Zen visit


Active Member
Hi All, I was taking a cruise ship vacation and it was passing thru port of Halifax. I emailed Ravi and asked if I could see his shop. He was super accommodating and very willing to show his products, he even picked me up and took me to his shop on what turned out to be a Canadian holiday. We were the only people present. He eagerly showed me his inventory and explained much, he let me test ride a photon, very nice ride. Showed me all of his different bike parts, compared different motors in hand. He gave me a video presentation of his leading edge battery technology and where he expects it to be thru to 2025.
All of this and he knew I already had a Yamaha and was just looking. He was a complete gentleman. Hopefully if they pass a rebate bill in my locality I can put it towards a Zen.
Thank you Ravi for the visit.