Wonder how many people who didn't mod their Sondors bike are actually still riding them after running into issues. The support perspective by crowdfunded product is mostly vaporware and doesn't build a sustainable industry. Are there problems with some of the mainstream manufacturers? Of course; however, repairing and maintaining an electric bike or add on kit is not always easy to do. This is where a LBS that invests in tools, training and service specific to electric bikes is a real plus. Some of the internet manufacturers grow enough in wisdom and sales to recognize that they cannot provide adequate service just via the web and need the support of hands on techs, others have not. I agree with @Donny that there is room for both, just don't want to see people give up on electric bikes because they went for the cheap and became disillusioned when the product had issued that the online manufacturer couldn't or didn't help with.
That's my point - other brands cost more money and that's a given. Frankly, I think ebikes are too expensive to begin with. However, like you said, you are getting something for that extra money that you simply are not going to get from a company like Sondors.