Who here has used dog spray?

I want to read about that rollicking bicycle marksmanship here first.
I used to carry & throw rocks at chasing dogs. I've hit a few. It scares off some others. But it is too hard to keep the rocks available for instant use. Digging around in my pocket for a rock takes too long, especially in the summer with no jacket pockets. The pepper spray dangling from a vegetable tie on the handlebar is more instantly available.
I got a cattle prod awhile back. Don't know why, just wanted it. Got it at a farm supply place Was $150 and runs on a bunch of D cell batteries. I took it into work one day because my boss had never seen one. After messing around with it and everyone is hiding now the boss gets an "idea". He pulls the cattle prod apart to see how it works. He then knocks the defibfillator off the wall, "Opps, need a new heart jump starter now!" and proceeds to disassemble the jump box. Next thing I know I have a cattle prod that does HORRIBLE things if you get hit with it. It's now only good for 3 hits max before draining the batteries. Now we are working on fitting a RC car battery in the handle for longer battery life and a stronger zap! Let me tell you, this thing knocked me completely out! Worse than any stun gun my sister has ever hit me with, WAY WORSE! Nasty dangerous now. This is what I get for working with an electrical engineer. I can't find a short prod end (might make one) and carry it on the ebike, but I'm terrified of accidentally zapping myself!
I would be interested in a thread entitled " Who has been bitten and by what kind of dog and what kind of attack was it and what kind of damage did it do?" When I was younger I could use my road bike as a shield if I could see the mutt coming. Now there is no way I can lift and rotate my Ebike which is loaded with extra stuff, including a small Sabre brand dog spray in the open outside pocket of my top bar bag. I have not used it yet and I hope I never do, but I log 12,000 km a year so it is probably just a matter of time. I can still vividly recall the 3 weeks of pain from the Rottweiler that dined on my thigh.
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I would be interested in a thread entited " Who has been bitten and by what kind of dog and what kind of attack was it and what kind of damage did it do?" When I was younger I could use my road bike as a shield if I could see the mutt coming. Now there is no way I can lift and rotate my Ebike which is loaded with extra stuff, including a small Sabre brand dog spray in the open outside pocket of my top bar bag. I have not used it yet and I hope I never do, but I log 12,000 km a year so it is probably just a matter of time. I can still vividly recall the 3 weeks of pain from the Rottweiler that dined on my thigh.
Doberman was pretty big dog and the attack back in the ‘70s was painful for a week or two, as I recall. The DOB latched on very tightly though and pulled me down to the point where I was going around in circles hopping on my left leg. Fortunately, I was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and a thick hooded sweatshirt so my left bicep wasn’t too badly punctured.
I’ve never let a dog get that close to me since. Whacked a few across the snoot with my Zefal HP though.
I would be interested in a thread entitled " Who has been bitten and by what kind of dog and what kind of attack was it and what kind of damage did it do?" When I was younger I could use my road bike as a shield if I could see the mutt coming. Now there is no way I can lift and rotate my Ebike which is loaded with extra stuff, including a small Sabre brand dog spray in the open outside pocket of my top bar bag. I have not used it yet and I hope I never do, but I log 12,000 km a year so it is probably just a matter of time. I can still vividly recall the 3 weeks of pain from the Rottweiler that dined on my thigh.
Interesting idea about using the bike as a shield-- one of my bikes is 40 pounds, the other 49, so I actually might be able to do this... at least for another year or two... if I am fast enough and the dog is slow enough.
Interesting idea about using the bike as a shield-- one of my bikes is 40 pounds, the other 49, so I actually might be able to do this... at least for another year or two... if I am fast enough and the dog is slow enough.
That’s great if you see them coming and can react quickly enough.
Interesting idea about using the bike as a shield-- one of my bikes is 40 pounds, the other 49, so I actually might be able to do this... at least for another year or two... if I am fast enough and the dog is slow enough.
Might work as long as it isn't a step thru frame.
Was riding past the offending yard again yesterday, and the danged Doberman came all Yosemite Sam at me again. I yelled at her in a deep "Bad Dog!" voice, and her owner was yelling at her, too. I dismounted and placed my bike between me and the dog, because this crap has to stop. The dog did obey the owner. I shouted (because of distance and wind) that she needed to control her dog. I said," You can't let your dog menace people in the road!" She shouted back annoyedly (annoyed at the dog, in actuality, not me), "Her name is Gracey - - just yell 'Go home, Gracey!' at her." I said, "It's not my job!!" She said, "Sorry."

Hopefully they both will do better.

Since that house is just at the start of a steep incline, I had to go back to get a running start for the hill again. The neighbor nextdoor to Gracey's house made motions of commiseration and annoyance with the neighbor's dog.
The owners in my county are convinced the dog in the road is protecting their property. The dog owns the road as an agent of the property owner. As a bicycle rider, I am a tresspasser, lucky not to be shot on sight. I regularly get beer bottles & drink cups thrown at me. After all, bicycles are seen pushed by perpetrators at "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations. I've had owners run out in the yard to protect their precious 70 lb dog from the vicious bicycle.
Last August I used sabre brand pepper spray on one of three dogs that surrounded me at a 4 way stop sign. 80 yards from my driveway at my summer camp. I stop at traffic signs in view of drivers or other people. When the dogs wouldn't back off, I scored one in the eye. Sabre has pink dye in it to aim with. I couldn't get the leader, a vicious little terrier. Just the big stupid hound. Sabre is sold at Meijers discount store, one aisle over from the guns & ammo.
Sped away from two persuing dogs today; hooray electricity!
Had two " Werewolves" start to give chase( German Police) put on max assist and sped away, still think they could have caught me, would 20 ft Hornet spray work on dogs, I do not want to use "starting fluid" because that would probably kill the dogs.
The funny thing is a Dog has territory and some of these same dogs would probably play fetch with you outside their territory( not all of them mind you) The owners are the real culprit here.
One rider I know carries an Expandable Baton .
"Steel Cobra" would probably work as well( on some dogs anyway, as nice as "Pitbulls" can be some of these Dogs when trained will not give up, the owners need counseling)
Just keep your feet up when passing.
I used to use vinegar water in a squirt bottle to train cats not to get on the counter. I think vinegar will have less chance of seriously damaging a dog's eyes. You want them to back off, not be blinded for life.
True, on the other hand, a one-eyed dog would be better for the owner than a crushed dog.
One eye no balls, called “Lucky”?
Seen a picture of Him! You forgot the tail ,
Brave Nyegun, Brave Nyegun!
Had no balls, Had no balls at all!( The Hanoi Hilton Quartet)
Animals can cause problems for cyclists,I dread the thought of slamming into a whitetail at 30+ mph.
OK, so now I need some recommendations for actual bear spray. For actual bears. Not for when ebiking though. We're going to go camping in the Sequoia National Forest or thereabouts, and I thought, bear spray ought to be on our equipment list. Saw a bunch of versions at Sportsman's Warehouse. Don't have a clue which to get. Your experiences?
Better make sure you aim right! I doubt that any bear that charges and gets close enough for you to spray is going to be affected enough by bear spray to leave you alone. Good luck.