Anyone here joined the National Bike Challenge?

Yesterday was a bad day.

First of all I tried my clipless pedals for the first time and fell off the bike (did not unclip in time) in the morning on the way to work. Then on the way home, going uphill at an intersection my dérailleur got into my spokes and instantly seized the wheel and, again, I could not unclip in time and fell over ... into the traffic, about a foot away from a rolling semi :-(

So, the derailleur got damaged in the first fall in the morning and then seized on the way home. I had to get used to clipping and unclipping of the pedals.

I took the bike to a bike shop immediately and they were able to fix the derailleur immediately. $40 dollars later I was on my way home.

Cherry on top was that I almost cracked my tooth when I bit into an olive and it was not pitted. :-(

Today was a good day. Great ride to work! :)

Looks like we got another member on the EBR team! Now there is 13! :)
Yesterday was a bad day.
Cherry on top was that I almost cracked my tooth when I bit into an olive and it was not pitted. :-(

That pit bite is a stepping on a lego feeling.

As for the unlucky falls, that is why I don't wanna wear clipless. Lucky you didnt get hurt worse.
btw - Anyone explored the Strava FlyBy's ? Those are awesome. Like a Marauder's map for bike junkies :)
Did 10.4 this evening. I logged it but the site is soooo slow to update my account. They say it takes up to 15 min but it seems like it takes longer.
I notice some people's location does not show. How did they manage that? The site requires you to enter your zip code.
I notice some people's location does not show. How did they manage that? The site requires you to enter your zip code.
I wonder if once you are registered, if you edit that would take?
Brambor's in the lead.....Boooooooooooooooo! I wish we had done this in the winter, I think I could've takin him:mad:

Wait till he misses a day.... I'll be there to pounce!!!:mad:

It's on! Bro!:mad::mad::mad:
Got logged out & am having trouble logging in. I reallllly don't like that site, the design, or how slow it is in updating information. Bad design (in my professional opinion).
Why would you want to hide your location...your grouped by location to show where people are riding???