Looking for help on BH Revo Cross battery LEDs diagnostic


Good evening,

Note: I read several advanced/excellent threads on the topic of the BH battery such as
Without finding an answer to my case (yet ?).

Background: the Li-ion battery of my BH Easy Motion "Revo Cross (2016)" stopped charging some time after the dreadful "Error 13" appeared.

Once connected, the original charger keeps blinking green instead of switching to fixed red as standard, when plugged into the frame connector as well as directly into the battery.

I first thought it might be due to the mode "Deep Sleep" engaged but when I press the battery button for ~10 seconds, the following sequence happens:

1. The 4th LED, and only it, blinks every second for ~10 seconds.

2. Then All 5 LEDs blink for a few seconds, then nothing.

Here's a short video to help demonstrate the sequence.

Any hint would be most welcome 🙏

Best regards,
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Update information: the control panel now shows the battery level as "39%" but no power assist kicks in while pedaling.
With the speed reading stuck at a max level of "4 km/h", even though I'm riding at >20 km/h.
Hi Taipan.

Unfortunately (or not) I sold the BH .
Anyway, I did not see any similar issue to yours, and in fact I did a lot of research looking for BMS protocol and error codes, but I could not find anything, being one of the reasons why I decided to change to a bike with Yamaha system, which is better documented.

Best luck on your investigation!