Anyone bought from before?Thinking about buying from them but need more info

Ahoy All , Newbe here , looking for reasonable priced 26" wheel, foldable ebike . I saw this ebike advertised on yahoo news article priced at $ 399.00 .
From the info I have found , (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) and , this bike designer has formed a start-up company and needs orders to put manufacturing into production .
Is there any way to find an existing dealer who would want to order a few of these bikes on a trial basis and let Court do a review on them ?

Douglas in Up-state NY
I'd be more than concerned about the generic, not brand name, Chinese batteries. It's a coin flip.
I bought an I-Max S1 from SuperScooterStore (now Upzy) almost a year ago. My experience with them was terrible.

They’re just a drop-shipper. They don’t hold any inventory. Instead, they just take orders and then request some distributor to send out the product from whatever warehouse in the US it’s at. This works great when there’s no problem with your order because you don’t pay sales tax even if that warehouse is in your state because you’re doing business with Upzy, not the distributor.

But when things go wrong, they go really wrong. And in my case, Upzy just blamed the distributor for everything. I got my scooter, but they failed to give the correct free accessories they advertised when I bought it. Their attitude was very much “we’ll contact the distributor and see what we can do”, then I’d have to follow up a week later, then another week, then they dragged their feet some more, and then it was finally, “sorry, have a nice day”.

As a side note (and the only reason I saw this thread), I recently had to send my scooter in for repair. I didn’t even bother contacting Upzy because I knew their CS is a joke. I did some research and found that warranty service for I-Max products in the US is handled through Magnum Bikes, and they were AMAZING. They were efficient, professional, and communication was no-nonsense and to the point - I dropped it off at a FedEx center and had a notification of them shipping it back to me six days later. I don’t know how Magnum is as a retailer. But their support was great and a total 180 from Upzy. A little off-topic but anyway…

You people who are worried whether Upzy is gonna take your money and run…no they’re a legitimate store. But I wouldn’t order from them again. Their lame marketing (“low price available for a limited time only!”) with a countdown that resets every day is stupid and I see my I-Max is the exact same “discounted” price it was a year ago.

But the bigger concern is that as a drop-shipper, they have limited power in what they can do when it comes to customer service (they don’t have any replacements for you if there’s an issue), and they probably have limited expertise on their products since they don’t actually carry anything.
Hi folks!

This is Max with I've been reading your posts here and first of all, I'd like to THANK all of you for being valued customers of us. We are heartened to hear the comments explaining your experience with us- Joe is a colleague of mine and I'm glad that he was able to display the honesty and integrity that we try to maintain with our store.

This is a response to CALK- we are truly sorry for your experience. We take full ownership of the situation you faced. If you want to send me a private message with your order number I can look up the history and see the details of what happened. We really do pride ourselves on our personalized customer service so to hear about this, I had to respond.

To clarify with other people reading this post- yes, we primarily ship directly from our vendors, and so we have to adhere to their warranty and return policies as listed out on our site. Shipping directly from the vendor means there are no fees associated with keeping a brick-and-mortar store so we keep the prices low for customers. The same goes for Amazon and most online retailers who do not have a physical storefront. Any customer service and technical queries- we will email and call you and resolve it within the best of our capabilities as we have sold these products for years. However, yes, when parts are needed to be shipped out, we liaise with the vendor, in this case Magnum, and we make sure that you get the correct parts and keep you updated on tracking information. I'll have to know more about your specific case to see what happened exactly, but what happens is that we ship any parts from the Magnum warehouse just like we ship the bike from them too. Any customer service and monitoring we will provide along the way.

As far as product expertise, we do have years selling the products in our store, so we provide any technical knowledge and information to the best of our abilities.

Again, CALK we do apologize to you for what happened with your order- and if you'd like to send me a private message on here or email us at [email protected] I can look into the matter for you.

Thanks again to everyone for your support :)
I have been experiencing many of the same issues as Calk did with Upzy.

I ordered a bike from them in early December. X-treme shipped out the bike and I noticed something very worrisome signs when the box was being pulled off the UPS truck. The front forks has broken through the box. (pic 2) Upon closer inspection, there was a square hole cut in the bottom. Apparently, someone has taken out the battery. Fenders were damaged (pic 3) the bike was scratched, the the rims were mangled. (pic 1). Yes, this was a "new" bike, even though some of the pics resemble bikes I've had for 4+ years.

Sent it back to UPS, who sent it back to the shipper. Days went by after the bike has been returned and I hear nothing from Upzy. Multiple emails go answered. They never answer their phone. Basically, they're blaming X-treme.

The takeaway? Avoid Upzy like the plague.


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Hi Desert Eagle,

Can you kindly provide your order number? Or you can send me a private message with that if you don't want to share that. We can check your information and the history of what happened. We ship directly from X-Treme, the manufacturer, so we'd like to get to the bottom of what happened.

Thank you!

-Upzy Team
Hi Desert Eagle,

Can you kindly provide your order number? Or you can send me a private message with that if you don't want to share that. We can check your information and the history of what happened. We ship directly from X-Treme, the manufacturer, so we'd like to get to the bottom of what happened.

Thank you!

-Upzy Team

Yes, my order number was 7782.
I have been experiencing many of the same issues as Calk did with Upzy.

I ordered a bike from them in early December. X-treme shipped out the bike and I noticed something very worrisome signs when the box was being pulled off the UPS truck. The front forks has broken through the box. (pic 2) Upon closer inspection, there was a square hole cut in the bottom. Apparently, someone has taken out the battery. Fenders were damaged (pic 3) the bike was scratched, the the rims were mangled. (pic 1). Yes, this was a "new" bike, even though some of the pics resemble bikes I've had for 4+ years.

Sent it back to UPS, who sent it back to the shipper. Days went by after the bike has been returned and I hear nothing from Upzy. Multiple emails go answered. They never answer their phone. Basically, they're blaming X-treme.

The takeaway? Avoid Upzy like the plague.

Man, I was just going to order from them but after seeing your pics, no way. Hopefully, the issue gets resolved because that rim looks gnarly.
Careful that we don't blame sellers for UPS and their lack of care. A friend paid airfreight for a pallet of motor and 1/3 were severely damaged. My bike from a big reseller was completely trashed by UPS. SUCKS! Bicycle really should be crated with wood reinforcement. OR pay for insurance.
I agree. Looking into the issue today, UPS still has the damaged bike, but only because Upzy hasn't reached out to them.

As for the crating, the blame there falls on the company shipping product. Sending out a bike in a flimsy cardboard box seems pretty imprudent.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Yes, occasional wear and tear during shipping of any larger item does tend to happen, but we make sure to mitigate as much of it as we can.
At times when X-Treme ships out the bike, and if it's going a longer distance, UPS may move the box around during the shipment, and hence the box may arrive a little bit dented. We are aware of this issue, and have communicated to all parties involved (X-Treme, UPS) that this happens sometimes, and they are aware of it. X-Treme makes sure they pack the items more effectively, and we stress to UPS to be more careful in their handling. We are happy to say this issue has been significantly reduced, however it may not still be perfect. As a company, we take full ownership and responsibility of the entire order fulfillment process, so we make sure you're helped along the way.

-Upzy Team
Let me start off by saying UPZY is a "legitimate company" - explanation to follow. We ordered a dual-sport (on and off-road) motorcycle in late 2016 and received it without issues.

The nightmare began when we tried to register the motorcycle for on-road use. Since we did not pay sales tax, we expected the Department of Motor Vehicles would ask us to do so - not a big deal. Unfortunately, the Certificate of Origin that was shipped with the motorcycle was missing all the information on the bottom half, including signature, as well as all of the information on the back, making it impossible to register. Not a big deal we thought - probably just an oversight - we'll just contact UPZY and have them take care of this.

It is now almost half way through 2018, and dozens of emails, phone calls, voicemails, and promises to return our calls later - we have NEVER heard back from them. Apparently, their service staff is responsible for issues like this and they are never available. I can call sales right now with no issue, and they can leave a message for service, AGAIN, only to never hear back from them. WE'VE BEEN TRYING WITH NO RESPONSE FOR OVER 18 MONTHS! We've tried many times even without giving them any details pertaining to why we're calling other than needing service, and they still do not respond. THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO CUSTOMER SERVICE INQUIRIES, WHETHER BY EMAIL OR PHONE, PERIOD.

