Accessorized Propella Ebike Giveaway (Finished)


Staff member
Hi guys! I was inspired by Brents original review of the Propella 2.0 and decided to reach out to the founder, Ben Tarasolli, to see if I could cover his next version, the Propella 2.2. To me, this ebike platform not only looks cool, but offers a ton of potential for upgrading and accessorizing... it's cheaper at $1.3k than a lot of competing products in the $2k - $2.5k price range, so there's potentially more money leftover for upgrades.

So... I brainstormed a bit and pitched this idea to Ben: if you donate a Propella for me to review, I'll match the value with my own money to buy some great accessories and then give the bike away to someone who could really use it. As a reviewer, I strive to remain impartial and don't take gifts. I do charge a review service fee and run some ads here on the website and YouTube, but my goal is really to love people as I make a living. I think ebikes empower us to live healthy, connected, and sustainable lives, both financially and environmentally speaking.

So anyway! No purchase necessary, my only request is that you or the person you advocate for live or meet along my next travel route between Denver, Colorado and Long Beach, California around September 5-9, 2018 (the exact date will depend on your location). I'd like to deliver the bike in person, along with all original and upgraded accessories, and you will be required to sign a liability waiver because I am not responsible for your health and safety on this magnificent machine ;) My hope is that this ebike can be loved and put to good use by someone who might not otherwise be able to afford or justify it. Please do not apply if you intend to sell the bike because I'd like to checkin on it after a year to get feedback. I did a similar giveaway last year but did not announce it here in the EBR Forums because my buddy Andrew already knew a man who loved bikes and was riding a cheaper product on a daily basis who was in need of an upgrade. That gentleman still owns and uses the bike, and I think that's awesome :D

To enter, please introduce yourself and share a bit about the situation and how you or your friend/family member might enjoy this special electric bike. Please also specify the city where you live or where you propose to meet along my route. Do not disclose other personal information, I'll message you directly if it sounds like a fit. I reserve the right to extend the deadline or cancel this giveaway at any time for any reason. Our plan is to choose someone from the replies left on this thread by the end of this week (Friday August 31) then make an announcement in this thread. I am the sponsor for this giveaway because I own the product (required to say this for legal reasons).

I chose to post this giveaway in the accessories section of the forums because the focus is on all of the cool accessories that were added to the Propella! I'm going to list them below, along with links, so you can consider them for your own ebike projects. I welcome feedback and suggestions for other cool accessories that could further enhance this e-bike. Big thanks to Ben from Propella, Chris Nolte from Propel Bikes (who got me the suspension fork and saddle at cost), ABUS for the donated lock and helmet, the laborers in China who manufacturer and ship most of this stuff, and to you for being awesome and a part of this community.

Complete product and accessories list:

With all of the accessories included and no discounts or freebies, the grand total MSRP cost to build this ebike would be $2,456 (just over $1k in accessories). I definitely think it could still use lights, and I'd probably recommend something like this rechargeable Cygolite combo, but my budget was somewhat limited, so I focused on comfort and utility. My full review on the stock Propella 2.2 can be found here. Propella did not pay for this post and I do not receive a commission for any units sold as a result. The intention was to have fun and share... There are plenty of other great ebikes that are affordable and ready to be accessorized and you can explore them in the affordable category of the site :)

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Hi Court, I would like to throw my wife Andrea's name in the ring for the bike. She is a high school art teacher with a 10 mile commute (one way). She bikes to work a minimum of 4 days per week all year long, rain or shine and there are days when I am sure she could use a little electric help. She is a big advocate of people using bikes instead of cars to reduce carbon emissions and hopefully reduce a little bit of Salt Lake City's terrible air pollution at the same time.
This bike looks amazing! I have recently moved to San Diego (could meet in Long Beach) and have been reading through many of your reviews for the right electric bike on a budget. I am a big photography nerd who loves taking landscape shots and this bike would give me a wonderful way to get from point A to point B when seeking out new spots. Thank you for your trustworthy reviews. Always look forward to seeing your new videos when they pop up in my subscriptions. - Derek Story
Good Day Court! First I must say, thank you for all the great content you provide. Not only on EBR but also Electric Ride Review. I have watched almost all of your videos and have shared many in hopes to get more and more people prepared for the bright future of Electric Commuting. Secondly, my story is long and has a tendency to scare people. So I'll leave the short version and hope one day we'll be able to meet up, take a bike ride and share more.

