500S display password Bafang Hub Drive ?

My 500S display does have a password of 1818.
Wondering if anyone knows what the other parameters do?
Here is my list of settings (the letters are a best guess from the lcd display)
Any help would be appreciated

SL 32 (max speed can be set to 41)
HL 1
A5 0
SA 2
Ar 64
HP 0
H6 0
Sd 0
CL 18
P5 0-9
Do you happen to know what are the abbreviations are for?
This is just what I “read” off the display.
Thus the 5 and S may be interchanged, as well as 6 and b.

Hoping to be able to boost the power slightly. (I have read that Canadian bikes have been adjusted below what they are capable of)

Specifically wondering what the CL 18 refers to?

I tried to manipulate all the settings beyond just the max speed, and it was very hard to tell a major difference. One of them will change how many rotations before assist kicks in, but it does not seem to change power dramatically no matter which way. If you want a big power boost you have to go with a Discovery Series with the upgraded Bluetooth Controller. Those have a very noticeable torque increase, because the components are actually beefier.
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Do you happen to know what are the abbreviations are for?

According to the display manual of my Envo Flex Overland:

(Cr) Data cleanup: Press Up / Down button to change no or yes.

(S7) System: Press Up / Down button to switch between Metric / Imperial.

(b1) Brightness: Press Up / Down button to change the brightness of the backlight, 1 is
darkness 5 is brightness.

(OF) Auto off: Press UP/DOWN button to change the auto power off time, from 0~15,
the number represent time (minutes) to shutdown, OFF means disable auto off function,
default value is 5 minutes.

(Hd) Wheel: Press UP/DOWN can change the wheel setting, optional wheel diameter is
16~29 inch.

(bO) Voltage setting: Press Up / Down button to switch between 36V/48V/UbE, UbE
means user-defined voltage setting, this parameter can be set through computer.

(Pd) Password: Press M button can get into the advance setting menu, default
password is ‘1919’.

(SL) Speed limit: Press UP/DOWN will change speed limit, range 10km/h~41km/h.
Default value is 25km/h.

(HL) HALL: Press UP/DOWN will change magnetic pole number, range 1~15. It is
magnetic poles number of speed sensor, default is 1 or 6. Mismatch will cause speed

(AS) Direction of speed sensor: Press UP/DOWN button rotate display symbol 0/1,
0 indicates forward, 1 indicates backward.

(SA) Power Assistance Start Over Set Magnet Qty: Press UP/DOWN button to
modify the when power assistance start after certain qty of magnet.

(Ar) Assist ratio: Press UP/DOWN button to modify the value.

(HP) Throttle set: Press UP/DOWN button shows symbol 0~1 to change the throttle
OFF or ON. 0 – reach speed limit, 1 - speed is restricted by assist level.

(H6)Throttle 6KM set: Press UP/DOWN button shows symbol 0~1 to change the
throttle 6km OFF or ON. It change the throttle’s action, 1 - walking mode (6km/h), 0
- max speed (Associated with ‘HP’).

(Sd) Slow startup parameters: Press UP/DOWN button to modify the value.

(CL) MAX Current Limit set: Press UP/DOWN button to modify the Current value,
Default value is 15A.

(PA) Assist levels: This parameter can customize assist levels, options are
I have the Costco iGo Extreme 3.0 from sept 2022, here are my findings.

Passcode that worked was 1818.

I increased the speed limit to 41, and while the wheel definitely spins faster on its own, in reality it doesn’t provide that much extra speed on electric power only. Now, I’m a rather heavy fella at nearly 300lbs, and the bike’s weight itself is a detriment.

What it does help with is speed while pedaling. I can much easier attain 35-37km/h, before it was nearly impossible with head wind or slight incline. I think the Bafang motor gearing is what prevents it from going much faster, and the obvious weak 500w.

Also what I changed was the CL current limit from 20 to 25A, and it seems to have a little more pep on steeper hills and getting going in tougher terrain or uphill.

This was my first electric bike, and I wish I had done more research. I will for sure next time but I have to get some more out of this one first.
Starting on the new bucket list, almost as soon as you get that brand new bike working correctly, happens WAY more frequently I think than a lot of people realize.

The FIRST hurdle already under you, realizing the fact you really like this e-bike plan and now realize you're going to get a lot of use out of it, starts the clock on the next one..... Only now there is no hurry.
Starting on the new bucket list, almost as soon as you get that brand new bike working correctly, happens WAY more frequently I think than a lot of people realize.

The FIRST hurdle already under you, realizing the fact you really like this e-bike plan and now realize you're going to get a lot of use out of it, starts the clock on the next one..... Only now there is no hurry.
Yeah I usually don’t buy bikes very often, my mountain bike is 20 years old and my hybrid is 10 years old, both in great shape. But I don’t see this one lasting that long.

Next electric won’t be a fat bike that’s for sure. I didn’t realize what sort of inconvenience that is.
Yeah I usually don’t buy bikes very often, my mountain bike is 20 years old and my hybrid is 10 years old, both in great shape. But I don’t see this one lasting that long.

Next electric won’t be a fat bike that’s for sure. I didn’t realize what sort of inconvenience that is.
I learned that one the hard way, but being a lot more bull headed about it, decided to see if I could FIX it! Pretty time consuming sourcing/purchasing the required parts, THEN doing the 26x4 > 27.5x 2.4 conversion myself. Good experience in the end, but lessons learned....
I learned that one the hard way, but being a lot more bull headed about it, decided to see if I could FIX it!
Yeah I did the same thing with my first bike, which was storebought. So I upgraded the controller. And a higher voltage battery. Then pulled the 350w motor and put in a 750. Then it was two 750's with independent batteries and at that point I had a pretty sweet ride. Then thanks to the extra weight and speed, with the same spacing between potholes, I cracked the frame. So then I...
Has anyone successfully changed the 500S to 500C display on their iGO extreme bike? the 500C is cheap on ebay, and has much nicer info display