Another NYC Crackdown - 247 bikes seized in 24hrs

Bummer to be a New Yorker :(.. Did they set any parameters for what they consider illegal? Or, are they just blanket stating electric bikes are illegal?
There was a big confiscation back in January as well! A lot more ebikes in NYC than I thought. I searched the web for owners that had their bikes taken and couldn't find any stories from private citizens using ebikes for personal use, commuting or recreation, that had been confiscated. I used many different keywords, nothing. Either I'm looking in the wrong places, or these ebikes are being used for commercial purposes. I did read one sad story of a messenger who aged out of his profession because he couldn't keep up. He then found ebikes which gave him hope to keep going, only to have the police confiscate it. Something has to give in NYC.
Manhatten is a city for the rich. The poor are despised. Americans in general are the same but in NYC they make a game of it.
There was a big confiscation back in January as well! A lot more ebikes in NYC than I thought. I searched the web for owners that had their bikes taken and couldn't find any stories from private citizens using ebikes for personal use, commuting or recreation, that had been confiscated. I used many different keywords, nothing. Either I'm looking in the wrong places, or these ebikes are being used for commercial purposes. I did read one sad story of a messenger who aged out of his profession because he couldn't keep up. He then found ebikes which gave him hope to keep going, only to have the police confiscate it. Something has to give in NYC.

Is this concern recent? Recent YouTube videos show e-bikers beside patrol cars everywhere, no problem.

One-time scare tactic?

Go back to push "kiddie" scooters?
The crackdown is directed strictly towards bikes that are equipped with throttles. The use of a throttle on a bicycle is explicitly illegal in NYC and has been the case for many years now.
While governments around the world are facilitating and creating programs to extend the use of electric bicycles, promoting financing and even subsidizing citizens to take the habit of this new mobility, New York pursues e-bikes .
We wrote an article about this trouble in NY ( in spanish )

Mientras gobiernos de todo el mundo facilitan y crean programas para extender el uso de las bicicletas eléctricas, promocionando financiamiento e incluso subsidiando a particulares , NY persigue a las bicicletas eléctricas
"The mayor has suggested that delivery people switch over to using electric pedal-assisted bikes, which are legal to use on the streets of New York City. But Tan said low-wage workers who already bought an electric bike that accelerates with a throttle can't afford to switch."

At least it's a positive step forward for people that can afford it.
A skydiver needs to use his parachute if he wants to survive. So you always use your throttle?
That's what I meant. As far as I'm concerned the throttle should be used to get me through intersections as fast as possible because thats where I have the most close calls with the grim reaper. After that I go back to pedaling and being just another mild mannered cyclist.
That's what I meant. As far as I'm concerned the throttle should be used to get me through intersections as fast as possible because thats where I have the most close calls with the grim reaper. After that I go back to pedaling and being just another mild mannered cyclist.

If you are riding a fat bike, I might agree. But, my Haibike on Turbo assist setting with no throttle can accelerate quicker than my fat bike with a throttle. It's a choice in the bike that really makes the difference. It's my guess those delivery people use the bikes like scooters a lot more than they peddle. That's the real issue.
Court did a bike ride thru NYC a few months ago and in several other vids in NYC which happened to randomly show some bike delivery guys (and a few commuters) blasting away on sidewalks or thru traffic lights/stop signs WNFG. Those guys are a menace and I can see why the police are cracking down.