shengyi mid-drive chainring : ISO 48t-6hole


New Member
Im trying to replace the chain ring on by E-bike with a bigger one (perhaps 48T). the mid drive motor is from Shengyi and model (I believe) is CMT03 Ebike Mid Motor.

The existing chain ring is 36T 6 hole, which is ideal for mountain biking but not so much well suited for city biking (and I end up ghost peddling alot). I am only able find chainring with 5 holes to bolt. I just cannot find a 48t - 6 hole cannot find a replacement for it with over a month of search.

I found a similar forum, but it is 4 years old. :, tried all the recommendations there in, but still looking.
Not sure if anyone knows if 6 hole chainring exists or not.

any help will be appreciated. Thanks.