another reason for throttle


Well-Known Member
as most of you know i am aggravated so many of the bikes dont come with throttle override

just yesterday realized another way i use it that i had forgotten about

i always use throttle to load the bike on my one up bike rack, have a little ramp and roll the bike up to the center and then over to the track, works great
i am careful doing it but no problems so far

also have another truck with a flat bed on it, use throttle and the ramp for getting it on the back of that truck

and use it to get up the 5 steps into my house with a ramp

still see way more advantages for than without

rode 14 miles friday and barely used it, but did use it for loading when i got back to the flatbed

i hope the electric wiring setups get advanced enough that in the next few years they come prewired for all options/accessories
and we just buy the options we want and plug them in
throttle, lights for front/rear, more advanced displays etc

much like a lot of cars come without some options but often the wiring harness has the plugs to add those options even if they were not ordered
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as most of you know i am aggravated so many of the bikes dont come with throttle override

just yesterday realized another way i use it that i had forgotten about

i always use throttle to load the bike on my one up bike rack, have a little ramp and roll the bike up to the center and then over to the track, works great
i am careful doing it but no problems so far

also have another truck with a flat bed on it, use throttle and the ramp for getting it on the back of that truck

and use it to get up the 5 steps into my house with a ramp

still see way more advantages for than without

rode 14 miles friday and barely used it, but did use it for loading when i got back to the flatbed

i hope the electric wiring setups get advanced enough that in the next few years they come prewired for all options/accessories
and we just buy the options we want and plug them in
throttle, lights for front/rear, more advanced displays etc

much like a lot of cars come without some options but often the wiring harness has the plugs to add those options even if they were not ordered

What would be nice is some kind of USB type system that everyone agreed to use. You would just have a small USB hub someplace on the bike that you could plug aftermarket stuff into (or some other universal type system).
that would be cool

but i would not mind paying extra for each proprietary system either with different plugs, would just like the option of adding these things to my bikes
To a lot of people a bike crosses the line to "other than a bike" with the addition of a throttle vs peddlec only.
A good torque sensor is worth it's weight in gold and the most bike-like riding you can do on an Ebike.
I have throttles on 2 of mine and never use them.
lol biff
maybe throttle would be a good idea in that situation ..

MLB i get what you are saying but disagree
pretty sure my 2016 easy motion street has torque sensor and it is a nice bike but i do use throttle when navigating in traffic etc
maybe i am wrong and it does not have torque..

funny thing is 90% of the time that i want throttle is for slow speeds and tight turning, it seems most people think those of us that want throttle dont want to pedal and want to haul butt

i ride slower all around than probably 90% of the people on this forum
imo going 25mph on a bicycle is suicide lol

although i do get it for people that need to commute long ways

and i am never on my bike and not pedalling
Throttle for walk-assist as per the OP, makes a lot of sense. (3mph)

A full-speed (up to 20mph) also makes sense in the case of accident/injury/fatigue. Maybe you fall off and mess up your knee. Can't pedal, but could cruise home.

Several years ago my 7 year old daughter crashed 5 miles from the car. Nightmare trying to tote her and her bike back with a non-ebike and trailer. She wasn't seriously injured..just banged up enough not to keep riding...

Give me a throttle anytime!
I think aside from the noted "makes it a motorcycle" to a lot of people,not insignificant. it's also a liability risk as goosing the throttle when not on the bike or not paying attention could be a real problem. If you're pushing the pedals presumably you are in control. ??
My Big Bud will throttle up to 6mph by a contoller button, the Stromer had a walk mode too I think, though neither have throttles. I see the advantage for low speed loading and movement.
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mlb not sure what bikes you are riding, probably high end torque sensing bikes i guess
but some of these cheaper bikes i own tend to be unpredicatble or surgy in pas , even in level 2

this is exactly where i use throttle and not pas
because often the pas will shoot me forward way too fast as soon as you barely push the pedals
my 2015 rad rover is an excellent example of this, pas level 1 is useless and does pretty much nothing, but level 2 is 775 watts immediately bursting you forward
using throttle on this bike gives you slow controlled speed that is is not possible at all with pas in any level

without throttle on this bike i might as well have no motor at all because it would be totally useless to me
i do think some of this is because a lot of the riding here is in the flats
it was normal for the 2015, i have a suspicion that maybe some of these bikes like the radrover are made/tested in hillier areas and it is not so noticeable there
because you can use more power in that type of terrain

the 2016 rad rover is different and supposed to limit watts and speed in each level but i have not gotten to ride one and see how much difference there is

rad power is trying to get me a different controller for my 2015 that will act more like the 2016 but they have not gotten it so far