genetics.

There is a population of middle aged dutch people with mothers who were given a medication during pregnancy and their government has approved gender surgery because a huge % developed gender identity issues. That was the first time I met an xx person who had lived as xy since a very young age, and the emotional struggle had been very real. I'm ashamed to admit that I had perceived trans gender as a sexual orientation before getting to know this person . Sex was never going to be a consideration - this oerson just wanted to contribute to society as a male.

We know the plastics used for bottle feeding our children contained hormone disruptors like bpa, that generation are now teenagers.

How do you tell a person who has had their brain changed by our modern world that they are expected to comply with genetic traits from prehistoric times?
Gender reassignment surgery is very different from identifying as another gender and competing in girls' sports.
Go ahead and get the surgery to switch, but don't play in female competitions and crush their dreams and Title IX opportunities.
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We know a person who started insulin for diabetes at 3 , the emotional struggle developed by 6 and it hasn't been easy in a backward small town. Xx genetics.

There is a population of middle aged dutch people with mothers who were given a medication during pregnancy and their government has approved gender surgery because a huge % developed gender identity issues. That was the first time I met an xx person who had lived as xy since a very young age, and the emotional struggle had been very real. I'm ashamed to admit that I had perceived trans gender as a sexual orientation before getting to know this person . Sex was never going to be a consideration - this oerson just wanted to contribute to society as a male.

We know the plastics used for bottle feeding our children contained hormone disruptors like bpa, that generation are now teenagers.

How do you tell a person who has had their brain changed by our modern world that they are expected to comply with genetic traits from prehistoric times?
Yes, there are people who are born with genitals not fitting the usual appearance and functioning, it's not super uncommon.
That is a sex issue, not necessarily a gender issue.
A friends' child was thought to be female at birth due to different placements and attachments, but the father insisted on not having surgery on him without more opinions, and he was then pronounced to be male, and he grew up to have obviously male characteristics without hormone therapy.

You first need to disambiguate the terms being used to make sense of it all. People don't have to comply with genetic traits, they simply are or have what the trait is. There's nothing about complying with genetic traits involved.
right and I am sure you would be fine getting beat up harassed treated like crap the depression and other crap that goes along with it. so much fun. really it is just so much ignorance on your part.
How did this arise in your mind? It makes no sense wrt what I said. People in universities literally are demanding they be addressed as ornate buildings, puppies, etc. They aren't getting beaten up for being "gendered" as ornate buildings or super heroes or kittens or toddlers in diapers. They are having fantasy fun if they feel like it. So would I be.
But you take strong objection to anyone YOU do not approve of, getting equal treatment, isn't that right?
Intolerance runs deep in the ultra-tolerants.
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There is a population of middle aged dutch people with mothers who were given a medication during pregnancy and their government has approved gender surgery because a huge % developed gender identity issues. That was the first time I met an xx person who had lived as xy since a very young age, and the emotional struggle had been very real. I'm ashamed to admit that I had perceived trans gender as a sexual orientation before getting to know this person . Sex was never going to be a consideration - this oerson just wanted to contribute to society as a male.

Sex, gender, sexual orientation.
The person is sex "female", identifies as gender "boy/man", sexual orientation unknown.
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right and I am sure you would be fine getting beat up harassed treated like crap the depression and other crap that goes along with it. so much fun. really it is just so much ignorance on your part.
You do understand that gender as is being used has no necessary ties at all to the physical body, right?
You can be a building, or a distant star, a feeling, anything.
Why would that offend someone who wants to be able to be whatever they want to be?
In my view that fun jokey atmosphere would be freeing and less tense. Maybe not. I don't pretend to speak for them.
Their gender choice might be the closest to old and standard average stuff compared to the whole bunch of furries infants plants planets and buildings! :)