Hi Folks


New Member
I have been out of touch for some time.
Last October I was at at VA hospital in West Roxbury waiting for a Pacemaker when my heart flat-lined for at least fifteen seconds.
After two Code Blue, the doctor and nurses did over a hundred chest compressions to remind my heart what it was suppose to be doing. Told after. No bone fracture but lots of chest pain for about six weeks.
Couple weeks there and a little over a week at Care One in Hamp for rehab to learn how to walk and use stairs again is why I have been able to come back.
All the bicycle riding and exercise in the past helped. I have what is called, Heart Block, not Heart Attack. No heart damage.
Started driving my car about three weeks ago and back out on my KHS 200 bike with 750 watt Luna drive.
Started dancing about two months ago. Stepson would transport me.
Turned 78 back in April. Life is great. Got to stay positive folks.

I have been out of touch for some time.
Last October I was at at VA hospital in West Roxbury waiting for a Pacemaker when my heart flat-lined for at least fifteen seconds.
After two Code Blue, the doctor and nurses did over a hundred chest compressions to remind my heart what it was suppose to be doing. Told after. No bone fracture but lots of chest pain for about six weeks.
Couple weeks there and a little over a week at Care One in Hamp for rehab to learn how to walk and use stairs again is why I have been able to come back.
All the bicycle riding and exercise in the past helped. I have what is called, Heart Block, not Heart Attack. No heart damage.
Started driving my car about three weeks ago and back out on my KHS 200 bike with 750 watt Luna drive.
Started dancing about two months ago. Stepson would transport me.
Turned 78 back in April. Life is great. Got to stay positive folks.

Take life by the Horns and Run with it !! ??
I have been out of touch for some time.
Last October I was at at VA hospital in West Roxbury waiting for a Pacemaker when my heart flat-lined for at least fifteen seconds.
After two Code Blue, the doctor and nurses did over a hundred chest compressions to remind my heart what it was suppose to be doing. Told after. No bone fracture but lots of chest pain for about six weeks.
Couple weeks there and a little over a week at Care One in Hamp for rehab to learn how to walk and use stairs again is why I have been able to come back.
All the bicycle riding and exercise in the past helped. I have what is called, Heart Block, not Heart Attack. No heart damage.
Started driving my car about three weeks ago and back out on my KHS 200 bike with 750 watt Luna drive.
Started dancing about two months ago. Stepson would transport me.
Turned 78 back in April. Life is great. Got to stay positive folks.


Way to go!! Congrats on your great recovery. And a big cheer to the docs & nurses that help!!
I have been out of touch for some time.
Last October I was at at VA hospital in West Roxbury waiting for a Pacemaker when my heart flat-lined for at least fifteen seconds.
After two Code Blue, the doctor and nurses did over a hundred chest compressions to remind my heart what it was suppose to be doing. Told after. No bone fracture but lots of chest pain for about six weeks.
Couple weeks there and a little over a week at Care One in Hamp for rehab to learn how to walk and use stairs again is why I have been able to come back.
All the bicycle riding and exercise in the past helped. I have what is called, Heart Block, not Heart Attack. No heart damage.
Started driving my car about three weeks ago and back out on my KHS 200 bike with 750 watt Luna drive.
Started dancing about two months ago. Stepson would transport me.
Turned 78 back in April. Life is great. Got to stay positive folks.


All that riding sure did help you. Consultant told me "If I hadn't the fitness I carried, I wouldn't have survived" Not only that, because of my relative fit state "I would make a speedy and lasting recovery" Which turned out to be the case. Keep it up Rich.