A Video Celebrating The First 28 Days of My RadRover

Very nice pics and a ton of miles your first month!

You might need a second battery to extend your daily mileage even more. I added additional lights (headlight, helmet light, tail light) to extend my fun riding to before sunrise early morning and late evenings after sundown because we are getting into the +95 degree temps on average in the Southwest. I actually like riding in the dark on the Radrover compared to daylight hours.
Thanks yo, I had a lot of fun taking em and riding everywhere. I've noticed that a 20 mile range around my house is getting limited, so I've actually thought about getting a second battery just for that, LOL! What type of headlight did you end up going with @mrgold35 ? I'm still thinking of getting that 12volt DC converter so I can run a real 4-5in headlight off of it, but I've never been technically or mechanically inclined, lol. I did do some night riding twice, but that stock headlight is way to small. I'm also getting a Meilan X5 turn signal / brake light, which can charge right off the battery.

EDIT: I went 47 miles on a ride one day, really pushing that 20-40 mile range lol
Congrats man. I also got mine a month ago. Due to time and weather I only got to take it out twice to the park and only have about 30 miles on it. I have no pics or video really aside from my avatar.

So you took it into the woods? I want to do that next but am unsure how it will take the bumps. I go over a small section of road in the park that is "patched" and it sounds like the bike is falling apart with all of the rattles. Unsure that is normal.. i;)i

It makes it through though.

Love it so far, great bike. I doubt you can find a better bike for the money.
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I get a lot of rattles on my Radrover on rough trails or streets. It does not sound out the ordinary for this type of bike (hardtail, PSI between 20-25, spring front suspension, rack bag full of tools/gear). I did have to re-tighten my Topeak rack screws that worked themselves out after a month of riding. I added blue lock-tight the second time I tighten them and the rack screws have stayed put since.

I do more trail riding than work commuting on my radrover. Adding a wider seat and suspension seatpost feels better and more comfortable on the trails. The seat+suspension seatpost also works very well for work commuting at 20-23 mph on sometimes bumpy paved roads. I've put my wife's Radrover battery in my rack bag when riding alone for extra range. The most miles I've done was 36 miles on a single charge at PAS 2 and a lot of leg power. I usually go around 20-27 miles at PAS 2-3 on average if the ground is mostly level and not a lot of wind. A lot more fun to ride when you don't have to worry about running out. I ran out of power a few times without the spare battery and the Radrover is almost easier to push than ride without power.
I kind of expected it to make noise. I was sort of being sarcastic. i:)i

Hell I carry the tool bag that came with it in the bag on the back so that alone rattles.

It does seem to take those small patched spot rather hard though but that is okay. I LOVE the bike so much.

No idea how it will handle on some light trails. I don't mind the noise/roughness as long as I KNOW the bike itself is not being harmed.
I ride about 90% paved trails and 10% off-road, but that's only because I'm close to the big city and there's not a ton of area I can go off-road. My RadRover makes very little noise, but I can definitely hear the chain bouncing. I've read some have removed a link from theirs and mine hasn't come off, but I've thought about doing it cause it seems to fly around all the time lol. I have the full fenders and did notice a lot of noise at one point, but it was due to a screw for the rear fender coming undone. After tightening it, I'm back to almost no sound except the chain bounce. From the photo, it looks like you have the smaller standard fenders tho and I bet those shake more as there are less points they attach to on the bike.

I'm riding 20-40 miles a trip regularly. I tend to use PAS2 as my default, PAS3 for easy rides, and PAS1 for a challenge or longer rides. I have gone 47 miles on one charge using PAS1. Whenever you do go off-road, I suggest using a low heat and a higher PAS. I used the second\third gear and PAS3 and had a blast off-road, but be sure to wear a helmet lol. Off-road is the only time I've crashed this lol
Good advice. You are right about the fenders, they can move easily. I am sure they add to the noise. I need to pay more attention the next time I go out. As I said it is only in one small area where I encounter that type of surface. It is also no biggie.

You were able to go 47 miles on one charge? WOW. I understand that is helping it most of the way but still.. Impressive. There is a bike club here that go on some long trips. 45 miles is the short one, 60+ the longer ones. I would love to do that but don't want to run out of battery. I am about 240 so hauling me around is hard on the motor I am sure. i:)i

They are both "no drop" rides and I for one don't want to be "that guy" stuck in the back trying to pedal the Rover with no juice. Embarrassing. i:)i

Maybe if I had a second battery I would think about the short one. With pedaling I am sure two batteries could get 45 miles easily even at my weight. Wish they would go on sale. $500 is a lot for a battery, 1/3 the cost of the bike.

