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  1. John ware

    Newbie Question on Car Transport - How? Dedicated E-Bike Car Racks?

    I ended up with a Thule Easy Fold, but through a round about way. I bought it from the Holland BikeShop, which even with shipping was a better deal than I could get in the US. It does look like the price jumped at least $125 from when I bought mine last year. I've carried two Stromer ST2 and a...
  2. John ware

    Post pics of your Stromer here

    Not just for commuting anymore
  3. John ware

    A shout out to ebike accommodating merchants

    I've been asking politely and many places will say yes to allowing an non intrusive indoor parking for my ST2. The folks at the Pour Taproom in Santa Cruz get my business from now on! And not just for their great beer selection and unique self serve model.
  4. John ware


    The last time I rode RAGBRAI was 33 years ago so I'm looking forward to seeing what's the same and what has changed since summer of 1983 when my wife and I did it on our tandem. I'm with Brancel Charters but I'm also training to do the week self supported on my ST2 + trailer. A good friend of...
  5. John ware

    Odd ride ST2

    Phanes, the folks from Stromer have stressed the importance of an uninterrupted charge cycle. They strongly suggest you charge the bike in the OFF state. Not sure what your procedure for charging is but that might be the first test to conduct.
  6. John ware


    Thanks Gus. I've been a little apprehensive about the ebike shaming I may be in for on RAGBRAI. I have a young friend who is very much into everything cycling and works for bike parts distributor and lives in the Midwest, when I mentioned my concern to him he said "tough, they'll have to bet...
  7. John ware

    Mirror for Stromer ST-1

    I used this mirror on my ST2 and I have Ergon grips. I actually bought it through the the holland bike shop. Shipping was as much as the mirror itself but I absolutely love the mirror. It folds in when not in use and is rock solid when folded out, no adjusting every 5 minutes or jiggling rear...
  8. John ware

    New ST2 owners

    I absolutely agree with the BodyFloat addition, it makes a world of difference.
  9. John ware


    FrankenStromer I'm preparing to do the week long 450 mile ride across Iowa, RAGBRAI, this July on my ST2 . Obviously power management will be a major focus but I've also been concerned about riding comfort. I think I have one end of the equation worked out with my BodyFloat and a Terry saddle...
  10. John ware

    Questions about torgue and speed ST2

    To answer your specific question, you can adjust your torque sensor. The lower the number on the setting means the torque sensor is less sensitive and will be more forgiving of your less consistent cadence. If that doesn't help you may want to check your service menu and reset the torque sensor.
  11. John ware

    ST2 Maintenance, modifications, accessories, gadgets

    Can you tell us more about this mod? I'm interested in removing my indicators as well. Is it fairly easy? Where did you get the plugs? Did you print them yourself? I'm working on a handlebar mod and the indicators are a real eyesore so I really your solution. Can you enlighten us? thanks in...
  12. John ware

    Strange charging issues with ST 2

    Wow ChicagoEBiker it really does sound like it's time to engage a knowledgeable dealer and Stromer to help resolve your issues. While I may encounter an occasional glitch, I have to say my experience has been at the opposite end of the spectrum from yours. My St2 is so dialed in that I...
  13. John ware

    Strange charging issues with ST 2

    I recall it happening once but it hasn't done it again. The time it happened the battery had been drained to approx 35%, I put it on the charger and everything acted normal. In the morning the charger was indicating it had completed the charge cycle but the bike only showed 85%. I shut...
  14. John ware

    Strange charging issues with ST 2

    Neil, I have a 2015 St2 and have observed the same issue on occasion. Its why I absolutely always have my battery key with me. I've had my bike about 10 months but didn't notice this happening until several months ago after the firmware/app upgrade.
  15. John ware

    Kickstand losing its spring

    I had a similar issue with the kickstand. I removed it, did a thorough cleaning of it and did as Ravi mentioned and applied some waterproof grease. If I remember correctly there is curved surface that slides over a convex surface and that is the part that got the lube.
  16. John ware

    Stromer ST2 Firmware Update

    My only suggestion would be the default fix which you've probably already tried - power down, remove the battery and reinstall. When you power it up again perhaps it will show the update arrow that @JFane noted earlier in this string and you can complete the second half of the update. Good...
  17. John ware

    ST 2 Bike Trailer??

    @Sina - having grown up in northern IL and lived in MN for 30 years I can relate. When you do get snow and some winter riding in on the ST2(s) it would be great if you could share your experiences. I noticed the new app even has a preset setting for Level 2 and snow.
  18. John ware

    Stromer ST2 Firmware Update

    Opimax, it was a two step process to update the bike. If I recall correctly at the end of step 1 the firmware version still read 1.5 until I shut the bike down and restarted when I got the second invite to upgrade dialog box. Did you actually get a dialog box that said the update failed? I...
  19. John ware

    ST 2 Bike Trailer??

    Wow, what a couple of sweet looking rigs. The studded tires are the icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing.