Are Womens' Cycling Competitions Wrecked?

You do understand that gender as is being used has no necessary ties at all to the physical body, right?
You can be a building, or a distant star, a feeling, anything.
Why would that offend someone who wants to be able to be whatever they want to be?
In my view that fun jokey atmosphere would be freeing and less tense. Maybe not. I don't pretend to speak for them.
Their gender choice might be the closest to old and standard average stuff compared to the whole bunch of furries infants plants planets and buildings! :)
hmmm you really do don't understand. maybe a little research on what transgender people go through would help enlighten you. its not pretty.
hmmm you really do don't understand. maybe a little research on what transgender people go through would help enlighten you. its not pretty.
Of course I understand that . For most people in the history of the world it hasn't been pretty. Nothing new under the sun.
What happens to biological females getting their bodies broken by biological males in womens' sports, isn't pretty. However, "It isn't pretty", is not a winning argument.
What happens to biological females getting their bodies broken by biological males in womens' sports, isn't pretty. However, "It isn't pretty", is not a winning argument.
Stop acting like this is a huge problem its not. What about the transgender people who get beat up and harassed and all the other things? far fa more of that.
2020 has seen at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people violently killed, more than any other year since HRC began tracking this data in 2013. HRC has now tracked more than 200 deaths since 2013
Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, released “An Epidemic Of Violence: Fatal Violence Against Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People in the United States in 2020,” a distressing report honoring the at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people killed in 2020 and shining a light on data that HRC has collected since 2013 on the epidemic of violence.
According to the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey:

  • Nearly half (46%) of respondents were verbally harassed in the past year because of being transgender.
  • Nearly one in ten (9%) respondents were physically attacked in the past year because of being transgender.
  • Nearly half (47%) of respondents were sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime and one in ten (10%) were sexually assaulted in the past year. In communities of color, these numbers are higher: 53% of Black respondents were sexually assaulted in their lifetime and 13% were sexually assaulted in the last year.
  • 72% of respondents who have done sex work, 65% of respondents who have experienced homelessness, and 61% of respondents with disabilities reported being sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • More than half (54%) experienced some form of intimate partner violence, including acts involving coercive control and physical harm.
Stop acting like this is a huge problem its not.
Why are you the one who gets to decide that? Did the victims tell you that it's not a huge problem? It's simply your opinion, which you are welcome to.
But then why are you the one who gets to tell other people what to do? Why do you believe yourself to be superior to others in this way?

What about the transgender people who get beat up and harassed and all the other things? far fa more of that.
That is not an argument against what I said, though. "What about", is not a cogent argument against anything.

Same with non-transgender people. They get beat up and harassed all the time too.
Not to dismiss the awfulness of it, but you actually have made no point at all here.

2020 has seen at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people violently killed
Then why aren't they called murders or certain types of homicides? What are these violent killings? Are some of them suicides? Traffic accidents? Something isn't right with your "research".

More than half (54%) experienced some form of intimate partner violence, including acts involving coercive control and physical harm.

What has that got to do with the subject? Nothing at all.

Look, I can say that street thug gang members are beaten up and shot more than other people. They make poor and risky choices. That doesn't disclose much, but people understand why it happens at higher rates; they are involved in a risky scene.
I'm sure there are underlying reasons why the domestic violence happens. People can just as easily guess why, for that as well. If not so, then you explain it.

And please clarify what you believe this has to do with the subject.
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We know a person who started insulin for diabetes at 3 , the emotional struggle developed by 6 and it hasn't been easy in a backward small town. Xx genetics.

There is a population of middle aged dutch people with mothers who were given a medication during pregnancy and their government has approved gender surgery because a huge % developed gender identity issues. That was the first time I met an xx person who had lived as xy since a very young age, and the emotional struggle had been very real. I'm ashamed to admit that I had perceived trans gender as a sexual orientation before getting to know this person . Sex was never going to be a consideration - this oerson just wanted to contribute to society as a male.

We know the plastics used for bottle feeding our children contained hormone disruptors like bpa, that generation are now teenagers.

How do you tell a person who has had their brain changed by our modern world that they are expected to comply with genetic traits from prehistoric times?
PreHistoric ? That's just a word used to make a claim you have no evidence for . But can't be honest and just admit it's a guess . The rest of what you said is just more of an excuse . There have been Homosexuals and transgendered people since Biblical times . They used to referred to these people as having debiased minds There's no genetics involved . These cases you mentioned are very few and far between. Plus they are just excuses that have never been supported with actual facts . Even if they were factual and proven. That doesn't account for 99.9% of trans or homosexuals . It's a perversion of reality . It's delusional.
People with these illnesses are the well adjusted heroes of the day we are spoon-fed
to believe thru TV and Movies
It's delusional to think otherwise . These people need mental help like we used to give them . Glorifying their condition while trying to call Normal Men and Women prehistoric is just as delusional. It would be laughable were it not that the Leaders of the world's governments mostly think this way
PDoz seems to purport that there has not been any human evolution since at least prehistoric times.

How do you tell a person who has had their brain changed by our modern world that they are expected to comply with genetic traits from prehistoric times?
Stop acting like this is a huge problem its not. What about the transgender people who get beat up and harassed and all the other things? far fa more of that.
2020 has seen at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people violently killed, more than any other year since HRC began tracking this data in 2013. HRC has now tracked more than 200 deaths since 2013
Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, released “An Epidemic Of Violence: Fatal Violence Against Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People in the United States in 2020,” a distressing report honoring the at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people killed in 2020 and shining a light on data that HRC has collected since 2013 on the epidemic of violence.
According to the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey:

  • Nearly half (46%) of respondents were verbally harassed in the past year because of being transgender.
  • Nearly one in ten (9%) respondents were physically attacked in the past year because of being transgender.
  • Nearly half (47%) of respondents were sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime and one in ten (10%) were sexually assaulted in the past year. In communities of color, these numbers are higher: 53% of Black respondents were sexually assaulted in their lifetime and 13% were sexually assaulted in the last year.
  • 72% of respondents who have done sex work, 65% of respondents who have experienced homelessness, and 61% of respondents with disabilities reported being sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • More than half (54%) experienced some form of intimate partner violence, including acts involving coercive control and physical harm.
So you're saying based on those stats these people are not normal . ANd people are resentful at being forced to say they are. Things are the way they are because today we let all the nut cases out on the streets and force society to accept it. Which isn't normal . What do you expect when a guy dresses up like a woman and goes out in public. In certain areas people won't be so accepting . Because Hollywood doesn't control society like they want to
THey admit that it's brain damage . To be a man and look in the mirror and see a woman is a brain disorder . Whether drug related or not . It's a disorder . So we are appeasing the disorder instead of trying to treat it ? That's more delusional then the disorder itself.
Sex workers have more domestic problems than others, naturally. Their partners might be their pimps or jealous violent psychological cases. It happens. Poor choices happen. Foofer seems to not be aware of the risks all sex workers naturally face. Some more than others, some less than others.
None of it relates to this thread subject.
PDoz seems to purport that there has not been any human evolution since at least prehistoric times.
"Recent human evolution
refers to evolutionary adaptation, sexual and natural selection, and genetic drift within Homo sapiens populations, since their separation and dispersal in the Middle Paleolithic about 50,000 years ago. Contrary to popular belief, not only are humans still evolving, their evolution since the dawn of agriculture is faster than ever before.[1] It is possible that human culture—itself a selective force—has accelerated human evolution.[2] With a sufficiently large data set and modern research methods, scientists can study the changes in the frequency of an allele occurring in a tiny subset of the population over a single lifetime, the shortest meaningful time scale in evolution.[3] Comparing a given gene with that of other species enables geneticists to determine whether it is rapidly evolving in humans alone. For example, while human DNA is on average 98% identical to chimp DNA, the so-called Human Accelerated Region 1 (HAR1), involved in the development of the brain, is only 85% similar.[4]"
We know the plastics used for bottle feeding our children contained hormone disruptors like bpa, that generation are now teenagers.

How do you tell a person who has had their brain changed by our modern world that they are expected to comply with genetic traits from prehistoric times?

