What equipment for a Tero 5?

Will E

New Member
There's been a little discussion in another thread here. Chucker11 bought a Topeak 29er rear rack for his, but I share his reservations about the height of the rack and am wondering about alternatives. Specialized sells a kit with a better fitting rack, but it includes fenders and lights that I'm not interested in and costs $300.

Also, is there a kickstand someone could recommend? Anything else?

Plug: I got mine through 10 Cycles in Matthew, North Carolina. Good people!
Thanks, that does look like an option. I'd guess that since it straps on I could adjust to minimize the wheel clearance. Currently OOS at 'zon.
Without digging through the other thread, what is the concern? Too much clearance or too little?

I have the Topeak Explorer MTX Disc rack on my non-electric hybrid with 700x38c tires and have been happy with it. The MTX series has the added benefit of the MTX plate serving as a partial rear fender.
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On page four of the thread you'll see chucker11's T5 with a Topeak that is pretty far above the tire, quite a bit higher than what Specialized sells. With a bag on it that's something to contend with getting off, even if you dismount while rolling with one foot on a pedal. (Is there a term for that way of dismounting?) I'm 5'10", the lower limit for a large bike. In every other respect the size seems fine, but I'd like to give my leg as much clearance as possible.
Thanks, that's a lot of empty space. From the photo it looks like that's the Explorer 29er (disc) which would be taller than the Explorer (disc) or the (adjustable) Uni Explorer (disc) models. See https://www.topeak.com/us/en/products/91-Racks for the various options.

If you can get me the measurement from the rack mounting hole near the axle to the top of the tire, I'll check against my Explorer (disc). I have nothing like that amount of empty space on my 700x38c hybrid and my seat sits higher. It'll be a couple days though until I return to where my hybrid is right now.

If you're near an REI it might be worth ordering/buying one of the racks from them so you can truly hold it up against your bike and see how it seems to fit.

(I don't do the rolling dismount stuff these days; I'll just stop, tilt the bike, and swing my leg over.)

Edit - also you might consider a rear rack seat post collar rather than the pictured spot on the seat stays if there's a way to raise the bottom of the dropper post enough or mount to the actual seat tube.
I finally had to give up a rear trunk bag on the rear rack. While my foot could clear the saddle, it could get hung up on the trunk bag. I now use a pannier which does not interfere. I'm on a Creo but rear interference is interference.
Thanks for the attention to the rear rack question.

What about a kickstand? The frustrated LBS has had them "on order for months." Here's Specialized's version, looks pretty generic. There are lots o' choices, I'd just like some vetting.
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Right, that's the one I linked.
Thanks for offering to check, Your mentioning the Trek version led me to check the kickstand on my wife's Allant+ 7. Those bolt holes are arranged horizontally, about 1" apart. No corresponding holes on the T5. In fact, I don't see holes, vertically arranged, that would be compatible with the Specialized kickstand. There aren't any free holes, other than for the rack. It looks like it would have to be integrated with the screws holding the rear brake in place, or else using a bracket around the part of the frame the brake is on. Looks like they dropped the ball on this part of creating a commuter/mtb crossover.
Will E -- Hmm, the reference/link wasn't showing when I typed my reply. Though I hadn't refreshed the screen for a while before typing that so perhaps you'd edited it in the interim.

I think that Specialized stand uses a pair of horizontal holes, similar to Trek. See this Vado thread with a couple useful photos.

If there's no integrated mount on the Tero that's a significant miss on the design IMHO. I get that many folks don't want/need a kickstand, but to not even put the integrated mount into the frame is rather disappointing.
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Yes, the Vado has kickstand mounting holes. I did not realize the Tero doesn't when I posted the link. Sorry.
The kickstand attachment, two horizontal NON-threaded holes, for the Creo is on the non-powered chain stay. I have already accidentally dislodged one of those small rubber plugs. They are just stuck in there, pressure fit.

Specialized Rubber Plugs.jpg

Creo Rubber Plugs.jpg
@Khan - it's fine if the holes aren't threaded - the screw heads would be larger than the hole and the threads would be in the top of the kickstand.

Edit - though with that info the Trek unit likely wouldn't fit, as I think it assumes threaded holes in the frame

@John in CA sorry, I was referring to Will's post. I was unclear
It is unusual to mount a kickstand on an MTB. (Which does not mean it is impossible).

While true, the Tero is apparently marketed as more of a hybrid combining both a degree of MTB capability with commuter/urban capability if you watch the video on Specialized's Tero page. Also notice that Specialized lists it under the Active category with Vado and Creo, as well as Mountain category. (at least on the US site)

All that said, this discussion appears to be moot given that Specialized shows a Tero with kickstand (and fender/rack/panniers)....

Screenshot (cropped) from the product page video linked above.

Thus it seems the challenge is merely to find the compatible kickstand, as the mount appears to be there. If it's same as on the Vado, it would be the "Specialized kickstand, 40mm mount", which I'm not finding on the web and my guess would be a dealer order able part.

I'm unclear though why @Will E finds no mounting holes on his T5 while Specialized shows they should be there.

Edit - Unless they're showing Vado on the Tero product page?

Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 2.33.34 PM.png
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