Member Since 2014
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- The Piedmont
There are plenty of big cities like Philly where ebikes are legal, and where ebikes aren't being confiscated. Pennsylvania's ebike law is simple: one horsepower (750 watts), 20 MPH top assisted speed via throttle or pedal assist. Philly even enforces bike speed limits on multi use paths.Court did a bike ride thru NYC a few months ago and in several other vids in NYC which happened to randomly show some bike delivery guys (and a few commuters) blasting away on sidewalks or thru traffic lights/stop signs WNFG. Those guys are a menace and I can see why the police are cracking down.
There's nothing different about NYC than any other big city. If the money spent on confiscation, storage and their grandstanding of crushing ebikes, not to mention the cost of disposing of the battery hazardous waste were spent on enforcing the law, it would be a better place for all ebikers. Including delivery ebikers. That way the politicians could still get their cheap fast food delivered, hot and cheap. Put the fear of God in the ebikers that they need to ride right, or big fines and points on their driver's license will be assessed.
Big cities all over the US and Europe are able to deal with ebikes, what's wrong with NYC?