You can run almost any 3phase motor with a sensorless controller, but a sensor typr controller can only run motors with sensors.
I've got a sensorless controller that I use with a Bafang SWXH, a smaller geared motor that does have Hall sensors. The controller don't care. It runs the motor without connecting to the sensors. Works great. Bike always started amd started smooth. If used with some of the bigger direct drive motors, I've heard some guys say to rock the bike slightly when it didn't start from a dead stop.
Umm, what controller is it. I got it from BMSBattery, and it's an S09P. It's not sine wave, but is a square wave. I understand that these work best with geared motors no higher than 5:1. If used with the BMSBattery Q100's, which are 12:1, the motors spin too fast at high speeds (25 mph) for the sensorless circuits to keep up.
PSWpower sells also sensorless controllers. Those are their higher (22A and up) models.