I just love the bike. My first really nice bike, I always had cheap ones. Honestly the only thing that I find annoying at all is the breaks squeak a bit. They seem to grab hard but I am just thinking they are new and I am still getting used to them. 30 miles is not a lot of time on a bike so it is still pretty new to me. I also think my derailer is slightly off. I need to test more but a few times I had it in 1st gear but it was on the second ring down. I had to really pull the changer back to get it to climb up to the high one. Just an adjustment, nothing major.

A friend wants me to go riding with him in another park but that one will be hilly and have some trails. That will be a good test I am sure. I should be able to do that in a few weeks when he is back from vacation.

I just wonder how much the motor and electronics could take going over some rough terrain. I will never push it too much anyway so I guess it is a moot point.

The only thing I hate is the fact that I live in an area where I have to haul the bike someplace to ride it. I can't just jump on and go riding around the neighborhood. i :) i
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I ride my Radrover on mostly level single track MTB trails near the Rio Grande river that get pretty bumpy/rocky in spots. It is mostly bumpy because we have the share some trails with horse riders and they tend to pockmark up the trails whenever it rains. This is where the suspension seat really comes in handy with pockmark, rocky, or washboard dirt trails. The same trails do get very sandy in spots and the fat tires and PAS 3 (with a little throttle) get me through 95% of the time. I stay away from anything with steep inclines/declines, technical rides that requires a lighter bike to "bunny hop" over obstacles, or anything to rocky/bumpy that requires a full suspension MTB bike. I've even had my chain bounce off the front gear if I ride off a street curb too hard.

I only got a little over 800 miles on my rear tires because of work commuting on paved roads 2-4 times week. I'm +270 lbs and maybe another 25-35lbs for bike accessories/rack bag/commuter backpack on top of that. I switched to 120 tpi Vee8 tires and they are a big improvement over the Kenda on paved roads. The Vee8 are lighter, less flats with this tire, accelerates faster, way less road noise, and improved my normal cruising speed around 1-2 mph. I also suspect the tires are improving my battery range because they are more efficient and have less drag on the road. The Vee8 have plenty of tread to handle trail work that is perfect for my kind of riding. I would check out the Vee8 or Hookworms if you are 90% paved roads when it is time to replace the Kenda.
I got a cloud9 seat on your recommendation MRGold. Not the exact one you mentioned before but it is nice. It was 10.5"x 10.5" one and I thought any bigger may be too much. I can always buy another later.

If I have any complaint it would be I wish the seat could be further back a bit.

I also got that seat post you mentioned but it was the wrong size so I sent it back. Unsure where to get one now for a good price, they seem to be out on Amazon, and unsure I need it anyway.

Got a chance to to go riding today so went to the park again. Put another 15 miles on it. So up to 45 now. Still way behind you guys but at least I am finally getting a chance to ride it. i:)i

I will say the the odometer is way off on the Rad. At one point it said I went 7.1 miles but my GPS said I was at 7.8. A friends fit bit said the same. I am trusting the GPS more. Is there any adjustments I can do to compensate?

MrGold didn't you mention a better setting for the power levels before? I am using it as is and it seems fine to me but I am willing to try other things.

Brakes didn't squeal today, weird. Maybe they did just need some breaking in. <see what I did there> i;)i

I paid more attention to going over those rough spots and it was not too bad today.

Good times!

MysticalFists sorry to hijack your thread man.
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@mrgold35 your description of the singletrack trail is spot on lol. I only recently learned that's the type of trail I was on that I had a blast rocking the Rover in low gear and higher PAS. Now I've been looking all over the area for more singletracks lol. I saw your posts about the Vee8's and am already seeing why I might like those more. Likely gonna buy a set before I even need em and switch back to the Kendas for winter.

@Pa1adin that sucks not just being able to jump on and ride. Luckily living in Minnesota I've found there's like 12 or more parks within 20 miles, but I keep wanting to push it so I can ride to bigger Park Reserves and singletrack courses. I'm only like 125 soaking wet so that's definitely working for me, but still thinking of getting a second battery.

