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    Battery/power issues

    Love your pic daymak, she's cute As far as batteries go of any type, especially lith-ion, leave them on the charger! sometimes drained it will take up to a day for the light to come on The battery is taking a trickle charge at this time until it is ready to take a full charge, then the light...
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    Does anybody actually believe this! gunshots at the end! I have been in places god does not know exists, no bears, no coyotes, safe. And i think i have an understanding, go to places they have had very little human contact, they will fear you. As for this ass, glad you got some exercise.
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    Never too much torque

    Yah throw a 401 into my 73 Gremlin. I'm with you EDC, it took me a year of trial and error to get the gear thing right. mine is a frame mounted motor but i had different gears for the rear. I started with a motor 12 tooth gear and rear 16 tooth gear. Changed to a 22 tooth rear gear, basically...
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    Never too much torque

    Try red locktight
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    Hi Folks

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    Research finds painted bike lanes can lead to closer calls with cars

    No to all! you got your license out of a corn flakes box, it is what it it is. My neighbor has hits on all 4 sides of the car, i passed her while she had her head turned talking to people in the back seat. I watched a girl text while leaving the parking lot here, kids everywhere, just got out of...
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    On a quite E-Bike Ian it's just not one thing, at least in my off-road world, it's all the amazing critters that pass in front of me, but to pick one is stopping to let deer pass, their tails are down, their not afraid of me.
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    So what! i had one of those migit dogs chase me and nip at my heel. OK you rule. hope it didn't deter your bike riding Steve. Things like that tends to throw you off track, always looking over your shoulder. PS i actually worked with a Steve Mercier from Newfoundland Canada.
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    I yelled to the owner repeatedly, no response. Deal with the consequences. going by all the time, next time i'm prepared, bet i don't see it again.
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    Great story! after years around wild geese, ducks and other birds when they bob their heads up and down they are challenging you, bob back, they will back off. If they don't bob just do it, they will back off from the challenge.
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    Got to get some, then let the owners deal with the aftermath!
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    No but i was walking the bike at the time, grabbed a small 2 foot foldable chair i had in a basket and said lets dance, it didn't back down, i closed my eyes and kept walking, he gave up. Don't know if anyone else has run into this but dogs seem to have a thing with bikers, at least around here
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    Reckless ebikers

    Well said!
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    What's the Funniest critter you've Ever been chased by while on a ride ? ?

    A pit bull, kept trying to bite my front tire, actually wasn't that funny
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    Converting a 9 speed to a SS

    not massive torgue, actually the opposite, increase torgue decrease speed. increases grunt, It's actually low torgue and high horsepower that gives the Z06 the rabbit effect.
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    Question for Commuters: Buy an extra charger?

    I agree, lithium has no memory. I charge from almost depleted to full almost on a daily basis, 7 months no issues.
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    Band of brothers

    The band that is on new tubes has a use. Put a small baggie over an open can of beer and put the rubber band from a tube over it, double over the band and an open beer will last for weeks in the fridge. Just sayin'
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    Redundant regulation Arlington VA

    Just put it in the shed, too complicated, is nobody else seeing this. The gov through big oil is shutting you down, just like solar power. they did the same thing! Cannot stress this enough, don't give up, ever!
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    People for Bikes: Progress on Ebike Laws in the US

    Simply try to understand this, oil companies are lobbing to get you off the road! they did it with solar, they will lobby your governor to death to shut you down! they will use the fact states are independent against you, mass confusion. Oil companies want you to give up and put your e-bike in...