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  1. John2911

    Superdelite pros and cons - Worth it the extra weight?

    Just FYI, there is a cover available that solves the "gaping hole" problem when riding with one battery. I am quite sure that these dummy covers are available for all models with 2-battery integration.
  2. John2911

    Superdelite pros and cons - Worth it the extra weight?

    When I am riding under power on my Superdelite, I don't even notice the weight, except for the solid feeling and shock absorption that I really enjoy. I ride at least half the time with NO POWER just to get the workout, and I am in my late 60s. Whenever I want the power, like up my 17%-20%...
  3. John2911

    Superdelite pros and cons - Worth it the extra weight?

    If you think it's more practical, then it's more practical. All the features are subjective. Get what will make you happiest. ;)
  4. John2911

    Why pay the extra for R&M?

    Those trails are on my bucket list! 👍
  5. John2911

    Please reassure me that it’s worth spending the extra on a Riese and Müller bike!

    @IanE, I think your same comment got posted in 2 threads. If that’s true, you might want to delete this thread.
  6. John2911

    Why pay the extra for R&M?

    @IanE, your post reminds me of advice I got from a audio system salesman many years ago, and maybe this will help you. (I would say decades ago, but that makes me sound too old.) I was trying to decide how much to spend for an audio system. The guy advised me to start by listening to the most...
  7. John2911

    Nevo 3 Luggage rack weight limit

    Did you delete your other post (“why pay the extra for R&M”)? I clicked the link in my notification email, and it went nowhere.
  8. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    This is an update on the SD owner in Luxembourg who tested his Vario riding up a 20% grade before and after the 85 nm software update, one video for each test. These are short 1-minute videos. First test: Second test: SPOILER: Surprisingly, he found no noticeable difference in his ability to...
  9. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    It’s nice here in many ways. But unfortunately bike-friendliness is not one of them, though I think they are trying to do better. We have only a few cycle paths, with most destinations requiring bikes right next to high speed car traffic. But there are a few gorgeous less-traveled routes if I...
  10. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    I’m in Northern California’s “wine country.” 🍷
  11. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    I have the speed motor, not the CX. The motor has the 85nm software update, but I have no other Bosch experience to draw a comparison. It’s fantastic, that’s all I can say. I’m sure you’ll be very pleased. I am finding more to learn and get used to than I expected.
  12. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    Well, NOW that I actually have my SD (for the past 3 days!), I can say that the combination of the weight of this beast and the delayed characteristics of the Rohloff take some conscious getting used to. I live at the top of a 20% grade hill for half a mile. Maybe that's nothing for some...
  13. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    Yes, I would surely feel the same about taking the HS model where it isn't invited. But that brings me to an issue that burns me. With a car, I am not banned from a road just because my car CAN go 120 mph. I am told not to drive faster than 35 mph on that road, and that's as fast as I will go...
  14. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    It's hard to know what options to get when we really don't know how we will settle in and end up using such a fantastic machine. I pretty much ordered every option including GX, and I am a bit concerned that I could end up with too much road use on knobby tires. But the worst would be that I...
  15. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    @PNWRich, I ordered in early May, and I have yet to get my bike, which should be this Thursday if all goes well. So, 11 weeks or so? That matches what they told me to expect. And those are interesting points by @David Berry about the transmission tradeoffs. Likewise, I really prefer many...
  16. John2911

    Riese and Müller front bag

    They look great as trunk bags and maybe even as a front bag if they aren’t tall enough to block the headlight.
  17. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    @marcparnes, where can I find out about that built-in program for self-tuning? I’m really interested. Do you have a link? Thanks.
  18. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    Thanks! Yes, I think there are shifting idiosyncrasies with the Rohloff to get used to. I’m hoping the instincts become automatic with practice. Maybe someone here who actually has a Rohloff would chime in about their experience.
  19. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    FYI, besides the gearspread and very low gear available for hill climbing, the other attractive feature of the Rohloff was the gear efficiency, which I assume means the relative friction compared to other transmissions. This chart shows the Rohloff having the most efficient gears overall, and...
  20. John2911

    Vario vs Rohloff on Superdelite with GX option on steep fire roads/trails

    @geoff1, I’m also dealing with The New Wheel in Marin. Nice people. I’ll be picking up my SD GX Rohloff HS this Thursday! It’s been a long wait! The motor software update IS out, and I was told that mine has been updated already. I will confirm the KIOX update and headlight switchability...