Who's naked bike riding?

Wow, sure hope they're doing some screening.

I see they're getting around public nudity laws by billing the event as a protest — in this case, for better cycling safety.

Pretty scary if you ask me. Living in a beach town, at least 75% of the thong- and Speedo-clad beachgoers I see are committing blatant acts of disregard for public safety. You just can't unsee that stuff.

Of course, I'd be in the 75%. But I care too much about my fellow man to do such a thing.

For similar reasons, I don't wear lycra.
Portland has one every year. but they have moved it from the middle of the day to when it starts. to get dark and. they don't publish the route till the last minute. I remember having to wait to cross the street with all these jacket people on bikes going by in the middle of the day.
Can you use hand sanitizer on a bike seat?
You can, but it makes the seat slippery. This guy tried it and slid off. Now he's trying to catch up with his bike!

We have an annual naked bike ride in Madison WI that I have been able to elude each year and for evermore.
Only the true believers ever know the date.