So you agree with Alex Jones about chemical dumping making the frogs turn gay?
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Stop acting like this is a huge problem its not. What about the transgender people who get beat up and harassed and all the other things? far fa more of that.
2020 has seen at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people violently killed, more than any other year since HRC began tracking this data in 2013. HRC has now tracked more than 200 deaths since 2013
Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, released “An Epidemic Of Violence: Fatal Violence Against Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People in the United States in 2020,” a distressing report honoring the at least 37 transgender and gender non-conforming people killed in 2020 and shining a light on data that HRC has collected since 2013 on the epidemic of violence.
According to the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey:

  • Nearly half (46%) of respondents were verbally harassed in the past year because of being transgender.
  • Nearly one in ten (9%) respondents were physically attacked in the past year because of being transgender.
  • Nearly half (47%) of respondents were sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime and one in ten (10%) were sexually assaulted in the past year. In communities of color, these numbers are higher: 53% of Black respondents were sexually assaulted in their lifetime and 13% were sexually assaulted in the last year.
  • 72% of respondents who have done sex work, 65% of respondents who have experienced homelessness, and 61% of respondents with disabilities reported being sexually assaulted in their lifetime.
  • More than half (54%) experienced some form of intimate partner violence, including acts involving coercive control and physical harm.
I denounce all of this violence, but, this is not an epidemic in the US... visit Iran, Iraq, Syria, or North Korea for real genocide against LBGTQ, etc.
I denounce all of this violence, but, this is not an epidemic in the US... visit Iran, Iraq, Syria, or North Korea for real genocide against LBGTQ, etc.
That doesn't really excuse violence in what we claim is a civilized country.

Its like saying that infant mortality in the United States is lower than in The Congo. Well, yes, I would certainly hope so.
That doesn't really excuse violence in what we claim is a civilized country.

Its like saying that infant mortality in the United States is lower than in The Congo. Well, yes, I would certainly hope so.
True, but the point is that the conditions in the US are better than almost all other countries worldwide.
Ask yourself why millions of people of all races/genders/etc. desperately want to come to this country. ;)
That doesn't really excuse violence in what we claim is a civilized country.

Its like saying that infant mortality in the United States is lower than in The Congo. Well, yes, I would certainly hope so.

No it doesn't excuse the violence against LBGTQ in the US, but it can be a whole lot worse outside the US.

How do you propose to reach 0 incidents of violence within this civilized country? What would you like the government to do about that?, remembering the US is a melting pot of many different cultures and beliefs. Not everyone is going to agree with you.
What Violence ? The problem is there's Violence in general > Where is the evidence there's violence against queer people ? What about Jews and Christians
BLM/Antifa killed or attacked how many Black people and burned how many Black businesses?
There will be an excuse for that, no doubt.
Some people major in convenient excuse-making to fit their warped narrative.
No it doesn't excuse the violence against LBGTQ in the US, but it can be a whole lot worse outside the US.

How do you propose to reach 0 incidents of violence within this civilized country? What would you like the government to do about that?, remembering the US is a melting pot of many different cultures and beliefs. Not everyone is going to agree with you.
I don't even know that "0 incidents of violence" is achievable. Certainly it is something to strive for.

One observation I'd make is that many other rich countries resolve murders at very high rates -- 95A%+ for Finland and Switzerland, and most other European countries are at rates over 70%.

The United States is under 50% for resolution of murders, and under 35% for resolution of sexual assaults.

A note: when I say "resolution" I mean the perpetrator was identified and either charged or it was determined that they were beyond the law, e.g. the perpetrator was deceased or had fled to another country where we could not extradite.

Hearing those numbers, I have a hard time understanding, when we spend at a very high per capita rate on law enforcement, why we can't bring more than 50% of murderers to justice. Bringing more such individuals to justice would certainly have a substantial deterrent effect. So a reorganization and rethinking of our law enforcement priorities and procedures seems warranted. A good starting point would be studying how countries like Finland or Switzerland operate their criminal justice systems and trying to learn from them. The United States in general has a horrible "not invented here" syndrome and we could do a lot to improve our society if we were more willing to learn from others and not so damned arrogant. That doesn't mean everything or even most things would apply but a willingness to learn, a willingness to improve, and even a willingness to admit that we could learn and improve would do a lot to help our country.

I'd turn your question around: what do you think is an acceptable number of "incidents of violence" in the United States?