I wouldn't worry about the brakes though, I've heard a lot of people say you've gotta break em in and mine had squealed until around 400 miles. I also noticed the odometer is off a bit, but I still use it for my overall mileage. To track my outings, courses, speeds and such, I use MapMyRide. They've got a paid service, but I just use the free version and it still shows me the info I want, plus you can see other people's suggested routes and courses. No worries about hijacking lol, this is exactly why I posted :)
The only pain in the butt about trail riding is having to clean the Radrover all the time. You also have to be prepared for unexpected wipeout and dings/scrapes on the bike.:(

I found myself on my back looking up at the sky a few times trail riding more embarrassed than hurt. I now wear knee and elbow pads when trail riding. The pads also come in handy if the trail has a lot of vegetation that can scratch your arms and legs. The pads are so comfy and I started wearing them for my work commute also (road rash at +20 mph could be down to the bone).

G-Form Pads: https://www.amazon.com/G-Form-EP010...Mm&pd_rd_wg=CI0Ei&refRID=M6GVQPMH27BJ7JWSFTMK
Haha, I know all about the falls. Singletrack riding is the only time I've fallen so far, pics below. It hurt, but I couldn't help laughing when the guy came up behind me asking if I was ok. Might have to get some pads, but this totally reminds me I need to buy a bash guard and a chain guard!~

Hey guys, this is my first post on this website. I don't own an e-bike yet, but I am looking real hard at buying a pair of RadRovers for my wife and me. Of all the ones I've seen, it seems to be the most fully featured at that price point - which is about the most I can afford. Sadly, I have to put off the purchase for a little while as I may be facing ankle surgery in the next few weeks, and all of that comes out of my pocket....but that's another story. Anyway, I am reduced to looking at pictures and videos, and reading reviews, since there isn't a local distributor here in the DFW area. So if y'all don't mind, I have some questions.....

  1. If the battery gets expended all the way, is the bike unrideable without any assist due to its 63 lb weight, or does it have sufficient gearing to ride, at least on more or less level ground?
  2. I am WAY overweight.....like right around 300 lbs right now.....partly due to forced inactivity from injury recovery, and partly because, well, I eat too much when I'm sitting around bored, and I need to go on a strict diet for a while. The bike's frame and running gear seem fairly over-engineered from the images, but do you guys think that it will carry my weight without breaking something?
  3. How much weight do you think the available rear cargo rack will carry? I'm thinking about stuff like a full bag of groceries....stuff like that.
  4. Lastly, I have a lot of hardware and some fused vertebrea in my lower spine, and my torso's range of flexion/extension is more restricted that for some people. How far forward is one leaning to ride this bike?
Thanks for any answers.
Hi Annoyed!

I've tested and found that I am able to ride the bike without the power on, but I wouldn't want to have to, lol. It can be a bitch, but it's definitely do able. One thing to keep in mind with my own review though is that I'm 125lbs and in my 35 years, I've only ever rode bicycles, I hate cars, so my legs are toned bike ready. I don't do extreme forward race riding, but I find that I don't actually lean as far forward as I sometimes prefer. It's more similar to slightly tilted forward vs directly upright riding; although, I'm also 5'7" which seems to be on the low end for the RadRover and someone with longer arms might actually be completely upright on it, lol.

I would also note that the listed weight limit from Rad Power Bikes is 275lbs for the RadRover. Because of that, I'd actually recommend the RadWagon. It has a listed 350lbs weight limit and has a 28" rack built into the frame of the bike for heavier cargo lifting.
I'm 6'3" and around 270lbs. Down from when I started at around 282 lbs back in Sept of 2016. I work commute with a Osprey Radial 34 backpack and Topeak MTX DXP smarttrack rack bags pretty full with riding clothes, gear, accessories, tools, flat kit, spare battery, lunch, and work cloths. I once weigh my Radrover before a morning winter commute and me+bike+gear+accessories came in a 389 lbs total weight on the bathroom scale. I sometimes take detours before or after work to hit the singletrack dirt trails near the Rio Grande river on my route. I'm fully loaded at max commuter weight and the Radrover cut through the trails the same way without the extra gear. I can vouch for the Radrover can carry up to 389 lbs and hit full speed and handle the same just like it does with less weight.

