Who is in the "End of September" ship time?

We ordered one MXS and one Step. Which one did you order? What are our chances of seeing them then?
Hey NightRider,
I would tell you this, they are behind on scheduled deliveries,i ordered the Fold XS for July delivery and still waiting. I believe all the bike companies are behind because nobody has bikes in stock. stocks. You can check Bolton E bikes and see if they have in stock but it's a big chance if they have. I ordered my bike May 30th
Hi Rob,

Yeah, I have no doubt the wait will be long. I started the thread so we can talk and feel sorry for ourselves haha!
Well, don't feel too down now, I just got an email from them saying it will ship today, and as I'm sending you this message I just got the tracking email. So keep your head up a lil bit, maybe they're catching up on the orders
So the good news is.....my Wife's Step has a tracking number, the bad news is.....my MXS does not lol! Looks like I'll be riding my wife's bike - don't tell her!
I’m sure your wife has put 2 and 2 together. All that’s left is for her to find a good hiding place for the battery! Bike Safe!
I ordered the XS in torch on 3 days ago for end of September delivery. Fingers crossed, but I wont hold my breath. No big deal to wait for me just as long as i get an update now and then.
So my wife's bike arrived last Thursday, I put it together and we took it camping with us this past weekend. It was a blast! I did get an update on my MXS, it is supposed to ship next week. It seems that Sonders is catching up or orders are declining a bit and they are able to keep up.