Any RadRover contributors out there ?

Those who have received your bike - these are a pretty small run of bikes, but is there a serial number engraved anywhere? I'm thinking if I want to ride it every day and park at the bus stop that I want to get some insurance specifically for the bike, which would probably require having a serial number somewhere.
Awww man! These reports of bikes getting damaged in transit has me really concerned. I live in UK, so my bike will be (mis)handled by more delivery monkeys and the risk of it arriving damaged is greater. I'm expecting to be paying $490 - $575 for shipping and I won't be happy if my bike arrives damaged.

I'll be interested to hear the initial reports from @Phrodos about the condition of his bike after it has been shipped to Norway.
@Fluxlasers Yeah, I'm getting a bit worried here too. I'm pretty sure it will be DHL (don't think UPS delivers here) who will deliver it to me and I've never had any problem with them. But I have never received such a big package from such a long way either... I will pay a lot for the shipping (and customs), so I will definitely be in a critical mood when the package arrives.

On a side note: I cannot believe that companies with ONE purpose, to deliver packages to people, can't deliver them undamaged. What other business could do their job badly and still get paid for it in the long run?
On a side note: I cannot believe that companies with ONE purpose, to deliver packages to people, can't deliver them undamaged. What other business could do their job badly and still get paid for it in the long run?

I totally agree. I think it is outrageous that we pay extra because the package contains hazardous material, but the shippers seem to treat it like any other package, and not take the extra care a potentially hazardous package deserves. It sound to me like the shippers are extorting extra money out of people for delivering high tech and expensive products. Also, I thought that the HazMat regulations required the battery had to be shipped in a separate box?
Fortunately, it seems like the shipping issues could be easily fixed with some additional foam taped around the bottoms of the forks, additional tape locking things down inside the package, and additional tape/staples on the outside of the box. While I hate to be the guinea pigs, hopefully Ty can make some changes to future orders that are shipped.
Long time listener, first time caller...

My RadRover was delivered yesterday and I can't remember a time when I was more excited to get something in the mail. Upon delivery, it appeared that the box was opened and retaped, basically the top flap was held down by three pieces of tape.

I'm going to be brutally honest here without any unnecessary exaggeration as I think it will benefit all backers of this well-run campaign.

It got cut-off...

Upon opening the box, I found all parts looking like they were thrown in there. The front tire wasn't secured to the frame to prevent its movement during shipping and the result was a lot of nicks and scratches front to back.

I pulled it out and started to assemble it according to the video sent out by the Rad Power Bikes team. The wiring to the handlebars is extremely tight, but everything fit into place with the exception of the front light. The wires barely reach the light and upon turning the bars to the right, the wires pull right out of the back of the light. I looked to see if I routed them wrong but it's pretty much a straight-shot from the main wiring harness to the light.

The housing around the red button was busted up, but the button does still work.

My battery won't charge at all. I did see an earlier post where someone said to reseat the fuse to fix it. I'll try that and let you know how that goes.

The front brake cable is run in such a way that it rubs against the massive tires. I just zip-tied it out of the way.

There is a wire that was completely pulled out of the front brake lever. I would pull out the screw and attempt to reconnect it but there is a sticker saying that it's prohibited to remove that screw. Hopefully someone in there can give me a pointer with that one.

Right now I can only use it as a traditional bike but it is very smooth and surprisingly easy to pedal. I can't wait to ride it as an evoke.

More later, but here some pics.


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@SoCalAaron I think that wire is for the motor cut off switch. When you press the brakes it automatically cuts power to the motor. You could try to install it it and then test to see if it works. Just use the throttle and at the same time press the brake. If the motor keeps running then you know it's not working. And I think you're right about the front tire causing a lot of damage during shipping. It should be zip tied to the frame. That's how my sand viper was shipped.

@pxpaulx there is a number on the front of the frame where the forks enter it. I don't know if that's a serial number or model number
@samdavis that will probably do, anything stamped for documentation will probably be sufficient. thanks!

kinda worried with these negative issues popping up, hope there is some positive resolution from the radrover team.
I hope they take time to read this and/or more folks comment on it on Indiegogo because it is a bit alarming.
Well the good news is most problems could be fixed with better packaging. Hopefully batch 2 backers bikes will be packaged better. What worries me is the battery. I would hate for it to go out while I'm in the middle of a ride
Ok, quick update...

I reseated the fuse on the battery box and it finally did take a charge. Once complete (apparently it was partially charged prior to shipping so it didn't take long), I powered on the battery, turned it on with the red button, and... Nothing. No power to anything to include the display. I don't know if this is because of the wire that is stripped out of the left hand motor cutoff switch or because the housing on the red button was destroyed. Either way, I'm not happy.

I talked 4 of my friends to contributing to this campaign and 2 of them are here now. They both agree that there are a few fundamental errors in shipping. I basically have a badass pedal bike in my garage. I emailed rad power bikes yesterday about everything but got no response (though it is a national holiday). All backers should be extremely concerned.

I'll follow up when I hear back from the manufacturer.
@SoCalAaron sorry if this is a stupid question but did you hold down the "mode" button for 3 seconds after you powered on the battery? This is what actually turns on the bike.
@samdavis no need to be sorry. That was the first thing I did to try to get any power to the display. :(

Regarding the battery, is there a trick to turning it off. Simply pressing the button again doesn't do it. The power light only goes off if I remove the battery box from the frame.
Yeah this battery worries me. Sometimes I press the button and it turns off, sometimes it takes 15 to 20 seconds to turn off I think once it didn't turn off. This morning I went in the garage and the battery was on, but I cant remember if I left it on or not so who knows. The way the battery just died on my first ride worries me for future rides. I'll be commuting with it next week so we'll see how it goes.
It is interesting we hadn't heard any issues from the people who received the bikes locally last week, though I suppose they may not necessarily be following it online being they could interact directly with rad power if needed.
Just got a response from Mike Radabaugh at Rad Power Bikes. He's sending replacement parts for all damaged items and he gave instructions on how to repair everything.

Considering he sent this on the 4th of July shows that these guys care about making their customers happy.