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  1. soyabean


    Noria Kapsul air conditioner.... 5 years and counting. That one is PROOF just how gullable folks are. US$799 for an air conditioner. There's a reason why they are under $100 from Walmart. An air conditioner serves one basic function. They don't need to be an iPhone12. But...
  2. soyabean


    There are legit businesses like WattWagons that take US$12000 from folks with no delivery since 14 months and counting. And THAT'S acceptable :)
  3. soyabean

    Multiple chargers on one power point.

    What's your point? I make a ton of money and can buy the things I want instead of wasting my time to hack fire hazardous chargers. Don't assume othes want to do what you do. Just as folks buy Teslas instead of DIY their own e-car, they buy ebikes too instead of DIY. I'm fine on both making and...
  4. soyabean

    Is my locking plan good enough?

    Based on my experience, every case is its own, and to each individual doing the enforcement. A hired store security guard can ask you to leave, some do, some don't. Going to big box stores during the day before it fills up with people finishing their day jobs is usually fine. Franchised...
  5. soyabean

    I hate to say it, but almost everyone may be a "cheater" these days...

    I have a feeling you are sensitive and care very much about what people say and think about you.
  6. soyabean

    Anybody else a bit reluctant to ride their eBike in the rain?

    All my bikes since I started cycling have fenders. Even in dry cycling, they stop a lot of dust/soot/debris/fresh asphalt from going everywhere. Ebikes amplify that all even more due to increased speeds and mileage.
  7. soyabean

    Anybody else a bit reluctant to ride their eBike in the rain?

    The best. I was wating to see if anyone else did this :)
  8. soyabean

    Anybody else a bit reluctant to ride their eBike in the rain?

    Don't worry about. I can take care of all my bikes fine.
  9. soyabean

    Anybody else a bit reluctant to ride their eBike in the rain?

    I love things Japan. If the wind is stong enough, flies like Mary Poppins :)
  10. soyabean

    Multiple chargers on one power point.

    Oh sure, because that's just so EASY, everyone CAN and SHOULD do it. We should tell all the LBS's to close up shop as they are obselete, and everyone just DIY their own ebike ground up with mail order ali parts :D I'm so silly... having 3 Grin Satiators. Was a pain in the butt to move them...
  11. soyabean

    Anybody else a bit reluctant to ride their eBike in the rain?

    Treat them the same as with any pedal bike. When you are done with the bike, towel it down and pat it dry. Yes the chain too. No, you will not remove the lubrication from it. It's lingering water that causes problems. Having a bike exposed to water for 2 hours as you ride it in rain is fine...
  12. soyabean

    Ncm Prague Problem

    If you make a habit of removing the battery all the time, a lot of dirt/debris/oil can get smushed into the male/female contacts. The contacts on the battery were so dirty, I had to open the battery, so I could safely clean it with solvents/soap/water.
  13. soyabean

    Best mirror for R1U 500

    You definitely want to remove the cap to fasten a mirror there. Don't pay attention to those cheap strap on mirrors that velcro to your grips.
  14. soyabean

    Where's Pushkar?

    True, since I wasn't smart enough to throw away $12000 and still get nothing after 14 months. Stupid me, I failed to see how that this was such a great deal, I should tell all my friends to do same :D
  15. soyabean

    Where's Pushkar?

    That's not the point. I can guarantee that no LBS will never not deliver something after 14 months of taking a buyer's payment in full. Nor hold a $12K "deposit". Both OP's have the right to elevate a chargeback on funds, and my opinion is that they should do it asap. When I buy from amazon...
  16. soyabean

    Where's Pushkar?

    Understand that the paying consumer doesn't care about excuses, this is the fundamental crux of capitalism. People bring their money to those that deliver. Again, all this avoided with an LBS. Oh yes, I support LBS's all the way, nothing wrong with that. Lesson to the other readers: Don't put...
  17. soyabean

    Where's Pushkar?

    To everyone else who isn't in the situation of these poor buyers, your LBS is your best friend :)
  18. soyabean

    Rear rack

    Because there so many available choices to choose from in the middle of this post-pandemic season? Perhaps those not in a rush, and patient to get one before 2023 :D
  19. soyabean


    Sure, if you like to donate your money away and never expect anything back. Since you asked, this is my answer: