Any RadRover contributors out there ?

It will be here tomorrow, I'm certain. Winter? Ha! You don't know winter, my friend! ;-) Just a week ago it was 26 degrees Celsius. 12-20 degrees are more than normal this time of year, and the forecast says it's gonna be a mild autumn. For Trondheim. That means no snow until December (maybe) and 0-12 degrees throughout October and November. Gonna ride the RR until christmas, baby! (maybe not). :p
Why stop then? I rode my Fatbike all last winter - it was a mild one for sure and only got down to -18c but there was the odd morning blizzard to get through. ;)
Finally got my RadRover :):). Assembly was a breeze! I had the battery charging while I was a work and when I came home it was full ready for the first ride !! Wow this thing IS fast and sensitive!!
It is quieter than I expected and the ride with the juggernaut tires is smooth and not too noisy. I had the chance of riding a Norco electric fat bike and the tires on the latter are way noisier !!!
I am really thrilled and cannot wait to ride today again :D:D:D
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Glad to see you got your bike @Ericmacfan! @Phrodos I do hope you get yours soon! You guys are nuts to be riding in the winter! Burr, perhaps I just need to get some warmer clothes though. I have spent the past 4 years in Arizona so I'm not quite used to cold snowy winters anymore.
Great, @Ericmacfan! Thanks, @Tara D.! Sure, @Adrian, I rode my current bike somewhat last winter, but it was more icy than snowy, so it was risky business. Warm clothes is all you need! Heck, I go for a run several times a week even in the darkest winter. Ok, well, maybe not when it's -15c, though. :p

Sitting here waiting for someone ringing the door or calling me, but nothing. The tracking went dead yesterday when it seemingly left the hands of UPS and into the hands of our national postal service (I presume). And those guys are everything from lightning fast, not so fast.
For icy weather I recommend Dillinger 4.0 studded tires. Awesome grip on ice if you get the tire pressure right. Expensive though.
So, UPS instructs Posten (our national postal service) to deliver packages as business packages. That means that Posten shows up at the given addresse, unannounced (no sms or phone call), and tries to deliver it. If no ones home...well no delivery.
This happened today.

At 2:42 PM I got a sms from UPS that the package was ready for 1:58 PM. 45 minutes earlier. In the same sms it said Posten had been on my door at 2:16 PM and 2:27 PM and tried to deliver the bike..! It also said that Posten had left a note about the missed delivery.
I ran home (I work just 10 minutes from home, luckily), only to see the delivery truck drive out from my street and disappear. At home, no note about anything. Now I don't know if it will be delivered later today or if the truck will return when I'm at work tomorrow (I can't leave work tomorrow) or what. And that truck just drives around trying to deliver stuff. If they only contacted ME, not UPS about delivering the bike.

I sent an email to Posten to complain about the no notice to me and the way they did this, but they blame UPS for making them deliver it as business packages. But so what? Send me a freaking sms or call me beforehand!
Delivery companies are the worst.

EDIT: I found out that they will try again at daytime tomorrow, and if I'm not at home (I'm not) they will take the bike to my local post office where I will have to pick it up myself. I'm betting I don't have room in my car for it, even though a station wagon, so I will have to assemble it outside the post office. I'm so freaking annoyed now. Especially since it's so close and it's some company bullshit that keeps it away from getting here at my house.
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Argh! So close... time for a new photo.. Hang in there.. Isn't the box only a meter wide.. that should fit in a wagon with the seats down??
I think the gods are trying to make it as difficult as possible for you to get your bike.

But yeah, bring a knife to the post office so you can break down the box in the parking lot if need be. The front wheel is already detached and the handle bars are loose, so if you can fold down your rear seats it should fit easily.
So, here it is! I've filmed some of the process putting it together too so you can have a look (putting that up in a few minutes). The bike fitted nicely into my car, the package wasn't as big as I feared, and the nice girl at the post office helped me carry it outside. :) The box had been roughly handled, but no scratches on it. Just some parts that had loosened and things laying around loose in the package. The fork was locked and the lock had come off - I haven't figured out how to fit it back and unlocking it. It's really plastic looking and feels cheap.

But tomorrow I'm gonna go get the battery! (more pictures here - PS! The mess in the garage is my landlord's! :p )
PS! Would love a comment/solution on that locking cap (what's the word for it?) for the fork and what's the deal there.
PS! Would love a comment/solution on that locking cap (what's the word for it?) for the fork and what's the deal there.

On my bikes ... to unlock the forks it only takes a 1/4 turn counter clockwise.. less than the pressure to open a twist cap on a beer.. or soda.. Hope you didn't hurt your hand on the bike assembly... Also, it looks like you need more air those tires... I think they call the locking cap the lockout lever or just plain lockout...
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On my bikes ... to unlock the forks it only takes a 1/4 turn counter clockwise.. less than the pressure to open a twist cap on a beer.. or soda.. Hope you didn't hurt your hand on the bike assembly... Also, it looks like you need more air those tires... I think they call the locking cap the lockout lever or just plain lockout...

Ok, I'll try again. It doesn't really fit well and falls off very easily. I'm guessing that it shouldn't? Or rather, have any of you experienced this?
So, the back wheel came violently off on my first ride. I am sure I tightened all the nuts good yesterday, but after the first kilometer of riding after picking up the battery (I was in ebike heaven for 10 minutes - wow this baby is good!) I stopped at a traffic light. When it turned green I started to pedal, then the wheel just cranked itself off. I had to walk back to the bike shop and get some help. They tightened the nuts really good and I thought I was good. At the first traffic light, the same thing happened again. The wheel spun off. I took it back and we discovered the nuts on the inside, against the wheel itself, had gone off its thread (or what you call it in english - I'm not sure) and they are dislocated, making it impossible to tighten the wheel good enough regarding the extreme power on hand.

See pictures and a video here

I've emailed Radpower about it, because the guys at the shop essentially told me they couldn't fix it, even though they build bikes themselves and would have some knowledge about things like this. My up and down story with the RadRover continues....
Bad luck - you seem to have one of them pre-vacation, Friday afternoon models. That's one of the problems with ordering internationally, if it all falls apart the hassle is a PITA.

Hopefully the guys at radrover will priority ship you a new fork and wheel/motor.
Bad luck - you seem to have one of them pre-vacation, Friday afternoon models. That's one of the problems with ordering internationally, if it all falls apart the hassle is a PITA.

Hopefully the guys at radrover will priority ship you a new fork and wheel/motor.
Or a new bike!