Alex MD40 rims

Some of us use ice tires for playing soccer on the outdoor rinks this time of year, total fun.
Actually, using studs in an urban area doesn't make sense, a good ice tire is better, something like a Nokian who make the best ice/snow tires, get them from Europe. In snow a mountain bike tire works best.
If you ride a mid-drive, the ebike-hating LBS can't tell what bike your wheels came off if you bring them in off the bike.
Good point. But after my bad experience test riding the single, solitary ebike they had in the shop, and getting NO info at all from either salesman who dealt with me, I am now looking for a reason to take my ebike in and rub it in their stuck up noses how much fun it is.

They had a Turbo Vado 2.0 that I took out for a spin, and I just was not impressed at all. The same ebike hate that I dealt with was experienced by another forum member here who went in to drop 4k on an ebike and they basically tried to steer him away from it. When flat out told "So you are giving up a 4k sale to make a $400 sale ?" they answered yes, simply because this ebike thing is a fad that will dry up and disappear in 2 years tops. I hate to say it, but if they do not adapt, they will be left behind and be like just another LBS that went out of business.
Will a Schwalbe SmartSam tyre marked "For crocheted tyres only" work with may Alex rims md40 584 · 40 rim. I removed a Schwalbe Rock Razor tyre that was clearly marked as tubeless compatible. The Smart Sam in NOT tubeless compatible as far as I know. Is the alex rims md40 584 · 40 rim a tubeless hookless or a tubeless w/hooks type rim? Will my smart sam tyre be safe on this rim. Thanks.
Will a Schwalbe SmartSam tyre marked "For crocheted tyres only" work with may Alex rims md40 584 · 40 rim. I removed a Schwalbe Rock Razor tyre that was clearly marked as tubeless compatible. The Smart Sam in NOT tubeless compatible as far as I know. Is the alex rims md40 584 · 40 rim a tubeless hookless or a tubeless w/hooks type rim? Will my smart sam tyre be safe on this rim. Thanks.
I have those Alex MD 40 rims and they are great. They are strong like a bull. I have never used a tubeless setup but yes have used Smart Sam Plus on them.