The bike arrived yesterday - and I love it! I've built several DIY e-bikes, but this thing is much nicer. There are so many little details that show that it was built to be electric rather than retrofitted. My bike builds always remain a work in progress; the OceanCurrent feels complete. (And it eats up the miles.)
As for the LCD question, I did get the answer to my questions, but I'll have to save up a bit of money before I can make the upgrade. To add the LCD I will need to purchase the controller and the LCD from Juiced, but some voice in the back of my head tells me we need to pay tuition and grocery bills first. (I really hate little voice.)
Overall, I'm incredibly happy with the bike and plan to leave the car in the driveway gathering dust as much as possible.
Thank you for all of your advice and information. I will keep you posted on any new developments.