2019 Year End Totals


Well-Known Member
Sunday was the final ride for 2019. Rainy and windy now and for the next week. Went for a ride with three of my roady buds, the fastest of the bunch. We rode tight and traded off the lead, drafting for speed and going a good distance as well, 62 miles.

It is official 7,213 miles this past year. I managed to ride all but 33 days (21 of which were spent recovering from a car door in the left quad). Some days were short errands, others long rides but I got on my bike 332 days this past year and loved everyone of them, well perhaps not February 20 when I got whacked



An off year for me. A really wet spring, caring for my wife who had a total knee replacement in May, then a battle with sepsis for me in June/July. Still managed 2,100 miles. Looking forward to spring when I cross the accumulative total of 10,000 eBike miles.
3,100 miles and 65 days commuting or carpool + commuting for me.
  • 830 miles R&M Charger GX
  • 715 miles on the Tern GSD
  • 555 miles on the Haibike XDuro
  • 450 miles on the Tern Vektron
  • 120 miles on the Trek Allant
  • 430 miles non-electric
September was my best month at 410 miles and I had my best December ever thanks to abnormally warm temps. Fortunately no accidents, injuries or otherwise negative memorable events. No major goals for 2020 other than to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to try to stay friendly and happy on the rides. Just rough goals are to try to improve my fitness level by relying a bit less on the electric assist (ie do more with Eco) and perhaps getting in a few more commutes and miles on the non-electric bike. Oh, and I want to get out to some rail trails for some long weekend rides with the wife. Life kept us too busy for that in 2019.