Why do people use ebikes? Infographic!


Well-Known Member
I found this cool infographic from the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC) on why people use electric bikes (also attached below as an image in case it is taken down or the link changes).


So why do you ride an ebike?
My number one reason for bicycling is exercise for my heart. The reason I e-bike is to make pedaling up hills easy enough so I want to go out bicycling and the bike doesn't just sit in the basement.
My number one reason for bicycling is exercise for my heart. The reason I e-bike is to make pedaling up hills easy enough so I want to go out bicycling and the bike doesn't just sit in the basement.

EBiking is better than no biking, and better than riding a bike around the block.
I love biking and I love technology, put those 2 together and you get an ebike. Consistent high speed and the power to climb hills fast and without much effort is just an added bonus :)
That's an awesome find @JoePah! Thanks for sharing. I've transcribed a bit of the info graphic below because I think it's worth reading. For me the ability to go further and climb without having knee pain are the two biggest benefits of riding an electric bike. I also love how it boosts adrenaline and makes riding more enjoyable even when it's just a basic commute through a space you're very familiar with.

U.S. cities face transportation challenges related to traffic congestion, injury and loss of life from road crashes, local air quality, climate change, obesity and physical inactivity, economic burdens, and international supplies of oil. Shifting people out of cars to other modes of transportation, such as bicycling, can help address these challenges. By overcoming barriers to cycling such as distance, age and disability, e-bikes can help more people cycle and help people cycle more.
I need the exercise and when I commute on my e-bike I get it... and lose the excuse that I don't have time to work out. Plus I'm a nerd and love playing with cool tech.
I am a teacher and I have transferred to a new campus which happens to be three miles from my home! I am in South Texas where it is still a hundred degrees on the first day of school. For the sake of practical transportation and exercise, I plan to throttle it to school and pedal it home on my own. I speak in the future tense about this because I haven't even purchased my first bike yet! If you have seen me around here asking too many questions, it is because I am taking my first bike very seriously! My research has taken me from The Currie Trailz Commuter to the Hampton Big Cat to the E-Joe Epik SE... or at least I think I am. E-Joe is fresh out! Working on it though!
That's a great plan @Vandon - it was mine and it really works. This morning we have unusually warm and humid weather and the only reason I'm dithering about riding to work is there's a chance of a thunderstorm. If I don't think I'll actually get rained on, I'll just use a lot of pedal assist / throttle. I have an E3 Dash since I'm mostly riding mostly level trails.