Just found the pinout document on Juiced's website. I've attached it. Looks like the middle pins aren't actually used. That would make the soldering job easier if you choose to make your own.
Tora, will you be restocking the barrel-to-male-4-pin-XLR adapter any time soon? I really don't want to make one myself, but I haven't been able to find one of these from anywhere else.
Just found the pinout document on Juiced's website. I've attached it. Looks like the middle pins aren't actually used. That would make the soldering job easier if you choose to make your own.
Fran wher did you find this document for the 4 pin? I need to find one for the 3 pin. I am obviously going to have to make a connector for the 3 pin XLR for a secondary charger. Right now I am thinking I will get the Luna Cycle 52V mini charger. It has a dial that allows charging to 80%, 90%, or 100%, and uses a 2.5 A charge rate. It costs a bit more than a simple 52V charger, but with the ability to set it to 80% and forget it, seems worth while. I will have to make an XT60 female to XLR male connector. I just want to make sure I connect positive and negative to the correct sides. Here's a link to the Luna charger, if anyone has any feedback regarding this I'd appreciate it. Thanks. https://lunacycle.com/52v-3amp-luna-mini-charger/