Wow. Trek Just Ups Their E-Bike Game With 5 New Models.

And it is nice to see an e-bike manufacturer offering multiple sizes for it's models. Be interesting to see Court's reviews!

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Whaaaa?? I was just looking at Trek even. Just bought. Doh! Hmm.. Can you attach the link to this snap shot? Can't seem to find that page you are referencing. Awesome though!
Yes even a Bosch powered 28mph speed pedalec. Small batteries :-(

Perfectly sized (not 'paranoid-ally' overly big) batteries! :)
Plenty of bike riders looking for a little bit of assistance for normal 10-20 mile rides.
FINALLY a choice. Not every item has to be the biggest or fastest.
Perfectly sized (not 'paranoid-ally' overly big) batteries! :)
Plenty of bike riders looking for a little bit of assistance for normal 10-20 mile rides.
FINALLY a choice. Not every item has to be the biggest or fastest.
Bosch has plenty of middle of the pack about a big and fast?
Bosch has plenty of middle of the pack about a big and fast?

Bosch, the Stuttgart, Germany company may be focusing on the European market where the e-bike market is massively larger than the American market. In Europe the middling battery on the Trek bikes would be adequate as motors generally can not exceed 250 watts and therefore don't need a monster battery like is available from Stromer or Pedego.

One must also wonder given where the e-bike business is the biggest, if Trek itself is more focused on it's domestic or international markets. The latter finds Trek in over 90 countries. The new e-bikes from Trek went live on their UK website before the Trek U.S. website.
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Bosch, the Stuttgart, Germany company may be focusing on the European market where the e-bike market is massively larger than the American market. In Europe the middling battery on the Trek bikes would be adequate as motors generally can not exceed 250 watts and therefore don't need a monster battery like is available from Stromer or Pedego.

One must also wonder given where the e-bike business is the biggest, if Trek itself is more focused on it's domestic or international markets. The latter finds Trek in over 90 countries. The new e-bikes from Trek went live on their UK website before the Trek U.S. website.

OR the much more experienced Euro riders have wised up that very few people need the battery size that the avg american needs to feel secure with their range anxiety.
Maybe I am one of the few but I usually deplete 2 batteries in my ST2 on my rides. My range anxiety is nothing can go wrong after the 1st one is empty or I won't make it the 2nd 40miles back home. I don't travel at the Euro speed limit ;). My bike and I plus gear are also around 300 lbs.

The European infrastructure supports bikers much better, it is a denser population that doesn't travel as far either .
I ride a Pedego Ridge Rider and on torque sensored power assist level 2 (of 6 total), I get 45 to 52 miles on a 14 ah battery generally maintaining a speed of 19 mph without too much work. That really is all I have ever needed; however, if Pedego made another optional battery in the 20 ah range like Stromer, I'd buy it and enjoy having 70 plus miles of range.