The Radrover has never failed to perform after +2600 miles between both bikes. I get a little less range compared to my wife at 4'11" and 125lbs; but, I make up the difference with my extra leg strength and better conditioning (she is faster; but, I can ride longer supplementing with my leg power). I did run out of power a few times and the Radrover is a little tough to pedal if you have a headwind or slight incline. You should be able to do 1st or 2nd gear with no problems on flat level ground with no wind without much difficulties.

The Radwagon might be made for the extra weight; but, it doesn't have the extra comfort features like 4" fat tires, front suspension, and smaller length for storage/transport. The extra thickness of the 4" fat tires really help smooth out the ride over bumps compared to thinner sidewall tires. I would recommend adding a different seat and suspension seatpost like the Sunlite Cloud-9 11.5X12.5 suspension seat or Suntour SP12 NCX 350mm or 400mm suspension seatpost. The combo of fat tires, front suspension, suspension seatpost, and larger cruiser seat makes high/low speed paved roads and trail riding equally accessible.

I added the Sunlite 0-60 degree 95mm adjustable handlebar stem to my Radrover (Amazon, $32). I usually keep the adjustment around 0 degrees for my wife and 35-40 degrees for me. It helped move me into a more upright riding position and less stress on my hands (less numb hands when riding). The Radrover is one size fits most (5'2" to 6'1" I think). Since the Radrover is a regular bike with ebike components added, it is easy to add aftermarkets parts to make ergo adjustments.
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I can only tell you what my experiences are. I am 6'3" and about 240Lbs. Riding on a flat surface is about the same as any other bike. It has a nice low gear on it. I can ride it on level with no battery assist easily but once you get a slight hill it does indeed get slightly harder than a normal bike due to the size/weight. Harder but doable depending on the rider . Anything more and you can really feel the weight of the thing adding to it. I would say it is about 50% harder than a normal bike and that probably gets a higher percentage the steeper the hill is.

So I would say for you, no, do not ever ride it without the battery assist. Maybe on level if that is all you will do. You hit one hill an you will be walking it IMHO. Have you see Jerry's review? He is about 291 lbs himself and rode a Rover. You can see his video here.

Him riding it is at 10:50.

I am unsure that is the limit of the bike. Carrying groceries etc.. on top of your 300Lbs would maybe require something built for that. I agree with Mystical, maybe a wagon would be better. Honestly I am unsure. I love the FAT tires on the Rover. i:)i

After reading how MrGold says he loads it way more than that, I am simply unsure what the limit is for this thing. Trust what they say since they have experience with doing that.
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I love the fat tires after just a month, I'd go with mrgold's review as he's got like two years experience on me, he's closer to your size, and his opinions have never steered me wrong ;)

My suggestions for the RadWagon are based purely on the listed size limits at Rad Power.
Hey, you guys are awesome! Thanks for the replies. Before joining here, I had joined another off-road bike forum (which I'll leave nameless) looking for info on e-bikes, and this model in particular, and the trolling that went on there - even from the moderators - was so distasteful I just never posted there and left. It was the old "purists versus e-bikes" arguments........in a thread for e-bikes, in their e-bike subforum. It was ridiculous. I come from the gun world, and its just like the everpresent .45 vs 9mm arguments, or Glock vs 1911 arguments. There's no end to it, and too many people who think that their experience is the only legitimate experience. Friendly kidding is perfectly OK. I'm not a snowflake and I can enjoy that stuff as much as the next guy. But at that forum, it was just too over the top. I am very pleased to see a much more friendly and helpful discussion here. I will be posting more questions as I think of them.

Thanks again for making it a pleasure.
I started my search for an eBike a few months back and just purchased mine at the beginning of June. At that time I was still trying to decide between this bike and some others (Teo, Juiced, etc). I was really surprised to see the exact same thing you mentioned, people don't seem to mind at all if you ride one or the other and I fully expected to see people who like such and such bikes fight with others who like the other bikes. Instead, I see exactly the opposite and the community here seem to appreciate input regardless of the bikes a person choose. It was really refreshing and it's a main reason I continue to post here. Still chatting with the guy who bought the Teo about what types of lights he's trying because I also want to change out the s*it light that comes with the RadRover, lol. Truely an awesome community here :)

PS: .45 ACP 1911 all the way :p