For over a decade I have been riding a bicycle every day. Commuting, groceries, errands, everywhere for everything. I live in Denver and it is fast and easy to live the bike life. I rode over 200 miles each week. In April 2015 I was commuting home from work when I hit a large pot hole and was thrown, with my fixed gear bike attached, under the dually truck to my left. I went under his passenger side and the rear dual wheels ran over me from hip to head. The results where a broken pelvis on both sides, my right hip shattered, my bladder ruptured, my ribs and spine fractured. Lucky for me there was kind people to help and I was able to get to the hospital. According to the hospital I wasn't supposed to live, but since I did, I wasn't supposed to walk. But, I can't live that life... so I learned to walk again. I now ride again. I ride 100 miles per week. I still ride what used to be my fixed gear, which has been repaired after the accident and converted to a single speed. It's not easy, but living here I cannot afford an upgrade nor a car (not like I would like a car... no thanks). The plus side is, it has made me stronger.

I don't expect to win. But if I did. I would ride this bike daily (like every single day) and be able to join my buddy on his weekly rides (he rides a century ride every week!). To me, to win that would be the most amazing thing that has happened to me since I learned how to love life and live my passion of riding bikes again. Thanks for hearing me out. Be well and safe travels.
Hi Court, I have been a huge fan of your YouTube page over this last year. My friend directed me to you for research on electric bikes and I have yet to find anyone that provides better information. I've been dealing with spinal cancer for a few years now, and I used to work as a mover and a tile setter, so my knees are crappy. I really miss riding and I'm super depressed I had to get rid of my Jamis. I've been saving up to get a surface 602 colt, but between rent and medical bills here in Denver, it's been slow going. I'm sure I won't be seeing this badass bike, but it's just cool to be able to relate to someone with knee issues as well. Have a good one buddy

Hi Court, I'm a fan of the way you review e-bikes. I've been subscribed to your channels for some years now. It's always fun to catch the latest technology in e-bikes and your reviews are enjoyable to watch. I work as a web designer for two nonprofits that assist and help migrant communities across the US. Even though the pay is not that great I love my job since I know that I get to make a difference in the life of a lot of migrant latino communities. To commute to my office I ride 10 miles on my fixie almost everyday, mainly to save me some money. When I'm riding uphill o_O I always think how nice it would be to have some assistance in my legs :D A Propella bike would be nice to have. Anyways, keep up the beautiful work that you guys do to keep us informed. - Ofelia
So here's my story. I am a waiter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I don't drive. No, I didn't get a DUI. I moved to New York, and failed, as most do, but not before selling my car. Tail tucked, I slinked home, right back into my old house with my old roommate.
Since I've returned, it's taken 2 months to find a job, and during that time, I've had to sell not only my bike (a beautiful Roam 1), but my computer (typing this on my phone), my guitar, and my drums. Finally, I'm working, but I have no transportation.
These days, I take a Lyft or an Uber to work and walk home, because I work in a fine dining restaurant and must appear presentable, but it doesn't matter what I look like when I finally make it home. The buses in Tulsa don't run late at night or on Sunday.
Basically, the reason I think I might be a good candidate is, while others in this thread have had far more substantial physical hardships, they talk about their other bikes. I'm a guy that tried really hard to make it in the hardest city, but failed. I've got close to nothing these days, and I watch videos like yours on YouTube, looking for inspiration.
A bike like your Propella could not only help me get back and forth to work without spending half of my tips. If everything goes according to plan, it could be the coolest "car" in Manhattan, not if, but when, I make it back.
Your Electric Bike Review You Tube Channel is really an amazing one. Your so great with your in depth reviews and I love that you're living in your Prius.

I would love to win this amazing machine that you've put together! I live in San Francisco and have medical issues that have given me chronic pain. I don't use the bicycle that I have because it's just too much for me to pedal around and it's just so uncomfortable to use. My only concern is that I need a comfortable, padded seat, due to medical issues.

