Zen Samurai Diamond initial review

There is no comparison between that particular build of yours and these

You don’t have fenders or built in lights, igh or belt drive

Two totally different things

I know you build some nice bikes and clean setups but to me function is way more important than trying to hide all the wires and not have lights, fenders , gps, garmin Varia etc

I have way more stuff on my bikes than that one
Am not concerned with trying to look like a bicycle
I don’t think it was meant the way we’re reading it. But your point is well taken. Just different views and styles. Stealthy bikes are cool, and Zen builds are great too. There’s a growing market for minimalist and stealth. They don’t work for me but I sure do love hidden wires on conversions.
We have another review from our Zen Samurai riders in California, and this was an authentic review because we never paid for any of these. We just tried to provide an excellent value product, and we are thankful to have awesome customers.

That’s a great review from a guy clearly putting miles on his ebikes. Nice video and appreciate all the points he made. Definitely on my short list for my next commuter bike.