We consulted a lawyer who recommended we take them to civil court in the state they are registered to do business but cannot find where they are registered, other than an address in Wyoming we found in their terms & conditions, yet the state has no record of UPZY. They were formally known as Super Scooter Store, but no luck there either.

We've tried everything: phone calls, voicemails, emails, lawyers, and are left with leaving this post as a warning to everyone else. I'm sure their representative will respond to this saying this is unusual and to contact him and he'll look into it, but I'm sure it's just more lies. If by chance this is in some way resolved, I will update you all.

Thanks for reading and good luck with UPZY, you'll need it.
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Hi Samkov,

Thank you for sharing your review. Can you kindly clarify your order number and specific brand and model item you ordered?

We did not receive any of your attempted correspondence with us, except the one you're posting on this forum now. Which contact number or email were you using when trying to reach us for 18 months? We definitely would've received your inquiries if you had contacted us at [email protected] or called us at the number on our website

We do respond to all email and call inquiries, even the ones posted in forums such as this one, and try to do so as quickly as possible. Sincere apologies if there was any inconvenience on your part.

-Upzy Team
I tried [email protected] dozens of times, and the number on your website which only takes me to sales who says they'll leave a message for service, and never calls back. I can attach my countless email attempts here, if you'd like. I even know your sales rep by name - I've spoken to Nelle several times this past week alone. It's amusing that you only respond once you've been criticized in a public forum. Let this be a warning for everyone else.

You can say definitely all you want, but you're wrong. If responding is your actual intention, then you need to address the people or whatever system you have in place to do so. 18 months of severe inconvenience and hours and hours wasted trying to reach you, 8+ separate trips to the DMV and hours wasted each time to try to resolve this issue, and hours on the phone with the Title Bureau, ALL BECAUSE YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT RESPOND, and nothing to do with the bike. Your apologies are worthless.

Can you please list the address in which you are registered to do business and your actual business name? Thank you.

If your intention is to rectify this issue, then list a number to call for service.

Order Number: 4215
Model: Rocketa DB-08-250
I have been experiencing many of the same issues as Calk did with Upzy.

I ordered a bike from them in early December. X-treme shipped out the bike and I noticed something very worrisome signs when the box was being pulled off the UPS truck. The front forks has broken through the box. (pic 2) Upon closer inspection, there was a square hole cut in the bottom. Apparently, someone has taken out the battery. Fenders were damaged (pic 3) the bike was scratched, the the rims were mangled. (pic 1). Yes, this was a "new" bike, even though some of the pics resemble bikes I've had for 4+ years.

Sent it back to UPS, who sent it back to the shipper. Days went by after the bike has been returned and I hear nothing from Upzy. Multiple emails go answered. They never answer their phone. Basically, they're blaming X-treme.

The takeaway? Avoid Upzy like the plague.

This is a great example of a new ebike nightmare. Judging from the pics, it does not even look new! Perhaps the damage was done solely by the shipper and not by upzy?? Or perhaps upzy distributor did not use the proper packaging for the contents to withstand the pressure put upon the packaging?? If yes, it does not appear upzy takes any measures to ensure the packaging is the correct strength to ship their products in?? Too many unresolved issues here. I would think upzy would immediately give you a refund or replacement to make things right on the transaction. Sorry to hear and I hope you get this matter resolved amicably. Good Luck!

Oops-I wrote this before reading the entire thread. I figured I would keep my thoughts here anyway...
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I tried [email protected] dozens of times, and the number on your website which only takes me to sales who says they'll leave a message for service, and never calls back. I can attach my countless email attempts here, if you'd like. I even know your sales rep by name - I've spoken to Nelle several times this past week alone. It's amusing that you only respond once you've been criticized in a public forum. Let this be a warning for everyone else.

You can say definitely all you want, but you're wrong. If responding is your actual intention, then you need to address the people or whatever system you have in place to do so. 18 months of severe inconvenience and hours and hours wasted trying to reach you, 8+ separate trips to the DMV and hours wasted each time to try to resolve this issue, and hours on the phone with the Title Bureau, ALL BECAUSE YOU SIMPLY WILL NOT RESPOND, and nothing to do with the bike. Your apologies are worthless.

Can you please list the address in which you are registered to do business and your actual business name? Thank you.

If your intention is to rectify this issue, then list a number to call for service.

Order Number: 4215
Model: Rocketa DB-08-250

Hello Samkov,

I did a little searching....

This was copy and pasted from


In 2014, we started as "Super Scooter Store", working out of a small office in New York City. As our sales and staff grew, we made the cross-country move to our current larger facility in Beaverton, Oregon, and re-branded as "

Allegedly this is their location in Beaverton, Oregon. It appears to be a commercial office complex with no retail operation.

Upzy 9450 SW Gemini Drive #45621. Beaverton, OR

The IP address is owned by .....

Shopify, Inc.
Address: 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor
City: Ottawa
State/Province: ON
Postal Code: K2P 1L4
Country: Canada

I hope this is helpful...

John from CT
Thank you for your help, John! Unfortunately, still a dead end. To file a claim against a business in Oregon, you have to look up the corporation and assumed business name which we cannot seem to do. We tried using the method that follows:

"Filing a Small Claim FOR a Business or AGAINST a Business
If you are filing a claim against a business, check with the Oregon Corporation Division at
503.986.2200 or for both corporation and Assumed Business Name

Why a "legitimate" business would go through so much trouble to conceal their information is beyond me.

As expected, zero response from UPZY except for the pathetic attempt above where they pretend to look like they care.
Hi Samkov,

Thank you for sharing your review. Can you kindly clarify your order number and specific brand and model item you ordered?

We did not receive any of your attempted correspondence with us, except the one you're posting on this forum now. Which contact number or email were you using when trying to reach us for 18 months? We definitely would've received your inquiries if you had contacted us at [email protected] or called us at the number on our website

We do respond to all email and call inquiries, even the ones posted in forums such as this one, and try to do so as quickly as possible. Sincere apologies if there was any inconvenience on your part.

-Upzy Team

Hello "Upzy Team "

You wrote...and I quote "We do respond to all email and call inquiries, even the ones posted in forums such as this one, and try to do so as quickly as possible.

" Based on the evidence presented by your customer and EBR Forum Member 'Samkov' you have made no effort to
contact him directly, even through 'your' posted reply on this forum. Your reply was excuse filled with foolish nonsense as to what
he should have done....Samkov did it all...It's your turn to contact him and you have not and refuse to.

There are over 10,400 members on this forum. All 10,400 plus members have an intense interest in a product you allegedly sell...e-bikes.
Any business selling e-bikes would jump through hoops to have direct contact with the exact customers that frequent this forum and you
chose to dance around samkov's request to contact him. Your company is either dumber then a box of rocks or a scam.

John from CT
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Find the corporate filings and the party behind it. I did it for someone last year. Totally possible by reworlin* search terms using gleaned clues. I’m sorry I didn’t save my search, bu5 I’m not the brightest build. Meaning average search skills will yield more info and contacts.
Hello "Upzy Team "

You wrote...and I quote "We do respond to all email and call inquiries, even the ones posted in forums such as this one, and try to do so as quickly as possible.

" Based on the evidence presented by your customer and EBR Forum Member 'Samkov' you have made no effort to
contact him directly, even through 'your' posted reply on this forum. Your reply was excuse filled with foolish nonsense as to what
he should have done....Samkov did it all...It's your turn to contact him and you have not and refuse to.

There are over 10,400 members on this forum. All 10,400 plus members have an intense interest in a product you allegedly sell...e-bikes.
Any business selling e-bikes would jump through hoops to have direct contact with the exact customers that frequent this forum and you
chose to dance around samkov's request to contact him. Your company is either dumber then a box of rocks or a scam.

John from CT

When you see blatant BS like this, you pretty much know that they are relying upon the ignorance of the consumer and continue to blow smoke up you know what. I think the Upzy team is in the wrong place here and should stop giving this forum a bunch of empty promises.
I have not seen any resolutions thus far with this company between them and the consumer. What gives??