I would have no problem picking up my winnings in Southern California.
Thanks so much and as you would say, "Sweet"
I 've been reading these boards for over a year now. I've had my driving privileges taken away from me when I lost my kidneys and my life changed in a matter of months. All of a sudden a change of life event caused me to change how I looked at life and how I lived it. For a while, I thought my life was over, and that I would have to depend on others to take care of me. As time passed, I realized I could do things for myself and that I could face challenges. One of the few challenges I could not fix was my transportation. I could not drive, and I couldn't keep calling people to take me places, though all of my friends said it wasn't a problem, I felt so limited. I couldn't even go to the market when I wanted to, or needed to get water.

I solved this issue. I got myself my first electric bicycle. It's an Ezip. It is old but well kept up and I paid 700.00 for it. I was finally able to get around town and get at least some of my freedom back. I've had it for about 3 years now... It's kinda falling apart on me, and the batteries are failing a bit. I've been looking at all your reviews lately trying to decide what would be good replacement.

I live in Burbank California, I would make good use of the bicycle if offered and I would be greatful,. but I am already greatful for all the advice you have given me through your reviews. Thanks for the contest and congrats to the winner.
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Greetings Court and everyone! I live near San Bernardino, California and am 61 years young. I've been a huge fan of your EBR videos this past year, especially regarding the Ebike reviews and tips. I've enjoyed riding bicycles since I was 9 or 10 when first learning on a Schwinn trainer with a banana seat. My dad would push from behind a few times until I finally got the hang of riding it. I can still recall the joy and magic of that moment when I first pedaled non-stop around the block.

I've never owned nor ridden a motorized bicycle before but I think I've been interested in them since junior high school when they first came out with the little friction motor that attaches to the bike-rim and the NiCad battery pack. Frankly I am amazed at the evolution of technology of ebikes just these past couple of years.

A few years ago my career as a technician at one of the top-brand computer factories in the world came to an abrupt end when they moved their operation to Mexico where they are now assembled. Since then I have found only part-time work and also live from my savings. Full-time work is difficult for me to find because, not for lack of trying by any means, but from my experience, competition is fierce and nobody seems to want to hire someone who's 57+. That said, I'm not seeking any sympathy nor charity by any means. This is just my situation, which I'm sure that one day, will change for the better. You've heard the adage, "Take one day at a time". Well I'm subscribing to that.

These days I walk or take the city bus to get around town for work and grocery shopping. I do have an old car but seldom use it in order to save on expenses and wear-and-tear.

Court I know you've mentioned your bad knee a few times. I too have a bad knee, a torn ACL from a football injury that was once operated on but didn't heal properly. I can walk fast for many miles, which I do daily for fitness, or pedal a bicycle. But I can't run a full sprint or my knee would surely give out.

Owning an electric bicycle like this would definitely be life-changing for me. Not only for the more practical uses and fitness but also for the sheer thrill and pride of ownership. It would be something I would use just about every single day and not just a weekend.

I certainly can't expect to win. But if I did win then I would never resell nor give it away. I would be a shining example of that thankful Ebike enthusiast who consistently motivates and encourages others, contributes back to the community and to EBR.

Respectfully, John Felix
Awesome bike and great Accessories added. The Custom add ons and upgrades look great. I don’t have a vehiclei l live in the Seattle/Tacoma area here in WA state. The Puget Sound has lots of hills and valleys, I’m also a dialysis patient and miss Bike ? riding. I’m transitioning to Home PD dialysis and would love to have this bike to get around town hit trails and get some good fresh air and exercise again like I use to. This would be a great blessing for me if could be the lucky winner of this amazing E-bike. The New mobility and freedom would be priceless. ??????✌?❤️✌?
FWIW, how about having members vote, maybe on 3 finalists and then Court picks the winner? Oh, might be kinda late for that if today was the deadline!:eek:
Big thanks to everyone who expressed interest in the customized Propella! I've selected @beardofthereds to receive the bike and made contact with him earlier today to confirm that he can receive it successfully within our timeline and location parameters. I chose this person for the following reasons:
  • It sounds like he would use the bike regularly and could benefit from the sportier design to attend century rides with his friend
  • He has experience customizing this type of product (city, single speeds, fixies) and has the tools to keep it running
  • It sounds like he has followed EBR and even ERR for a while! He was friendly and humble with his entry, he provided all requested info
  • His location fits my travel plan, he has a place to safely store the bike when delivered, he was aware of the contest fairly early on
  • Even though he already owns a bicycle, it sounds like he has been using it for quite some time and could use the additional parts and accessories that come with the giveaway bike... or friends to share them with
I realize that it feels like a letdown to enter a small contest like this and not win... Each of you had a special situation that tugged at my heart strings and inspired me when reading about your situation and interest int he bike. I wish that I could give each of you an ebike like this! but that is beyond my resources right now. Instead, I would like to offer the entrants who did not win, $100 USD via PayPal to help save up for your own electric bike (or just help in your life). I spoke with Ben about my intentions to gift some money to each of you and he agreed to make a special 10% discount code that can be applied towards the purchase of one of his brand new stock Propella bikes. That code is EBR10 which can be entered at checkout and shared with friends and family through September 15, 2018. I am in no way receiving a commission or payment for this promo code, it was made specially just for you.

Those who did not win the bike but are eligible to receive $100 USD from me via PayPal include: @Mike Heidinger @derekstory @Mposte @Ofelia @WalkingGuy @Mitchell Barnow @Daniel Kim @John Felix @MrEmeraldCity2018 and @JoeinJP for his suggestion about voting and engagement here on the forums :) In order to receive this money, you must message me through the forums here and send your PayPal email address by end of day Monday September 3, 2018. Thanks again!
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Thank you again Court! I cannot express my excitement! As for your give away to the others, that is beyond generous and you are an amazing individual for doing that. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Congratulations beardofthereds! I'm happy to see this amazing ebike go to a much deserving person. :)

Also Congratulations to everyone who entered we are ALL Winners!

Court, thank you so much for what you do. Your reviews and tips are so helpful to the community because you are so knowledgeable. But when it comes right down to it, you do care for others who are less fortunate and it shows. You are an amazing person and this is an amazing site. I'm proud to be a part of this.
Good Day Court! First I must say, thank you for all the great content you provide. Not only on EBR but also Electric Ride Review. I have watched almost all of your videos and have shared many in hopes to get more and more people prepared for the bright future of Electric Commuting. Secondly, my story is long and has a tendency to scare people. So I'll leave the short version and hope one day we'll be able to meet up, take a bike ride and share more.

For over a decade I have been riding a bicycle every day. Commuting, groceries, errands, everywhere for everything. I live in Denver and it is fast and easy to live the bike life. I rode over 200 miles each week. In April 2015 I was commuting home from work when I hit a large pot hole and was thrown, with my fixed gear bike attached, under the dually truck to my left. I went under his passenger side and the rear dual wheels ran over me from hip to head. The results where a broken pelvis on both sides, my right hip shattered, my bladder ruptured, my ribs and spine fractured. Lucky for me there was kind people to help and I was able to get to the hospital. According to the hospital I wasn't supposed to live, but since I did, I wasn't supposed to walk. But, I can't live that life... so I learned to walk again. I now ride again. I ride 100 miles per week. I still ride what used to be my fixed gear, which has been repaired after the accident and converted to a single speed. It's not easy, but living here I cannot afford an upgrade nor a car (not like I would like a car... no thanks). The plus side is, it has made me stronger.

I don't expect to win. But if I did. I would ride this bike daily (like every single day) and be able to join my buddy on his weekly rides (he rides a century ride every week!). To me, to win that would be the most amazing thing that has happened to me since I learned how to love life and live my passion of riding bikes again. Thanks for hearing me out. Be well and safe travels.

beardofthereds-Congrats on being the new proud winner of this awesome E-bike. Like everyone, I hope you have many safe travels on it and perhaps you may upgrade to something more customized to your liking later in life. Hope to hear back the annual review and some cool stories attached to it as well. Happy travels!